path: root/native_client_sdk/doc_generated/devguide/coding
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mode: <>2014-01-23 19:26:04 +0000 <>2014-01-23 19:26:04 +0000
commitbde3d5d020db4aa60e8b1812902209efd322818e (patch)
tree7386b2c7951bb72a3c216ed5d538755e3a2f2d55 /native_client_sdk/doc_generated/devguide/coding
parent9fd50a93951dcc2034d1f86dd7358e0f18de1b0d (diff)
[NaCl SDK Docs] Check in the generated NaCl SDK Documentation.
This is necessary so that the Chromesite server can poll for changes and automatically update. I can't upload the full docs/images to Rietveld, so this review will just be empty and I'll manually commit. BUG=none, Review URL: git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
Diffstat (limited to 'native_client_sdk/doc_generated/devguide/coding')
11 files changed, 3308 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/native_client_sdk/doc_generated/devguide/coding/3D-graphics.html b/native_client_sdk/doc_generated/devguide/coding/3D-graphics.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e7cdb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/native_client_sdk/doc_generated/devguide/coding/3D-graphics.html
@@ -0,0 +1,442 @@
+<section id="d-graphics">
+<span id="devguide-coding-3d-graphics"></span><h1 id="d-graphics"><span id="devguide-coding-3d-graphics"></span>3D Graphics</h1>
+<p>Native Client applications use the <a class="reference external" href="">OpenGL ES 2.0</a> API for 3D rendering. This document
+describes how to call the OpenGL ES 2.0 interface in a Native Client module and
+how to build an efficient rendering loop. It also explains how to validate GPU
+drivers and test for specific GPU capabilities, and provides tips to help ensure
+your rendering code runs efficiently.</p>
+<aside class="note">
+<strong>Note</strong>: 3D drawing and OpenGL are complex topics. This document deals only
+with issues directly related to programming in the Native Client
+environment. To learn more about OpenGL ES 2.0 itself, see the <a class="reference external" href="">OpenGL ES 2.0
+Programming Guide</a>.
+<section id="validating-the-client-graphics-platform">
+<h2 id="validating-the-client-graphics-platform">Validating the client graphics platform</h2>
+<p>Native Client is a software technology that lets you code an application once
+and run it on multiple platforms without worrying about the implementation
+details on every possible target platform. It&#8217;s difficult to provide the same
+support at the hardware level. Graphics hardware comes from many different
+manufacturers and is controlled by drivers of varying quality. A particular GPU
+driver may not support every OpenGL ES 2.0 feature, and some drivers are known
+to have vulnerabilities that can be exploited.</p>
+<p>Even if the GPU driver is safe to use, your program should perform a validation
+check before you launch your application to ensure that the driver supports all
+the features you need.</p>
+<section id="vetting-the-driver-in-javascript">
+<h3 id="vetting-the-driver-in-javascript">Vetting the driver in JavaScript</h3>
+<p>At startup, the application should perform a few additional tests that can be
+implemented in JavaScript on its hosting web page. The script that performs
+these tests should be included before the module&#8217;s <code>embed</code> tag, and ideally
+the <code>embed</code> tag should appear on the hosting page only if these tests succeed.</p>
+<p>The first thing to check is whether you can create a graphics context. If you
+can, use the context to confirm the existence of any required OpenGL ES 2.0
+extensions. You may want to refer to the <a class="reference external" href="">extension registry</a> and include <a class="reference external" href="">vendor
+when checking for extensions.</p>
+</section><section id="vetting-the-driver-in-native-client">
+<h3 id="vetting-the-driver-in-native-client">Vetting the driver in Native Client</h3>
+<section id="create-a-context">
+<h4 id="create-a-context">Create a context</h4>
+<p>Once you&#8217;ve passed the JavaScript validation tests, it&#8217;s safe to add a Native
+Client embed tag to the hosting web page and load the module. As part of the
+module initialization code, you must create a graphics context for the app by
+either creating a C++ <code>Graphics3D</code> object or calling <code>PPB_Graphics3D</code> API
+function <code>Create</code>. Don&#8217;t assume this will always succeed; you still might have
+problems creating the context. If you are in development mode and can&#8217;t create
