path: root/assets
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'assets')
4 files changed, 9866 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/assets/checksums.txt b/assets/checksums.txt
index e4ac099..13063f7 100644
--- a/assets/checksums.txt
+++ b/assets/checksums.txt
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ bcf5b80a544d42c0ddc05bea142911bd assets/thirdparties/www.hufilter.hu/hufilter.tx
1da7664601ca18f3806ca0af3d9cf123 assets/thirdparties/someonewhocares.org/hosts/hosts
6a81c9870feba977186aa272c4fda61d assets/thirdparties/raw.githubusercontent.com/tomasko126/easylistczechandslovak/master/filters.txt
9ff3d32dee480ddb132e9659b5683eb6 assets/thirdparties/raw.githubusercontent.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/master/anti-adblock-killer-filters.txt
+d0efc28f5a17d6c270b9808ae58d5adf assets/thirdparties/raw.githubusercontent.com/k2jp/abp-japanese-filters/master/abp_jp.txt
54f7032c0e7ef73feb32d3c5437b8694 assets/thirdparties/raw.githubusercontent.com/wiltteri/wiltteri.txt/master/wiltteri.txt
0102ded26ea496c96aa78406fdce1784 assets/thirdparties/raw.githubusercontent.com/AdBlockPlusIsrael/EasyListHebrew/master/EasyListHebrew.txt
635779fb2454573444fdc8e1e116adb2 assets/thirdparties/raw.githubusercontent.com/adblockpolska/Adblock_PL_List/master/adblock_polska.txt
diff --git a/assets/thirdparties/raw.githubusercontent.com/k2jp/abp-japanese-filters/master/abp_jp.txt b/assets/thirdparties/raw.githubusercontent.com/k2jp/abp-japanese-filters/master/abp_jp.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b2596e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/thirdparties/raw.githubusercontent.com/k2jp/abp-japanese-filters/master/abp_jp.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,9859 @@
+[Adblock Plus 2.3.1]
+! Checksum: jeG1cZA2K5XrquZd+n+DWg
+! Homepage: https://code.google.com/p/adblock-plus-japanese-filter/
+! Title: ABP Japanese filters (ONLY for Japanese: see Support Policy)
+! Expires: 6 hours
+! Version: 201411161950
+! Last modified: 2014-11-16 19:50 JST(UTC+0900)
+! Change log: https://code.google.com/p/adblock-plus-japanese-filter/wiki/FilterChangeLog
+! Code license: GNU GPL v3: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
+! Content license: Creative Commons 3.0 BY-SA: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/
+! Support policy: https://code.google.com/p/adblock-plus-japanese-filter/wiki/Support_Policy
+! Project owners: k2japan
+! Project committers: looter, lostincarnation, tanahata
+! Project contributors:
+! ########## Temporary white list START ##########
+! Workaround to avoid a "ReferenceError: YMAP is not defined" false positive with the script ended with meaningless "?_t=pPc" like http://map.yahoo.co.jp/js/scroll.js?_t=pPc, using ^ppc^ Pay-Per-Click filter, reported via Issue Report, Jul 15, 2014
+! video-cdn.ea.com distributes mp4 videos with "&affiliateid="...
+! Added to avoid a never-ending "loading..." gif
+! False positives with theme css by adaptivethemes.com, Jun 11, 2012
+! False positives with Ameblo skin named "colors_ad" or "ad_viva-cutieblog", reported via Issue Report, Jan 12, 2012, Dec 29, 2011, Apr 11, 2014
+! autoblog(AOL) sucks! It requires some trackings to render correctly, reported twice by Issue Report
+! imdb.com sucks! To avoid false positives you have to load some AD scripts.
