path: root/gcc-4.9/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/regex_compiler.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'gcc-4.9/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/regex_compiler.h')
1 files changed, 452 insertions, 0 deletions
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+// class template regex -*- C++ -*-
+// Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+// This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library. This library is free
+// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+// terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+// Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+// any later version.
+// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// Under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted additional
+// permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, version
+// 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and
+// a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;
+// see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see
+// <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ * @file bits/regex_compiler.h
+ * This is an internal header file, included by other library headers.
+ * Do not attempt to use it directly. @headername{regex}
+ */
+namespace std _GLIBCXX_VISIBILITY(default)
+namespace __detail
+ /**
+ * @addtogroup regex-detail
+ * @{
+ */
+ template<typename, bool, bool>
+ struct _BracketMatcher;
+ /**
+ * @brief Builds an NFA from an input iterator interval.
+ *
+ * The %_TraitsT type should fulfill requirements [28.3].
+ */
+ template<typename _TraitsT>
+ class _Compiler
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef typename _TraitsT::char_type _CharT;
+ typedef const _CharT* _IterT;
+ typedef _NFA<_TraitsT> _RegexT;
+ typedef regex_constants::syntax_option_type _FlagT;
+ _Compiler(_IterT __b, _IterT __e,
+ const _TraitsT& __traits, _FlagT __flags);
+ std::shared_ptr<_RegexT>
+ _M_get_nfa()
+ { return make_shared<_RegexT>(std::move(_M_nfa)); }
+ private:
+ typedef _Scanner<_CharT> _ScannerT;
+ typedef typename _TraitsT::string_type _StringT;
+ typedef typename _ScannerT::_TokenT _TokenT;
+ typedef _StateSeq<_TraitsT> _StateSeqT;
+ typedef std::stack<_StateSeqT> _StackT;
+ typedef std::ctype<_CharT> _CtypeT;
+ // accepts a specific token or returns false.
+ bool
+ _M_match_token(_TokenT __token);
+ void
+ _M_disjunction();
+ void
+ _M_alternative();
+ bool
+ _M_term();
+ bool
+ _M_assertion();
+ bool
+ _M_quantifier();
+ bool
+ _M_atom();
+ bool
+ _M_bracket_expression();
+ template<bool __icase, bool __collate>
+ void
+ _M_insert_any_matcher_ecma();
+ template<bool __icase, bool __collate>
+ void
+ _M_insert_any_matcher_posix();
+ template<bool __icase, bool __collate>
+ void
+ _M_insert_char_matcher();
+ template<bool __icase, bool __collate>
+ void
+ _M_insert_character_class_matcher();
+ template<bool __icase, bool __collate>
+ void
+ _M_insert_bracket_matcher(bool __neg);
+ template<bool __icase, bool __collate>
+ void
+ _M_expression_term(_BracketMatcher<_TraitsT, __icase, __collate>&
+ __matcher);
+ int
+ _M_cur_int_value(int __radix);
+ bool
+ _M_try_char();
+ _StateSeqT
+ _M_pop()
+ {
+ auto ret = _M_stack.top();
+ _M_stack.pop();
+ return ret;
+ }
+ _FlagT _M_flags;
+ const _TraitsT& _M_traits;
+ const _CtypeT& _M_ctype;
+ _ScannerT _M_scanner;
+ _RegexT _M_nfa;
+ _StringT _M_value;
+ _StackT _M_stack;
+ };
+ template<typename _TraitsT>
+ inline std::shared_ptr<_NFA<_TraitsT>>