+the context, try creating a simpler version to see if you&#8217;re asking for an
+unsupported feature or exceeding a driver resource limit. Your production code
+should always check that the context was created and fail gracefully if that&#8217;s
+not the case.</p>
+</section><section id="check-for-extensions-and-capabilities">
+<h4 id="check-for-extensions-and-capabilities">Check for extensions and capabilities</h4>
+<p>Not every GPU supports every extension or has the same amount of texture units,
+vertex attributes, etc. On startup, call <code>glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS)</code> and
+check for the extensions and the features you need. For example:</p>
+<ul class="small-gap">
+<li>If you are using non power-of-2 texture with mipmaps, make sure
+<code>GL_OES_texture_npot</code> exists.</li>
+<li>If you are using floating point textures, make sure <code>GL_OES_texture_float</code>
+<li>If you are using DXT1, DXT3, or DXT5 textures, make sure the corresponding
+extensions <code>EXT_texture_compression_dxt1</code>,
+<code>GL_CHROMIUM_texture_compression_dxt3</code>, and
+<code>GL_CHROMIUM_texture_compression_dxt5</code> exist.</li>
+<li>If you are using the functions <code>glDrawArraysInstancedANGLE</code>,
+<code>glDrawElementsInstancedANGLE</code>, <code>glVertexAttribDivisorANGLE</code>, or the PPAPI
+interface <code>PPB_OpenGLES2InstancedArrays</code>, make sure the corresponding
+extension <code>GL_ANGLE_instanced_arrays</code> exists.</li>
+<li>If you are using the function <code>glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT</code>, or the
+PPAPI interface <code>PPB_OpenGLES2FramebufferMultisample</code>, make sure the
+corresponding extension <code>GL_CHROMIUM_framebuffer_multisample</code> exists.</li>
+<li>If you are using the functions <code>glGenQueriesEXT</code>, <code>glDeleteQueriesEXT</code>,
+<code>glIsQueryEXT</code>, <code>glBeginQueryEXT</code>, <code>glEndQueryEXT</code>, <code>glGetQueryivEXT</code>,
+<code>glGetQueryObjectuivEXT</code>, or the PPAPI interface <code>PPB_OpenGLES2Query</code>,
+make sure the corresponding extension <code>GL_EXT_occlusion_query_boolean</code>
+<li>If you are using the functions <code>glMapBufferSubDataCHROMIUM</code>,
+<code>glUnmapBufferSubDataCHROMIUM</code>, <code>glMapTexSubImage2DCHROMIUM</code>,
+<code>glUnmapTexSubImage2DCHROMIUM</code>, or the PPAPI interface
+<code>PPB_OpenGLES2ChromiumMapSub</code>, make sure the corresponding extension
+<code>GL_CHROMIUM_map_sub</code> exists.</li>
+<p>Check for system capabilites with <code>glGetIntegerv</code> and adjust shader programs
+as well as texture and vertex data accordingly:</p>
+<ul class="small-gap">
+<li>If you are using textures in vertex shaders, make sure
+<code>glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_VERTEX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS, ...)</code> and
+<code>glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, ...)</code> return values greater than 0.</li>
+<li>If you are using more than 8 textures in a single shader, make sure
+<code>glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS, ...)</code> returns a value greater
+than or equal to the number of simultaneous textures you need.</li>
+</section></section><section id="vetting-the-driver-in-the-chrome-web-store">
+<h3 id="vetting-the-driver-in-the-chrome-web-store">Vetting the driver in the Chrome Web Store</h3>
+<p>If you choose to place your application in the <a class="reference external" href="">Chrome Web
+Store</a>, its Web Store
+<a class="reference external" href="">manifest file</a> can
+include the <code>webgl</code> feature in the requirements parameter. It looks like this:</p>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+&quot;requirements&quot;: {
+ &quot;3D&quot;: {
+ &quot;features&quot;: [&quot;webgl&quot;]
+ }
+<p>While WebGL is technically a JavaScript API, specifying the <code>webgl</code> feature
+also works for OpenGL ES 2.0 because both interfaces use the same driver.</p>
+<p>This manifest item is not required, but if you include it, the Chrome Web Store
+will prevent a user from installing the application if the browser is running on
+a machine that does not support OpenGL ES 2.0 or that is using a known
+blacklisted GPU driver that could invite an attack.</p>
+<p>If the Web Store determines that the user&#8217;s driver is deficient, the app won&#8217;t
+appear on the store&#8217;s tile display. However, it will appear in store search
+results or if the user links to it directly, in which case the user could still