+! Workaround to fix layout collapse 2011-10-17
+! Workaround to fix false positive with a mis-named background image which cause white title and menu background, reported by edogawakuryu via [https://code.google.com/p/adblock-plus-japanese-filter/issues/detail?id=23 Issue 23], Feb 3, 2012
+! Many false positive with stylesheets and JavaScripts, reported via Issue Report, Jan 6, 2012
+! False positive at gamers-review.net . common.css isn't loaded if javascript is enabled, and adbg.js and gyoen.minpos.com/delivery/ajs.php?zoneid=77 are blocked. 2012-01-05
+! False positives with XHRs including ,ads, in the parameter at Google Map, with ^ads^ filter, Sep 28, 2014
+! False positives with Google Custom Search(.co.jp), reported via Issue Report, Mar 10, 2012
+! False positives with Google Custom Search(.com), reported via Issue Report, Feb 7, 2012
+! False positives when you test a new filter via Gmail config, reported by pooh via blog, Jun 16, 2012
+! Another false positives when you try advanced search as a multi-user accout, reported by @mushroom080 via issue report, Mar 3, 2014
+! Another false positives causing 「システムで問題が発生しました」 after a while, reported by trineutron and sh, via blog, Oct 25, 2014
+! A filter -ads^ causes a false positive with a [http://translate.google.com/translate/static/kcpbtI_-aDs/css/desktop_ltr.css css stylesheet] at translate.google.com and translate.google.co.jp, reported by @dullneko, July 18, 2012
+! ^urchin. filter causes false positives with the Japanese Amazon external audio player at web-cache.chocomaru.com, reporeted by 鳥 via blog, May 12, 2013
+! Workaround to avoid an UNABLE TO LOAD PLUGIN error with .analytics- filter, Jan 26, 2014
+! A ^beacon^ filter causes false positives with css sprite images below, Oct 3rd, 2012
+! http://g-ec2.images-amazon.com/images/G/09/gno/beacon/BeaconSprite-JP-02._V393500380_.png
+! http://g-ecx.images-amazon.com/images/G/01/gno/beacon/BeaconSprite-US-01._V394051227_.png
+! A -beacon^ filter causes false positives with combined script and stylesheet below, Oct 3rd, 2012
+! http://z-ecx.images-amazon.com/images/G/01/browser-scripts/site-wide-js-1.2.6-beacon/site-wide-11878695216._V1_.js
+! http://z-ecx.images-amazon.com/images/G/01/browser-scripts/jp-site-wide-css-beacon/site-wide-7797898918._V1_.css
+! http://z-ecx.images-amazon.com/images/G/01/browser-scripts/us-site-wide-css-beacon/site-wide-7681525081._V1_.css
+! A ^beacon^ filter causes false positives with css sprite images below when used via https, Nov 14, 2012
+! https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/G/09/gno/beacon/BeaconSprite-JP-02._V393500380_.png
+! -beacon^ and -beacon- filters cause false positives with combined script and stylesheet below when used via https, Nov 14, 2012
+! https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/G/01/browser-scripts/navbarCSSJP-beacon/navbarCSSJP-beacon-630467669._V401873068_.css
+! https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/G/01/browser-scripts/navbarJS-beacon/navbarJS-beacon-4140286522._V401873127_.js
+! Workaround for adblock detector, which includes "adblock = false;" only.
+! False positives with online office application view at skydrive.live.com, Apr 24, 2012
+! Example of a false positive: &ad=ja-JP&
+! False positives at own3d.tv reported via Issue Report, Nov 21, 2011
+! Flase positive at twitch.tv reported and resolved via Issue Report, Dec 11, 2011
+! Another false positive found at justin.tv ,reported and resolved via Issue Report, Dec 16, 2011
+! False positive at xbox-news.com . common.css isn't loaded if javascript is enabled, and adbg.js and gyoen.minpos.com/delivery/ajs.php?zoneid=79 are blocked. 2011-09-23
+! False positive with data used for dynamic photo slides, reported via Issue Report, Feb 28, 2012
+! False positive at ndrive2.naver.jp . Login stops displaying "Loading N Drive" forever, Jan 23, 2012
+! Commented out the following obsolete filter, reported by [https://twitter.com/mushroom080/status/292261877227085826 @mushroom080], Jan 18, 2013
+! @@||ndrive.naver.jp/js/lcslog.$script
+! Japanese biggest computer vendor uses cliant-side script to display RSS titles. It seems that they don't trust server-side performance of their own servers.
+! False positives with Java SE 7u4 downloading 2012-04-27
+! False positive at psmk2.net . common.css isn't loaded if javascript is enabled, and adbg.js and gyoen.minpos.com/delivery/ajs.php?zoneid=76 are blocked. 2011-08-29
+! False positives with combined script and stylesheet 2011-10-17
+! False positive at store.steampowered.com . Layout collapse with /promo/* filter 2011-11-27
+! Why does teacup.com use adimg.teacup.com for normal JavaScript ? (?_?)...
+! False positive with objects on the TERMS OF SERVICE(TOS) page, reported via Issue Report, Apr 11, 2012
+! False positives at own3d.tv reported via Issue Report, Nov 21, 2011
+! False positive at xbox-news.com . common.css isn't loaded if javascript is enabled, and adbg.js and gyoen.minpos.com/delivery/ajs.php?zoneid=79 are blocked. 2011-09-23
+! Logo of Wikipedia uses URL including /ad/ ... reported via Issue Report, Jan 3, 2012
+! False positive with non-AD images, reported via Issue Report, Mar 19, 2012
+! False positives registering for watch list, reported by koyama via blog, Mar 24, 2013
+! Some elements in the main column like unread mails are missing at Yahoo Mail BETA if http://ai.yimg.jp/bdv/yahoo/darla/2-2-4_3/js/darla-dynamic-beacons-min.js or https://s.yimg.jp/bdv/yahoo/darla/2-2-4_5/js/darla-dynamic-beacons-min.js beacon generator is blocked.
+! Can NOT open other folders(no response...loading...white screen...) at Yahoo Mail if http://ai.yimg.jp/bdv/yahoo/javascript/csc/20060824/lib2obf_b7.js or https://s.yimg.jp/bdv/yahoo/javascript/csc/20060824/lib2obf_b7.js beacon generator is blocked.
+! Gyao Movie player does NOT start automatically if http://ai.yimg.jp/bdv/yahoo/javascript/gyao/clover.js is blocked.