+ __compile_nfa(const typename _TraitsT::char_type* __first,
+ const typename _TraitsT::char_type* __last,
+ const _TraitsT& __traits,
+ regex_constants::syntax_option_type __flags)
+ {
+ using _Cmplr = _Compiler<_TraitsT>;
+ return _Cmplr(__first, __last, __traits, __flags)._M_get_nfa();
+ }
+ // [28.13.14]
+ template<typename _TraitsT, bool __icase, bool __collate>
+ class _RegexTranslator
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef typename _TraitsT::char_type _CharT;
+ typedef typename _TraitsT::string_type _StringT;
+ typedef typename std::conditional<__collate,
+ _StringT,
+ _CharT>::type _StrTransT;
+ explicit
+ _RegexTranslator(const _TraitsT& __traits)
+ : _M_traits(__traits)
+ { }
+ _CharT
+ _M_translate(_CharT __ch) const
+ {
+ if (__icase)
+ return _M_traits.translate_nocase(__ch);
+ else if (__collate)
+ return _M_traits.translate(__ch);
+ else
+ return __ch;
+ }
+ _StrTransT
+ _M_transform(_CharT __ch) const
+ {
+ return _M_transform_impl(__ch, typename integral_constant<bool,
+ __collate>::type());
+ }
+ private:
+ _StrTransT
+ _M_transform_impl(_CharT __ch, false_type) const
+ { return __ch; }
+ _StrTransT
+ _M_transform_impl(_CharT __ch, true_type) const
+ {
+ _StrTransT __str = _StrTransT(1, _M_translate(__ch));
+ return _M_traits.transform(__str.begin(), __str.end());
+ }
+ const _TraitsT& _M_traits;
+ };
+ template<typename _TraitsT>
+ class _RegexTranslator<_TraitsT, false, false>
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef typename _TraitsT::char_type _CharT;
+ typedef _CharT _StrTransT;
+ explicit
+ _RegexTranslator(const _TraitsT& __traits)
+ { }
+ _CharT
+ _M_translate(_CharT __ch) const
+ { return __ch; }
+ _StrTransT
+ _M_transform(_CharT __ch) const
+ { return __ch; }
+ };
+ template<typename _TraitsT, bool __is_ecma, bool __icase, bool __collate>
+ struct _AnyMatcher;
+ template<typename _TraitsT, bool __icase, bool __collate>
+ struct _AnyMatcher<_TraitsT, false, __icase, __collate>
+ {
+ typedef _RegexTranslator<_TraitsT, __icase, __collate> _TransT;
+ typedef typename _TransT::_CharT _CharT;
+ explicit
+ _AnyMatcher(const _TraitsT& __traits)
+ : _M_translator(__traits)
+ { }
+ bool
+ operator()(_CharT __ch) const
+ {
+ static auto __nul = _M_translator._M_translate('\0');
+ return _M_translator._M_translate(__ch) != __nul;
+ }
+ _TransT _M_translator;
+ };
+ template<typename _TraitsT, bool __icase, bool __collate>
+ struct _AnyMatcher<_TraitsT, true, __icase, __collate>
+ {
+ typedef _RegexTranslator<_TraitsT, __icase, __collate> _TransT;
+ typedef typename _TransT::_CharT _CharT;
+ explicit
+ _AnyMatcher(const _TraitsT& __traits)
+ : _M_translator(__traits)
+ { }
+ bool
+ operator()(_CharT __ch) const
+ { return _M_apply(__ch, typename is_same<_CharT, char>::type()); }
+ bool
+ _M_apply(_CharT __ch, true_type) const
+ {
+ auto __c = _M_translator._M_translate(__ch);
+ auto __n = _M_translator._M_translate('\n');
+ auto __r = _M_translator._M_translate('\r');
+ return __c != __n && __c != __r;
+ }
+ bool
+ _M_apply(_CharT __ch, false_type) const
+ {
+ auto __c = _M_translator._M_translate(__ch);
+ auto __n = _M_translator._M_translate('\n');
+ auto __r = _M_translator._M_translate('\r');
+ auto __u2028 = _M_translator._M_translate(u'\u2028');
+ auto __u2029 = _M_translator._M_translate(u'\u2029');
+ return __c != __n && __c != __r && __c != __u2028 && __c != __u2029;
+ }
+ _TransT _M_translator;
+ };
+ template<typename _TraitsT, bool __icase, bool __collate>