+download it. But the manifest requirements will be checked when the user reaches
+the install page, and if there is a problem, the browser will display the
+message &#8220;This application is not supported on this computer. Installation has
+been disabled.&#8221;</p>
+<p>The manifest-based check applies only to downloads directly from the Chrome Web
+Store. It is not performed when an application is loaded via <a class="reference external" href="">inline
+</section><section id="what-to-do-when-there-are-problems">
+<h3 id="what-to-do-when-there-are-problems">What to do when there are problems</h3>
+<p>Using the vetting procedure described above, you should be able to detect the
+most common problems before your application runs. If there are problems, your
+code should describe the issue as clearly as possible. That&#8217;s easy if there is a
+missing feature. Failure to create a graphics context is tougher to diagnose. At
+the very least, you can suggest that the user try to update the driver. You
+might want to linke to the Chrome page that describes <a class="reference external" href=";answer=1202946">how to do updates</a>.</p>
+<p>If a user can&#8217;t update the driver, or their problem persists, be sure to gather
+information about their graphics environment. Ask for the contents of the Chrome
+<code>about:gpu</code> page.</p>
+</section><section id="document-unreliable-drivers">
+<h3 id="document-unreliable-drivers">Document unreliable drivers</h3>
+<p>It can be helpful to include information about known dubious drivers in your
+user documentation. This might help identify if a rogue driver is the cause of a
+problem. There are many sources of GPU driver blacklists. Two such lists can be
+found at the <a class="reference external" href="">Chromium project</a>
+and <a class="reference external" href="">Khronos</a>. You
+can use these lists to include information in your documentation that warns
+users about dangerous drivers.</p>
+</section><section id="test-your-defenses">
+<h3 id="test-your-defenses">Test your defenses</h3>
+<p>You can test your driver validation code by running Chrome with the following
+flags (all at once) and watching how your application responds:</p>
+<ul class="small-gap">
+</section></section><section id="calling-opengl-es-2-0-commands">
+<h2 id="calling-opengl-es-2-0-commands">Calling OpenGL ES 2.0 commands</h2>
+<p>There are three ways to write OpenGL ES 2.0 calls in Native Client.</p>
+<section id="use-pure-opengl-es-2-0-function-calls">
+<h3 id="use-pure-opengl-es-2-0-function-calls">Use &#8220;pure&#8221; OpenGL ES 2.0 function calls</h3>
+<p>You can make OpenGL ES 2.0 calls through a Pepper extension library. The SDK
+example <code>examples/api/graphics_3d</code> works this way. In the file
+<code></code>, the key initialization steps are as follows:</p>
+<ul class="small-gap">
+<li><p class="first">Add these includes at the top of the file:</p>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+#include &lt;GLES2/gl2.h&gt;
+#include &quot;ppapi/lib/gl/gles2/gl2ext_ppapi.h&quot;
+<li><p class="first">Define the function <code>InitGL</code>. The exact specification of <code>attrib_list</code>
+will be application specific.</p>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+bool InitGL(int32_t new_width, int32_t new_height) {
+ if (!glInitializePPAPI(pp::Module::Get()-&gt;get_browser_interface())) {
+ fprintf(stderr, &quot;Unable to initialize GL PPAPI!\n&quot;);
+ return false;
+ }
+ const int32_t attrib_list[] = {
+ };
+ context_ = pp::Graphics3D(this, attrib_list);
+ if (!BindGraphics(context_)) {
+ fprintf(stderr, &quot;Unable to bind 3d context!\n&quot;);
+ context_ = pp::Graphics3D();
+ glSetCurrentContextPPAPI(0);
+ return false;
+ }
+ glSetCurrentContextPPAPI(context_.pp_resource());
+ return true;
+<li>Include logic in <code>Instance::DidChangeView</code> to call <code>InitGL</code> whenever
+necessary: upon application launch (when the graphics context is NULL) and
+whenever the module&#8217;s View changes size.</li>
+</section><section id="use-regal">
+<h3 id="use-regal">Use Regal</h3>
+<p>If you are porting an OpenGL ES 2.0 application, or are comfortable writing in
+OpenGL ES 2.0, you should stick with the Pepper APIs or pure OpenGL ES 2.0 calls
+described above. If you are porting an application that uses features not in
+OpenGL ES 2.0, consider using Regal. Regal is an open source library that
+supports many versions of OpenGL. Regal recently added support for Native