+! charger440.jp uses images from URLs including /promotion/* even though it's not promoting images. 2011-12-01
+! ---------- Temporary white list END ----------
+! ########## Default white list START ##########
+! False positives with the WordPress lazyloading plugin, reported by Opera10years via hatena blog comment of k2jp, May 31, 2012
+! Loosen a promotion image blocking criterion on a shopping site because it looked too ugly... Dec 15, 2011
+! False positives with a combined stylesheet used with the ^ads^ filter, and a combined JavaScript used with -ads^ filter, reported via Issue Report, Oct 3, 2014
+! False postives at aguse.jp with |http:*.ad-$popup filter, Mar 20, 2014
+! False positive at bitly.com reported via Issue Report 2011-11-22
+! False positives with Adelie Penguin abbreviated to Ad, reported via Issue Report Dec 26, 2011
+! There were False positives at www.youtube.com/oracle , which no longer exist 2011-10-11
+! Another false positive with conviva filters found at ustream.tv, which brought the past commented out whitelists back into life, reported via Issue Report 2011-12-09
+! A new rare false positive with conviva filters found at ustream.tv 2011-12-10
+! False positives with combined scripts including "&ad=" 2012-04-06
+! False positives with random path including /ad/, reported via Issue Report, May 3, 2014
+! Exception for its own site logo, May 31, 2013
+! False positives with product zooming, reported by @tanahata via Issue Report
+! False positives with combined scripts at soccernet.espn.go.com, Jan 21, 2012
+! Flase positive because EverNote calls group discount "sponsor"... reported via Issue Report, investigated by @dullneko, Jan 13, 2012
+! https://twitter.com/#!/dullneko/status/157735498884976640
+! False positive at support.fc2.com, reported via Issue Report, Feb 18, 2012
+! False positives with Google Reader when users search for "ads", reported by @SYuno308, July 18, 2012
+! False positives with combined XML requests including ",ads," or ",log," at new Google Map, Feb 28, 2014
+! False positive at config pages, reported via Issue Report, Feb 6, 2012
+! False positives when browsing a source tree at code.google.com, Oct 13, 2014
+! False positives with a google plus image used for css sprite, reported by @zirweed, May 19, 2012
+! False positives with combined scripts including ,adsense, in the parameters at Google Map embeded pages, with ^adsense^ filter, reported via blog, Sep 30, 2014
+! False positives with combined stylesheets at guardian.co.uk, reported via Issue Report, Feb 6, 2012
+! Adjusted to limit really combined files and the new domain, Oct 25, 2014
+! False positives with combined scripts conflicting with _ads. filter and with further combined stylesheets, Aug 27, 2014
+! False positive with a combined scripts, reported via Issue Report, Dec 31, 2011
+! Added whitelist to avoid false positives with combined scripts and stylesheets including Omniture and WebTrends as parameters, Aug 26th, 2012
+! SCRIPT SAMPLE: http://i2.msdn.microsoft.com/ja-jp/magazine/mtps-bn1651.js?l=ja-jp&i=magazine&ct=AlternateSelector;CCEditor;CCSection;CCTagEditor;ContentFallback;EyebrowSimple;FeedViewerBasic;InstrumentedLink;InteractiveToolbar;MtpsRating;MtViewDropDown;Omniture;RedVelvetInstrumentedLink;StoCodeHighlighter;StoFooter;StoLocaleManagementFlyout;StoMastheadMSDN;StoMtpsLoginStatus;StoProfileLink;StoSearch;StoTabStrip;SurveyLauncher;TemplatedFlyout;TransWikiPopupEditor;WebMetrix;WebTrends
+! STYLESHEET SAMPLE: http://i3.msdn.microsoft.com/ja-jp/magazine/mtps-bn1651.css?l=ja-jp&i=magazine&ct=AlternateSelector;CCEditor;CCSection;CCTagEditor;ContentFallback;EyebrowSimple;FeedViewerBasic;InstrumentedLink;InteractiveToolbar;MtpsRating;MtViewDropDown;Omniture;RedVelvetInstrumentedLink;StoCodeHighlighter;StoFooter;StoLocaleManagementFlyout;StoMastheadMSDN;StoMtpsLoginStatus;StoProfileLink;StoSearch;StoTabStrip;SurveyLauncher;TemplatedFlyout;TransWikiPopupEditor;WebMetrix;WebTrends&clustimg=1
+! False positives with combined stylesheets conflicting with ^teaser^, reported by sasami via blog, Mar 26, 2013
+! False positives with combined scripts including Omniture and WebTrends as parameters, Dec 21, 2012
+! Sample: http://i2.msdn.microsoft.com/Combined.js?resources=0:webtrendsscript,1:omni_rsid_MSDN;/Areas/Global/Content/Webtrends/resources:0,/Areas/Global/Content/Omniture/resources/MSDN:1&hashKey=16進数32桁
