path: root/scudcloud-1.0/lib/notify2.py
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 342 deletions
diff --git a/scudcloud-1.0/lib/notify2.py b/scudcloud-1.0/lib/notify2.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b40269..0000000
--- a/scudcloud-1.0/lib/notify2.py
+++ /dev/null
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-"""This is a pure-python replacement for notify-python, using python-dbus
-to communicate with the notifications server directly. It's compatible with
-Python 2 and 3, and its callbacks can work with Gtk 3 or Qt 4 applications.
-To use it, first call ``notify2.init('app name')``, then create and show notifications::
- n = notify2.Notification("Summary",
- "Some body text",
- "notification-message-im" # Icon name
- )
- n.show()
-To see more of what's possible, refer to docstrings of methods and objects.
-Based on the notifications spec at:
-Porting applications from pynotify
-There are a few differences from pynotify you should be aware of:
-- If you need callbacks from notifications, notify2 must know about your event
- loop. The simplest way is to pass 'glib' or 'qt' as the ``mainloop`` parameter
- to ``init``.
-- The methods ``attach_to_widget`` and ``attach_to_status_icon`` are not
- implemented. You can calculate the location you want the notification to
- appear and call ``Notification``.
-- ``set_property`` and ``get_property`` are not implemented. The summary, body
- and icon are accessible as attributes of a ``Notification`` instance.
-- Various methods that pynotify Notification instances got from gobject do not
- exist, or only implement part of the functionality.
-Several pynotify functions, especially getters and setters, are only supported
-for compatibility. You are encouraged to use more direct, Pythonic alternatives.
-import dbus
-# Constants
-# Initialise the module (following pynotify's API) -----------------------------
-initted = False
-appname = ""
-_have_mainloop = False
-class UninittedError(RuntimeError):
- pass
-class UninittedDbusObj(object):
- def __getattr__(self, name):
- raise UninittedError("You must call notify2.init() before using the "
- "notification features.")
-dbus_iface = UninittedDbusObj()
-def init(app_name, mainloop=None):
- """Initialise the Dbus connection.
- To get callbacks from notifications, DBus must be integrated with a mainloop.
- There are three ways to achieve this:
- - Set a default mainloop (dbus.set_default_main_loop) before calling init()
- - Pass the mainloop parameter as a string 'glib' or 'qt' to integrate with
- those mainloops. (N.B. passing 'qt' currently makes that the default dbus
- mainloop, because that's the only way it seems to work.)
- - Pass the mainloop parameter a DBus compatible mainloop instance, such as
- dbus.mainloop.glib.DBusGMainLoop().
- If you only want to display notifications, without receiving information
- back from them, you can safely omit mainloop.
- """
- global appname, initted, dbus_iface, _have_mainloop
- if mainloop == 'glib':
- from dbus.mainloop.glib import DBusGMainLoop
- mainloop = DBusGMainLoop()
- elif mainloop == 'qt':
- from dbus.mainloop.qt import DBusQtMainLoop
- # For some reason, this only works if we make it the default mainloop
- # for dbus. That might make life tricky for anyone trying to juggle two
- # event loops, but I can't see any way round it.
- mainloop = DBusQtMainLoop(set_as_default=True)
- bus = dbus.SessionBus(mainloop=mainloop)
- dbus_obj = bus.get_object('org.freedesktop.Notifications',
- '/org/freedesktop/Notifications')
- dbus_iface = dbus.Interface(dbus_obj,
- dbus_interface='org.freedesktop.Notifications')
- appname = app_name
- initted = True
- if mainloop or dbus.get_default_main_loop():
- _have_mainloop = True
- dbus_iface.connect_to_signal('ActionInvoked', _action_callback)
- dbus_iface.connect_to_signal('NotificationClosed', _closed_callback)
- return True
-def is_initted():
- """Has init() been called? Only exists for compatibility with pynotify.
- """
- return initted
-def get_app_name():
- """Return appname. Only exists for compatibility with pynotify.
- """
- return appname
-def uninit():
- """Undo what init() does."""
- global initted, dbus_iface, _have_mainloop
- initted = False
- _have_mainloop = False
- dbus_iface = UninittedDbusObj()
-# Retrieve basic server information --------------------------------------------
-def get_server_caps():
- """Get a list of server capabilities.
- """
- return [str(x) for x in dbus_iface.GetCapabilities()]
-def get_server_info():
- """Get basic information about the server.
- """
- res = dbus_iface.GetServerInformation()
- return {'name': str(res[0]),
- 'vendor': str(res[1]),
- 'version': str(res[2]),
- 'spec-version': str(res[3]),
- }
-# Action callbacks -------------------------------------------------------------
-notifications_registry = {}
-def _action_callback(nid, action):
- nid, action = int(nid), str(action)
- n = notifications_registry[nid]
- n._action_callback(action)
-def _closed_callback(nid, reason):
- nid, reason = int(nid), int(reason)
- n = notifications_registry[nid]
- n._closed_callback(n)
- del notifications_registry[nid]
-def no_op(*args):
- """No-op function for callbacks.