+Client. Regal forwards most OpenGL calls directly to the underlying graphics
+library, but it can also emulate other calls that are not included (when
+hardware support exists). See <a class="reference external" href="">libregal</a>
+for more info.</p>
+</section><section id="use-the-pepper-api">
+<h3 id="use-the-pepper-api">Use the Pepper API</h3>
+<p>Your code can call the Pepper <a class="reference external" href="">PPB_OpenGLES2</a>
+API directly, as with any Pepper interface. When you write in this way, each
+invocation of an OpenGL ES 2.0 function must begin with a reference to the
+Pepper interface, and the first argument is the graphics context. To invoke the
+function <code>glCompileShader</code>, your code might look like:</p>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+ppb_g3d_interface-&gt;CompileShader(graphicsContext, shader);
+<p>This approach specifically targets the Pepper APIs. Each call corresponds to a
+OpenGL ES 2.0 function, but the syntax is unique to Native Client, so the source
+file is not portable.</p>
+</section></section><section id="implementing-a-rendering-loop">
+<h2 id="implementing-a-rendering-loop">Implementing a rendering loop</h2>
+<p>Graphics applications require a continuous frame render-and-redraw cycle that
+runs at a high frequency. To achieve the best frame rate, is important to
+understand how the OpenGL ES 2.0 code in a Native Client module interacts with
+<section id="the-chrome-and-native-client-processes">
+<h3 id="the-chrome-and-native-client-processes">The Chrome and Native Client processes</h3>
+<p>Chrome is a multi-process browser. Each Chrome tab is a separate process that is
+running an application with its own main thread (we&#8217;ll call it the Chrome main
+thread). When an application launches a Native Client module, the module runs in
+a new, separate sandboxed process. The module&#8217;s process has its own main thread
+(the Native Client thread). The Chrome and Native Client processes communicate
+with each other using Pepper API calls on their main threads.</p>
+<p>When the Chrome main thread calls the Native Client thread (keyboard and mouse
+callbacks, for example), the Chrome main thread will block. This means that
+lengthy operations on the Native Client thread can steal cycles from Chrome, and
+performing blocking operations on the Native Client thread can bring your app to
+a standstill.</p>
+<p>Native Client uses callback functions to synchronize the main threads of the two
+processes. Only certain Pepper functions use callbacks; <a class="reference external" href="">SwapBuffers</a>
+is one.</p>
+</section><section id="swapbuffers-and-its-callback-function">
+<h3 id="swapbuffers-and-its-callback-function"><code>SwapBuffers</code> and its callback function</h3>
+<p><code>SwapBuffers</code> is non-blocking; it is called from the Native Client thread and
+returns immediately. When <code>SwapBuffers</code> is called, it runs asynchronously on
+the Chrome main thread. It switches the graphics data buffers, handles any
+needed compositing operations, and redraws the screen. When the screen update is
+complete, the callback function that was included as one of <code>SwapBuffer</code>&#8216;s
+arguments will be called from the Chrome thread and executed on the Native
+Client thread.</p>
+<p>To create a rendering loop, your Native Client module should include a function
+that does the rendering work and then executes <code>SwapBuffers</code>, passing itself
+as the <code>SwapBuffer</code> callback. If your rendering code is efficient and runs
+quickly, this scheme will achieve the highest frame rate possible. The
+documentation for <code>SwapBuffers</code> explains why this is optimal: because the
+callback is executed only when the plugin&#8217;s current state is actually on the
+screen, this function provides a way to rate-limit animations. By waiting until
+the image is on the screen before painting the next frame, you can ensure you&#8217;re
+not generating updates faster than the screen can be updated.</p>
+<p>The following diagram illustrates the interaction between the Chrome and Native
+Client processes. The application-specific rendering code runs in the function
+called <code>Draw</code> on the Native Client thread. Blue down-arrows are blocking calls
+from the main thread to Native Client, green up-arrows are non-blocking
+<code>SwapBuffers</code> calls from Native Client to the main thread. All OpenGL ES 2.0
+calls are made from <code>Draw</code> in the Native Client thread.</p>