+! False positives with images usded at the top page of www.mozilla.org, Jun 26, 2013
+! False positve at Collusion demo page
+! False positive with auto-generated XHRs, reported via Issue Report, Feb 15, 2012
+! False positive with almost all images with a ^promotion^ filter at the top page of muji.net, reported by h.gotolee as Issue 27 at code.google.com, May 12, 2013
+! False positive with icons of NICO2-DAIHYAKKA at live.nicovideo.jp reported via Issue Report, Jan 12, 2012, Jan 11, 2012 and Dec 29, 2011
+! False positives with |http:*.ad^ filter when combined scripts and stylesheets include .Ad, in their url, Feb 1, 2014
+! A false positive with dynamic header script, using the |http:*^ad_ filter, reported by MASA, Jun 10, 2013
+! False positive with domain names to investigate, like adv-first.ru, June 17, 2014
+! False positive with combined stylesheet with the ^ads. filter, reported via Issue Report, Sep 16, 2014
+! False positive with combined JavaScript with the -ads.$domain=~retweet-ads.net filter, reported via Issue Report, Sep 16, 2014
+! False positives with product images starting at AD- using |https:*^ad- filter, reported via issue report, Feb 2, 2014
+! False positive with management page, reported via Issue Report, Jan 27, 2012
+! False positives with images used with ^analytics- filter, at analytics.twitter.com, Aug 28, 2014
+! False positives with XHR used with ^analytics. filter, at analytics.twitter.com, Aug 29, 2014
+! False positives with |http:*^ad- filter, Mar 20, 2014
+! False positives with analytics result pages, Oct 18th, 2012
+! False positive with the path including /ad/ if used with |https:*^ad^ filter, reported via Issue Report, Sep 20, 2014
+! False positives with the _ads^$popup filter, reported via Issue Report, Oct 05, 2014
+! False positive with questionnaires, reported via Issue Report, Mar 20, 2012
+! False positives with combined scripts
+! False positives with HIGHLIGHT.JS scripts, reported by @dullneko via blog comment, Aug 29, 2012
+! False positives with jQuery, reported by 誤ブロック via blog comment, May 26, 2013
+! False positives with combined stylesheets or scripts at Yahoo!
+! Merged and limited the domain, Oct 25 and 26, 2014
+! Layout collapse and some missing images because of the URL including /ad_partner/, Jan 18, 2012
+! False positives at analytics pages inside YouTube, reported via Issue Report, Feb 27, 2012
+! ---------- Default white list END ----------
+! ########## Option only START ##########
+! ---------- Option only END ----------
+! ########## URL Fragments START ##########
+! |http:*&ad-
+! |https:*&ad-
+! |http:*&ad.
+! |https:*&ad.
+! |http:*&ad^
+! |https:*&ad^
+! |http:*&ad_
+! |https:*&ad_
+! &ad_id=CRN_
+! &ad_size=
+! &ad_type=
+! &ad_url=
+! Commented out a duplicated filter with ^adtype^, Jan 20, 2014
+! &adtype=
+! Commented out a duplicated filter with ^adv^, Oct 9, 2013
+! &adv=
+! Commented out a duplicated filter with ^advertiser^, Jan 1, 2014
+! &advertiser=
+! &view=ad&
+! Merged with ^yad^, Aug 14, 2014
+! &yad=
+! Commented out to avoid false positives with http://www.google-analytics.com/ga.js on third-party domains, Mar 28, 2014
+! -analytics.$domain=~google-analytics.com
+! Added an option to exclude a false positive domain, reported by G.O.G via blog, Jan 8, 2014
+! Commented out to avoid false positives on static: 2011-09-07
+! -stat-
+! -stat.
+! -stat^
+! -stat_
+! Commented out to avoid false positives with domain name ad.jp, Dec 29, 2011
+! |http:*.ad.
+! |https:*.ad.
+! Preparing to move to whitelist 2011-12-07
+! .adsense-$domain=~google.com
+! Domain-restricting option has moved to the whitelist 2011-12-07
+! Simplified to ?zoneid=
+! .php?zoneid=
+! Commented out to avoid false positives on static: 2011-09-07
+! .stat-
+! .stat.
+! .stat^
+! .stat_
+! false positive at lifehacker.com 2011-09-30
+! /?op=ajax_userstate&
+! /aan/*/ad/*
+! /ad-image/*
+! /ad-images/*
+! /ad-navi/ga/*
+! /ad.act?
+! /ad.asp?
+! /ad.asp^
+! /ad.aspx?
+! /ad.aspx^
+! /ad.js
+! /ad.php?id=
+! /ad.swf^
+! /ad/*&slot=
+! /ad/200_
+! /ad/afc_
+! /ad/banner-
+! /ad/banner.
+! /ad/banner^
+! /ad/banner_
+! /ad/click.
+! /ad/control-
+! /ad/control.
+! /ad/control^
+! /ad/control_
+! /ad/iframe-
+! /ad/iframe.
+! /ad/iframe^
+! /ad/iframe_
+! /ad/iframes-
+! /ad/iframes.
+! /ad/iframes^
+! /ad/iframes_
+! /ad/image-
+! /ad/image.
+! /ad/image^
+! /ad/image_
+! /ad/images-
+! /ad/images.
+! /ad/images^
+! /ad/images_
+! /ad/index-
+! /ad/index.