+ struct _CharMatcher
+ {
+ typedef _RegexTranslator<_TraitsT, __icase, __collate> _TransT;
+ typedef typename _TransT::_CharT _CharT;
+ _CharMatcher(_CharT __ch, const _TraitsT& __traits)
+ : _M_translator(__traits), _M_ch(_M_translator._M_translate(__ch))
+ { }
+ bool
+ operator()(_CharT __ch) const
+ { return _M_ch == _M_translator._M_translate(__ch); }
+ _TransT _M_translator;
+ _CharT _M_ch;
+ };
+ /// Matches a character range (bracket expression)
+ template<typename _TraitsT, bool __icase, bool __collate>
+ struct _BracketMatcher
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef _RegexTranslator<_TraitsT, __icase, __collate> _TransT;
+ typedef typename _TransT::_CharT _CharT;
+ typedef typename _TransT::_StrTransT _StrTransT;
+ typedef typename _TraitsT::string_type _StringT;
+ typedef typename _TraitsT::char_class_type _CharClassT;
+ public:
+ _BracketMatcher(bool __is_non_matching,
+ const _TraitsT& __traits)
+ : _M_class_set(0), _M_translator(__traits), _M_traits(__traits),
+ _M_is_non_matching(__is_non_matching)
+ , _M_is_ready(false)
+ { }
+ bool
+ operator()(_CharT __ch) const
+ {
+ return _M_apply(__ch, _IsChar());
+ }
+ void
+ _M_add_char(_CharT __c)
+ {
+ _M_char_set.push_back(_M_translator._M_translate(__c));
+ _M_is_ready = false;
+ }
+ void
+ _M_add_collating_element(const _StringT& __s)
+ {
+ auto __st = _M_traits.lookup_collatename(__s.data(),
+ __s.data() + __s.size());
+ if (__st.empty())
+ __throw_regex_error(regex_constants::error_collate);
+ _M_char_set.push_back(_M_translator._M_translate(__st[0]));
+ _M_is_ready = false;
+ }
+ void
+ _M_add_equivalence_class(const _StringT& __s)
+ {
+ auto __st = _M_traits.lookup_collatename(__s.data(),
+ __s.data() + __s.size());
+ if (__st.empty())
+ __throw_regex_error(regex_constants::error_collate);
+ __st = _M_traits.transform_primary(__st.data(),
+ __st.data() + __st.size());
+ _M_equiv_set.push_back(__st);
+ _M_is_ready = false;
+ }
+ void
+ _M_add_character_class(const _StringT& __s)
+ {
+ auto __mask = _M_traits.lookup_classname(__s.data(),
+ __s.data() + __s.size(),
+ __icase);
+ if (__mask == 0)
+ __throw_regex_error(regex_constants::error_ctype);
+ _M_class_set |= __mask;
+ _M_is_ready = false;
+ }
+ void
+ _M_make_range(_CharT __l, _CharT __r)
+ {
+ _M_range_set.push_back(make_pair(_M_translator._M_transform(__l),
+ _M_translator._M_transform(__r)));
+ _M_is_ready = false;
+ }
+ void
+ _M_ready()
+ {
+ _M_make_cache(_IsChar());
+ _M_is_ready = true;
+ }
+ private:
+ typedef typename is_same<_CharT, char>::type _IsChar;
+ struct _Dummy { };
+ typedef typename conditional<_IsChar::value,
+ std::bitset<1 << (8 * sizeof(_CharT))>,
+ _Dummy>::type _CacheT;
+ typedef typename make_unsigned<_CharT>::type _UnsignedCharT;
+ private:
+ bool
+ _M_apply(_CharT __ch, false_type) const;
+ bool
+ _M_apply(_CharT __ch, true_type) const
+ { return _M_cache[static_cast<_UnsignedCharT>(__ch)]; }
+ void
+ _M_make_cache(true_type)
+ {
+ for (int __i = 0; __i < _M_cache.size(); __i++)
+ _M_cache[static_cast<_UnsignedCharT>(__i)] =
+ _M_apply(__i, false_type());
+ }
+ void
+ _M_make_cache(false_type)
+ { }
+ private:
+ _CacheT _M_cache;
+ std::vector<_CharT> _M_char_set;
+ std::vector<_StringT> _M_equiv_set;
+ std::vector<pair<_StrTransT, _StrTransT>> _M_range_set;
+ _CharClassT _M_class_set;
+ _TransT _M_translator;
+ const _TraitsT& _M_traits;
+ bool _M_is_non_matching;
+ bool _M_is_ready;
+ };
+ //@} regex-detail
+} // namespace __detail
+} // namespace std
+#include <bits/regex_compiler.tcc>