+<img alt="/native-client/images/3d-graphics-render-loop.png" src="/native-client/images/3d-graphics-render-loop.png" />
+</section><section id="sdk-example-graphics-3d">
+<h3 id="sdk-example-graphics-3d">SDK example <code>graphics_3d</code></h3>
+<p>The SDK example <code>graphics_3d</code> uses the function <code>MainLoop</code> (in
+<code></code>) to create a rendering loop as described above. <code>MainLoop</code>
+calls <code>Render</code> to do the rendering work, and then invokes <code>SwapBuffers</code>,
+passing itself as the callback.</p>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+void MainLoop(void* foo, int bar) {
+ if (g_LoadCnt == 3) {
+ InitProgram();
+ g_LoadCnt++;
+ }
+ if (g_LoadCnt &gt; 3) {
+ Render();
+ PP_CompletionCallback cc = PP_MakeCompletionCallback(MainLoop, 0);
+ ppb_g3d_interface-&gt;SwapBuffers(g_context, cc);
+ } else {
+ PP_CompletionCallback cc = PP_MakeCompletionCallback(MainLoop, 0);
+ ppb_core_interface-&gt;CallOnMainThread(0, cc, 0);
+ }
+</section></section><section id="managing-the-opengl-es-2-0-pipeline">
+<h2 id="managing-the-opengl-es-2-0-pipeline">Managing the OpenGL ES 2.0 pipeline</h2>
+<p>OpenGL ES 2.0 commands do not run in the Chrome or Native Client processes. They
+are passed into a FIFO queue in shared memory which is best understood as a <a class="reference external" href="">GPU
+command buffer</a>. The
+command buffer is shared by a dedicated GPU process. By using a separate GPU
+process, Chrome implements another layer of runtime security, vetting all OpenGL
+ES 2.0 commands and their arguments before they are sent on to the
+GPU. Buffering commands through the FIFO also speeds up your code, since each
+OpenGL ES 2.0 call in your Native Client thread returns immediately, while the
+processing may be delayed as the GPU works down the commands queued up in the
+<p>Before the screen is updated, all the intervening OpenGL ES 2.0 commands must be
+processed by the GPU. Programmers often try to ensure this by using the
+<code>glFlush</code> and <code>glFinish</code> commands in their rendering code. In the case of
+Native Client this is usually unnecessary. The <code>SwapBuffers</code> command does an
+implicit flush, and the Chrome team is continually tweaking the GPU code to
+consume the OpenGL ES 2.0 FIFO as fast as possible.</p>
+<p>Sometimes a 3D application can write to the FIFO in a way that&#8217;s difficult to
+handle. The command pipeline may fill up and your code will have to wait for the
+GPU to flush the FIFO. If this is the case, you may be able to add <code>glFlush</code>
+calls to speed up the flow of the OpenGL ES 2.0 command FIFO. Before you start
+to add your own flushes, first try to determine if pipeline saturation is really
+the problem by monitoring the rendering time per frame and looking for irregular
+spikes that do not consistently fall on the same OpenGL ES 2.0 call. If you&#8217;re
+convinced the pipeline needs to be accelerated, insert <code>glFlush</code> calls in your
+code before starting blocks of processing that do not generate OpenGL ES 2.0
+commands. For example, issue a flush before you begin any multithreaded particle
+work, so that the command buffer will be clear when you start doing OpenGL ES
+2.0 calls again. Determining where and how often to call <code>glFlush</code> can be
+tricky, you will need to experiment to find the sweet spot.</p>
+</section><section id="rendering-and-inactive-tabs">
+<h2 id="rendering-and-inactive-tabs">Rendering and inactive tabs</h2>
+<p>Users will often switch between tabs in a multi-tab browser. A well-behaved
+application that&#8217;s performing 3D rendering should pause any real-time processing
+and yield cycles to other processes when its tab becomes inactive.</p>
+<p>In Chrome, an inactive tab will continue to execute timed functions (such as
+<code>setInterval</code> and <code>setTimeout</code>) but the timer interval will be automatically
+overridden and limited to not less than one second while the tab is inactive. In
+addition, any callback associated with a <code>SwapBuffers</code> call will not be sent
+until the tab is active again. You may receive asynchronous callbacks from
+functions other than <code>SwapBuffers</code> while a tab is inactive. Depending on the
+design of your application, you might choose to handle them as they arrive, or
+to queue them in a buffer and process them when the tab becomes active.</p>
+<p>The time that passes while a tab is inactive can be considerable. If your main
+thread pulse is based on the <code>SwapBuffers</code> callback, your app won&#8217;t update