+! /ad/index^
+! /ad/index_
+! /ad/load_ad-
+! /ad/load_ad.
+! /ad/load_ad^
+! /ad/load_ad_
+! /ad/pr_img-
+! /ad/pr_img.
+! /ad/pr_img^
+! /ad/pr_img_
+! /ad/preview-
+! /ad/preview.
+! /ad/preview^
+! /ad/preview_
+! /ad/show-
+! /ad/show.
+! /ad/show^
+! /ad/show_
+! /ad/welcome2011.
+! /ad/welcome2011_
+! /ad?act=
+! /ad?loc=
+! /ad_agency-
+! /ad_agency.
+! /ad_agency/*
+! /ad_agency?
+! /ad_agency_
+! /ad_area-
+! /ad_area.
+! /ad_area/*
+! /ad_area?
+! /ad_area_
+! /ad_banner-
+! /ad_banner.
+! /ad_banner/*
+! /ad_banner?
+! /ad_banner_
+! /ad_bottom-
+! /ad_bottom.
+! /ad_bottom/*
+! /ad_bottom?
+! /ad_bottom_
+! /ad_box-
+! /ad_box.
+! /ad_box/*
+! /ad_box?
+! /ad_box_
+! /ad_common-
+! /ad_common.
+! /ad_common/*
+! /ad_common?
+! /ad_common_
+! /ad_iframe-
+! /ad_iframe.
+! /ad_iframe/*
+! /ad_iframe?
+! /ad_iframe_
+! /ad_iframes-
+! /ad_iframes.
+! /ad_iframes/*
+! /ad_iframes?
+! /ad_iframes_
+! /ad_image-
+! /ad_image.
+! /ad_image/*
+! /ad_image?
+! /ad_image_
+! /ad_images-
+! /ad_images.
+! /ad_images/*
+! /ad_images?
+! /ad_images_
+! /ad_img-
+! /ad_img.
+! /ad_img/*
+! /ad_img?
+! /ad_img_
+! /ad_imgs-
+! /ad_imgs.
+! /ad_imgs/*
+! /ad_imgs?
+! /ad_imgs_
+! /ad_insight-
+! /ad_insight.
+! /ad_insight/*
+! /ad_insight?
+! /ad_insight_
+! /ad_keyword-
+! /ad_keyword.
+! /ad_keyword/*
+! /ad_keyword?
+! /ad_keyword_
+! /ad_layout-
+! /ad_layout.
+! /ad_layout/*
+! /ad_layout?
+! /ad_layout_
+! /ad_parts-
+! /ad_parts.
+! /ad_parts/*
+! /ad_parts?
+! /ad_parts_
+! /ad_plugin-
+! /ad_plugin.
+! /ad_plugin/*
+! /ad_plugin?
+! /ad_plugin_
+! /ad_ref.
+! /ad_spot.
+! /ad_statistics-
+! /ad_statistics.
+! /ad_statistics/*
+! /ad_statistics?
+! /ad_statistics_
+! /ad_timer-
+! /ad_timer.
+! /ad_timer/*
+! /ad_timer?
+! /ad_timer_
+! /ad_top-
+! /ad_top.
+! /ad_top/*
+! /ad_top?
+! /ad_top_
+! /ad_tpl.
+! /ad_view-
+! /ad_view.
+! /ad_view/*
+! /ad_view?
+! /ad_view_
+! Commented out duplicated filters, Feb 26, 2012
+! /ads-common-
+! /ads-common.
+! /ads-common^
+! /ads-common_
+! /ads-iframe-
+! /ads-iframe.
+! /ads-iframe^
+! /ads-iframe_
+! /ads-iframes-
+! /ads-iframes.
+! /ads-iframes^
+! /ads-iframes_
+! Preparing to move to whitelist 2011-12-07
+! /adsense-$domain=~google.com
+! /adsense.$domain=~google.com
+! /adsense^$domain=~google.com
+! /adsense_$domain=~google.com
+! Domain-restricting options have moved to the whitelist 2011-12-07
+! Merged with ^adtech^, Aug 14, 2014
+! merged into .php?zoneid=
+! /ajs.php?zoneid=
+! merged into .php?zoneid=
+! /avw.php?zoneid=
+! /blog_ads/*
+! /cgi-bin/ad-
+! /cgi-bin/ad.
+! /cgi-bin/ad^
+! /cgi-bin/ad_
+! Commented out a duplicated filter, Jan 28, 2014
+! /cnwk.1d/Ads/*
+! /data/js/ad
+! Commented out duplicated filters, Feb 26, 2012
+! /google_ads-
+! /google_ads.
+! /google_ads^
+! /google_ads_
+! Merged into .php?zoneid=
+! /iml.php?zoneid=
+! /inc_ad_
+! /js_ad_pop?
+! Commented out duplicated filters, Feb 26, 2012
+! /js_in_text_ads?
+! /js_overlay_ad?
+! /live_ad-
+! /live_ad.