- """
- pass
-# Controlling notifications ----------------------------------------------------
-class Notification(object):
- id = 0
- timeout = -1 # -1 = server default settings
- _closed_callback = no_op
- def __init__(self, summary, message='', icon=''):
- self.summary = summary
- self.message = message
- self.icon = icon
- self.hints = {}
- self.actions = {}
- self.data = {} # Any data the user wants to attach
- def show(self):
- """Ask the server to show the notification.
- """
- nid = dbus_iface.Notify(appname, # app_name (spec names)
- self.id, # replaces_id
- self.icon, # app_icon
- self.summary, # summary
- self.message, # body
- self._make_actions_array(), # actions
- self.hints, # hints
- self.timeout, # expire_timeout
- )
- self.id = int(nid)
- if _have_mainloop:
- notifications_registry[self.id] = self
- return True
- def update(self, summary, message="", icon=None):
- """Replace the summary and body of the notification, and optionally its
- icon. You should call show() again after this to display the updated
- notification.
- """
- self.summary = summary
- self.message = message
- if icon is not None:
- self.icon = icon
- def close(self):
- """Ask the server to close this notification.
- """
- if self.id != 0:
- dbus_iface.CloseNotification(self.id)
- def set_hint(self, key, value):
- """n.set_hint(key, value) <--> n.hints[key] = value
- Only exists for compatibility with pynotify.
- """
- self.hints[key] = value
- set_hint_string = set_hint_int32 = set_hint_double = set_hint
- def set_hint_byte(self, key, value):
- """Set a hint with a dbus byte value. The input value can be an
- integer or a bytes string of length 1.
- """
- self.hints[key] = dbus.Byte(value)
- def set_urgency(self, level):
- """Set the urgency level to one of URGENCY_LOW, URGENCY_NORMAL or
- """
- if level not in urgency_levels:
- raise ValueError("Unknown urgency level specified", level)
- self.set_hint_byte("urgency", level)
- def set_category(self, category):
- """Set the 'category' hint for this notification.
- """
- self.hints['category'] = category
- def set_timeout(self, timeout):
- """Set the display duration in milliseconds, or one of the special
- Only exists for compatibility with pynotify; you can simply set::
- n.timeout = 5000
- """
- if not isinstance(timeout, int):
- raise TypeError("timeout value was not int", timeout)
- self.timeout = timeout
- def get_timeout(self):
- """Return the timeout value for this notification.
- Only exists for compatibility with pynotify; you can inspect the
- timeout attribute directly.
- """
- return self.timeout
- def add_action(self, action, label, callback, user_data=None):
- """Add an action to the notification (if the server supports it).
- action : str
- A brief key.
- label : str
- The text displayed on the action button
- callback : callable
- A function taking at 2-3 parameters: the Notification object, the
- action key and (if specified) the user_data.
- user_data :
- An extra argument to pass to the callback.
- """
- self.actions[action] = (label, callback, user_data)
- def _make_actions_array(self):
- """Make the actions array to send over DBus.
- """
- arr = []
- for action, (label, callback, user_data) in self.actions.items():
- arr.append(action)
- arr.append(label)
- return arr
- def _action_callback(self, action):
- """Called when the user selects an action on the notification, to
- dispatch it to the relevant user-specified callback.
- """
- try:
- label, callback, user_data = self.actions[action]
- except KeyError:
- return
- if user_data is None:
- callback(self, action)
- else:
- callback(self, action, user_data)
- def connect(self, event, callback):
- """Set the callback for the notification closing; the only valid value
- for event is 'closed'. The API is compatible with pynotify.
- """
- if event != 'closed':
- raise ValueError("'closed' is the only valid value for event", event)
- self._closed_callback = callback
- def set_data(self, key, value):
- """n.set_data(key, value) <--> n.data[key] = value
- Only exists for compatibility with pynotify.
- """
- self.data[key] = value
- def get_data(self, key):
- """n.get_data(key) <--> n.data[key]
- Only exists for compatibility with pynotify.
- """
- return self.data[key]
- def set_icon_from_pixbuf(self, icon):
- """Set a custom icon from a GdkPixbuf.
- """
- struct = (
- icon.get_width(),
- icon.get_height(),
- icon.get_rowstride(),
- icon.get_has_alpha(),
- icon.get_bits_per_sample(),
- icon.get_n_channels(),
- dbus.ByteArray(icon.get_pixels())
- )
- self.hints['icon_data'] = struct
- def set_location(self, x, y):
- """Set the notification location as (x, y), if the server supports it.
- """
- if (not isinstance(x, int)) or (not isinstance(y, int)):
- raise TypeError("x and y must both be ints", (x,y))
- self.hints['x'] = x
- self.hints['y'] = y