+! /live_ad^
+! /live_ad_
+! False Positive at zenback.itmedia.co.jp reported by A&G via blog 2011-01-30
+! /newzia/*
+! this cause javascript to stop: /oo/$domain=zai.diamond.jp
+! /pop/*$popup
+! merged into .php?zoneid=
+! /pop.php?zoneid=
+! /popup/promotion-
+! /popup/promotion.
+! /popup/promotion^
+! /popup/promotion_
+! |http:*/pr_ad-
+! |https:*/pr_ad-
+! |http:*/pr_ad.
+! |https:*/pr_ad.
+! |http:*/pr_ad^
+! |https:*/pr_ad^
+! |http:*/pr_ad_
+! |https:*/pr_ad_
+! /res/js/ad-
+! /res/js/ad.
+! /res/js/ad^
+! /res/js/ad_
+! /right-ad-
+! /right-ad.
+! /right-ad^
+! /right-ad_
+! /settings/ad.
+! /show_ad-
+! /show_ad.
+! /show_ad^
+! /show_ad_
+! Commented out duplicated filters, Feb 26, 2012
+! /show_ads-
+! /show_ads.
+! /show_ads^
+! /show_ads_
+! /show_ads_impl.
+! False positive: No google custom search result. 2011-08-18
+! /show_afs_
+! /side_ad-
+! /side_ad.
+! /side_ad^
+! /side_ad_
+! Commented out duplicated filters, Feb 26, 2012
+! /side_ads-
+! /side_ads.
+! /side_ads^
+! /side_ads_
+! /smart_ad/*
+! Commented out to avoid false positives on static: 2011-09-07
+! /stat-
+! /stat.$domain=~ameblo.jp|~ameba.jp
+! /stat^
+! /stat_
+! /t2cn_ad.
+! Commented out duplicated filters, Feb 16, 2013
+! /tds/*$third-party
+! /text_ad-
+! /text_ad.
+! /text_ad^
+! /text_ad_
+! Commented out duplicated filters, Feb 26, 2012
+! /text_ads-
+! /text_ads.
+! /text_ads^
+! /text_ads_
+! Commented out duplicated filters, Feb 26, 2012
+! /tii_ads.$script
+! /txt_ad-
+! /txt_ad.
+! /txt_ad^
+! /txt_ad_
+! Commented out duplicated filters, Feb 26, 2012
+! /txt_ads-
+! /txt_ads.
+! /txt_ads^
+! /txt_ads_
+! Commented out duplicated filters, Feb 26, 2012
+! /uds/api/ads/*
+! Added to avoid false positives at logicool.co.jp . It does NOT have appropriate error handling. This end in "dcsMultiTrack is not defined "...
+! /wsl_ad_
+! Merged with ^yad., Aug 14, 2014
+! /yad.
+! |http:*=ad&
+! |https:*=ad&
+! |http:*?ad-
+! |https:*?ad-
+! |http:*?ad.
+! |https:*?ad.
+! |http:*?ad^
+! |https:*?ad^
+! |http:*?ad_
+! |https:*?ad_
+! ?ad_size=
+! ?ad_type=
+! ?ad_unit=
+! Commented out a duplicated filter with ^adv^ filter, Oct 9, 2013
+! ?adv=
+! Commented out duplicated filters with ^advert... , Jan 1, 2014
+! ?advertiser=
+! ?advertstream-
+! ?advertstream.
+! ?advertstream^
+! ?advertstream_
+! Commented out duplicated filters with ^affiliate, Mar 18, 2014
+! ?affiliate-
+! ?affiliate.
+! ?affiliate^
+! ?affiliate_
+! Commented out duplicated filters with ^analytics, Mar 27, 2014
+! ?analytics-
+! ?analytics.
+! ?analytics^
+! ?analytics_
+! Commented out duplicated filters, Nov 1, 2013
+! ?retarget-
+! ?retarget.
+! ?retarget^
+! ?retarget_
+! ?retargeting-
+! ?retargeting.
+! ?retargeting^
+! ?retargeting_
+! ?view=ad&
+! Merged with ^yad^, Aug 14, 2014
+! ?yad=
+! ^image^ad-
+! ^image^ad.
+! ^image^ad^
+! ^image^ad_
+! Commented out duplicated filters, Feb 26, 2012
+! ^image^ads-
+! ^image^ads^
+! ^image^ads_
+! Commented out because the filter cause false positive with lazy-loading placeholders, Nov 3, 2013
+! ^images^1x1$third-party
+! ^images^ad-
+! ^images^ad.
+! ^images^ad^
+! ^images^ad_
+! Commented out duplicated filters, Feb 26, 2012
+! ^images^ads-
+! ^images^ads^
+! ^images^ads_
+! ^img^ad-
+! ^img^ad.
+! ^img^ad^
+! ^img^ad_
+! Commented out duplicated filters, Feb 26, 2012
+! ^img^ads-
+! ^img^ads^
+! ^img^ads_
+! ^imgs^ad-
+! ^imgs^ad.
+! ^imgs^ad^
+! ^imgs^ad_
+! Commented out duplicated filters, Feb 26, 2012
+! ^imgs^ads-
+! ^imgs^ads^
+! ^imgs^ads_
+! ^js^ad-
+! ^js^ad.
+! ^js^ad^
+! ^js^ad_
+! _ad.jsp?
+! _ad.jsp^
+! _ad.ptv?
+! _ad_agency_
+! _ad_leaf.$script
+! _ad_loader.$script
+! _ad_statistics-
+! _ad_statistics.
+! _ad_statistics^
+! _ad_statistics_
+! _ad_statistics__adagency/
+! Simplified redundant filters into _adv_, Oct 9, 2013
+! _adv_img-
+! _adv_img.
+! _adv_img^
+! _adv_img_
+! _adv_imgs-
+! _adv_imgs.
+! _adv_imgs^
+! _adv_imgs_
+! _request_ad.
+! Commented out to avoid false positives on static: 2011-09-07
+! _stat-
+! _stat.
+! _stat^
+! _stat_
+! Commented out to avoid false positives on static: 2011-09-07
+! ||stat.$domain=~ameblo.jp|~ameba.jp
+! ---------- URL Fragments END ----------
+! ########## Top Level Domains with path START ##########
+! ---------- Top Level Domains with path END ----------
+! ########## Domains optionally with path START ##########
+! Added malicious IP Addresses reported at http://unixfreaxjp.blogspot.jp/2013/08/ocjp-119kelihos.html and http://malwaremustdie.blogspot.jp/2013/08/the-quick-report-on-48hours-in-battle.html by [https://twitter.com/unixfreaxjp @unixfreaxjp] via Changelog wiki, Aug 9, 2013
+! END
+! Added malicious IP Addresses reported at http://unixfreaxjp.blogspot.jp/2013/08/ocjp-119kelihos.html and http://malwaremustdie.blogspot.jp/2013/08/the-quick-report-on-48hours-in-battle.html by [https://twitter.com/unixfreaxjp @unixfreaxjp] via Changelog wiki, Aug 9, 2013
+! Moved to the paranoid subscription, Mar 9, 2013
+! ||adf.ly^$third-party
+! Dropped a third-party option because adwares or malwares open it directly, Apr 2, 2012
+! False positives with stylesheet, Jan 4, 2013
+! ||pts.allabout.co.jp^
+! ||av-down-14.com^
+! ||av-down-17.com^
+! ||av-down-site.com^
+! Moved to the Paranoid subscription to avoid false positives, Feb 1, 2014
+! ||bootstrapcdn.com^$third-party
+! Note: Probably, blocking the whole domain is too strict, Apr 29, 2012
+! ||ads.com.com^
+! False positive at http://www.youtube.com/oracle reported by @dullneko 2011-10-03
+! => Resolved with whitelists @@||conviva.com/crossdomain.xml and @@||conviva.com/lpconfig/cfg/ 2011-10-06
+! => Commented out whitelists above because these false positives has gone, somehow 2011-10-11
+! Another false positives at ustream.tv , reported via Issue Report 2011-12-09
+! => Resolved with the past commented out whitelists above 2011-12-09
+! Possibly false positive disabling "Regular download" button, reported by leaies.hotmail at [https://code.google.com/p/adblock-plus-japanese-filter/issues/detail?id=33]
+! ||depositfiles.com/js/df_utils.$script
+! False positive with 無料ダウンロード, reported by 通りすがりの火狐ユーザー via blog, Jun 1, 2013
+! ||depositfiles.com/js/gold_offer.$script
+! False positives at dailymotion.com reported via Issue Report 2011-11-30
+! ||dmcdn.net/flash/dmplayer*/plugins/
+! ||ads.doko.jp^
+! Commented out to avoid false positives with ooyala.com embeded movie player at jp.techcrunch.com 2011-10-17
+! ||edgefcs.net^
+! The following filter blocks banner change showing CAPTCHA. JavaScript is required. Dec 16, 2011
+! ||fileserve.com/script/bannerTimer.$script
+! ||ads.forbes.com^
+! False positive: No google custom search result. 2011-08-18
+! ||google.*/afsonline/
+! false positive 2011-02-26
+! ||google.*/realtimepts?
+! ||ads.ign.com^
+! [http://www.urlvoid.com/scan/java-se.com/ notorious] domain reported at [http://did2memo.net/2014/10/17/java-se-com-b-st-hatena-com/ はてなブックマークボタンが改ざんされマルウェア感染を媒介していた可能性について], Oct 18, 2014
+! Integrated into ||ox-d. to be more versatile, Jun 2, 2012
+! ||ox-d.majorgeeks.com^
+! Integrated into ||ox-i. to be more versatile, Jun 2, 2012
+! ||ox-i.majorgeeks.com^
+! for Android, reporeted by 名無し a.k.a. 匿名 via blog, Apr 6, 2013, updated Apr 27, 2013
+! for Android, reporeted by 名無し a.k.a. 匿名 via blog, Apr 6, 2013, updated Apr 27, 2013
+! Commented out to avoid false positives @ third-party embeded web sites. July 28, 2011
+! ||megaupload.com^$third-party
+! ||ads.mixi.jp^
+! Merged into one filter because nakanohito.jp no longer exists, Mar 29, 2014
+! ||nakanohito.jp/ap/
+! ||nakanohito.jp/b
+! ||nakanohito.jp/ua/
+! ||bsap.nakanohito.jp^
+! ||f*.nakanohito.jp^$script
+! ||le.nakanohito.jp^
+! Moved to the Paranoid subscription to avoid false positives, Feb 1, 2014
+! ||netdna-cdn.com^$third-party
+! ||ads.nicovideo.jp^
+! Commented out to avoid closing connection 2011-10-23
+! ||ow.live.nicovideo.jp^
+! ||nimg.jp/swf/appli/ cause false positives at app.nicovideo.jp
+! Commented out a YouTube HTML5 false positive filter, reported as Issue 22. 2011-08-09
+! ||o-o.preferred.
+! Possibly false positive, commented out, Mar 3, 2012
+! ||odnoklassniki.ru^*scriptToolbar.$script
+! Dropped a third-party option because adwares or malwares open it directly, Apr 2, 2012
+! ||ads.osdn.jp^
+! False positives at goal.com with eplayer modules, May 18, 2012
+! ||performgroup.com^$third-party
+! ||ads.pimote.net^
+! Commented out a vague filter to avoid false positives, reported via Issue Repoort, Mar 11, 2014
+! ||rackcdn.com^$third-party
+! ||ads.sixapart.com^
+! This rough filter occasionally causes false positives, reported via Issue Report , Jan 26, 2012
+! ||ui-portal.de^
+! nakanohito.jp is no longer active and alternative userlocal.jp does not share public data. That is why the third-party userlocal.jp is blocked, Mar 29, 2014
+! ||userlocal.jp/b
+! Integrated into ||ox-d. , Jun 2, 2012
+! ||ox-d.ustream.tv
+! Integrated into ||ox-i. , Jun 2, 2012
+! ||ox-i.ustream.tv
+! False positive at vgtv.no . More concrete rule is required: 2011-07-23
+! ||videoplaza.tv^
+! Commented out to avoid a false positive with combined script loader, reported via Issue Report, Sep 8, 2014
+! ||wikimedia.org/*.wikipedia.org/load.php?*&modules=ext.centralNotice.
+! False positives with mail folders, Nov 30, 2012
+! ||mail.yahoo.co.jp/neo/socialmailtop_neo/js/soc.$script
+! Commented out a filter for beacon generator to avoid ReferenceError: YAHOO is not defined @ http://i.yimg.jp/lib/news/ult_1_1-min.js:1 , Jan 17, 2014
+! Even though this filter is commented out, the beacon server ybx.yahoo.co.jp is still blocked ;-)
+! ||yimg.jp/images/rapid/
+! ||ads.yimg.com^
+!False Positives with dammy 1x1 placeholders for css spriting
+! ||ytimg.com/yt/img/pixel-
+! ||ytimg.com^*/swfbin/ad-
+! ========== ValueClick alias domains: START ==========
+! ---------- ValueClick alias domains: END ----------
+! ========== Samurai Factory START ==========
+! Expanded because these filters are too generic, reported by Wladimir( Thanks ).
+! ||biz/bin/$third-party
+! ||com/bin/$third-party
+! ||jp/bin/$third-party
+! ||net/bin/$third-party
+! ||org/bin/$third-party
+! .biz
+! .com
+! .jp
+! .net
+! .org
+! ---------- Samurai Factory END ----------
+! ---------- Domains optionally with path END ----------
diff --git a/assets/ublock/filter-lists.json b/assets/ublock/filter-lists.json
index 40c5de9..50c0ac0 100644
--- a/assets/ublock/filter-lists.json
+++ b/assets/ublock/filter-lists.json
@@ -148,11 +148,12 @@
"group": "regions",
"homeURL": "http://adblock-chinalist.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/adblock.txt"
- "adblock-plus-japanese-filter.googlecode.com/hg/abp_jp.txt": {
+ "raw.githubusercontent.com/k2jp/abp-japanese-filters/master/abp_jp.txt": {
"off": true,
- "title": "JPN: ABP Japanese filters (の日本用フィルタ)",
+ "title": "JPN: ABP Japanese filters (日本用フィルタ)",
"group": "regions",
- "homeURL": "https://adblock-plus-japanese-filter.googlecode.com/hg/abp_jp.txt"
+ "homeURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/k2jp/abp-japanese-filters/master/abp_jp.txt",
+ "old": "adblock-plus-japanese-filter.googlecode.com/hg/abp_jp.txt"
"margevicius.lt/easylistlithuania.txt": {
"off": true,
diff --git a/assets/update-3rdparties.sh b/assets/update-3rdparties.sh
index eab1ff3..f27e502 100755
--- a/assets/update-3rdparties.sh
+++ b/assets/update-3rdparties.sh
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ THIRDPARTY_REMOTEURLS=(
+ 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/k2jp/abp-japanese-filters/master/abp_jp.txt'
@@ -88,6 +89,7 @@ THIRDPARTY_LOCALURLS=(
+ 'thirdparties/raw.githubusercontent.com/k2jp/abp-japanese-filters/master/abp_jp.txt'