+while a tab is inactive. A Native Client module should be able to detect and
+respond to the state of the tab in which it&#8217;s running. For example, when a tab
+becomes inactive, you can set an atomic flag in the Native Client thread that
+will skip the 3D rendering and <code>SwapBuffers</code> calls and continue to call the
+main thread every 30 msec or so. This provides time to update features that
+should still run in the background, like audio. It may also be helpful to call
+<code>sched_yield</code> or <code>usleep</code> on any worker threads to release resources and
+cede cycles to the OS.</p>
+<section id="handling-tab-activation-from-the-main-thread">
+<h3 id="handling-tab-activation-from-the-main-thread">Handling tab activation from the main thread</h3>
+<p>You can detect and respond to the activation or deactivation of a tab with
+JavaScript on your hosting page. Add an EventListener for <code>visibilitychange</code>
+that sends a message to the Native Client module, as in this example:</p>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', function(){
+ if (document.hidden) {
+ // PostMessage to your Native Client module
+ document.nacl_module.postMessage('INACTIVE');
+ } else {
+ // PostMessage to your Native Client module
+ document.nacl_module.postMessage('ACTIVE');
+ }
+}, false);
+</section><section id="handling-tab-activation-from-the-native-client-thread">
+<h3 id="handling-tab-activation-from-the-native-client-thread">Handling tab activation from the Native Client thread</h3>
+<p>You can also detect and respond to the activation or deactivation of a tab
+directly from your Native Client module by including code in the function
+<code>pp::Instance::DidChangeView</code>, which is called whenever a change in the
+module&#8217;s view occurs. The code can call <code>ppb::View::IsPageVisible</code> to
+determine if the page is visible or not. The most common cause of invisible
+pages is that the page is in a background tab.</p>
+</section></section><section id="tips-and-best-practices">
+<h2 id="tips-and-best-practices">Tips and best practices</h2>
+<p>Here are some suggestions for writing safe code and getting the maximum
+performance with the Pepper 3D API.</p>
+<section id="do-s">
+<h3 id="do-s">Do&#8217;s</h3>
+<ul class="small-gap">
+<li><p class="first"><strong>Make sure to enable attrib 0.</strong> OpenGL requires that you enable attrib 0,
+but OpenGL ES 2.0 does not. For example, you can define a vertex shader with 2
+attributes, numbered like this:</p>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+glBindAttribLocation(program, &quot;positions&quot;, 1);
+glBindAttribLocation(program, &quot;normals&quot;, 2);
+<p>In this case the shader is not using attrib 0 and Chrome may have to perform
+some additional work if it is emulating OpenGL ES 2.0 on top of OpenGL. It&#8217;s
+always more efficient to enable attrib 0, even if you do not use it.</p>
+<li><strong>Check how shaders compile.</strong> Shaders can compile differently on different
+systems, which can result in <code>glGetAttrib*</code> functions returning different
+results. Be sure that the vertex attribute indices match the corresponding
+name each time you recompile a shader.</li>
+<li><strong>Update indices sparingly.</strong> For security reasons, all indices must be
+validated. If you change indices, Native Client will validate them
+again. Structure your code so indices are not updated often.</li>
+<li><strong>Use a smaller plugin and let CSS scale it.</strong> If you&#8217;re running into fillrate
+issues, it may be beneficial to perform scaling via CSS. The size your plugin
+renders is determined by the width and height attributes of the <code>&lt;embed&gt;</code>
+element for the module. The actual size displayed on the web page is
+controlled by the CSS styles applied to the element.</li>
+<li><strong>Avoid matrix-to-matrix conversions.</strong> With some versions of Mac OS, there is
+a driver problem when compiling shaders. If you get compiler errors for matrix
+transforms, avoid matrix-to-matrix conversions. For instance, upres a vec3 to
+a vec4 before transforming it by a mat4, rather than converting the mat4 to a
+</section><section id="don-ts">
+<h3 id="don-ts">Don&#8217;ts</h3>
+<ul class="small-gap">
+<li><strong>Don&#8217;t use client side buffers.</strong> OpenGL ES 2.0 can use client side data with
+<code>glVertexAttribPointer</code> and <code>glDrawElements</code>, but this is really slow. Try
+to avoid client side buffers. Use Vertex Buffer Objects (VBOs) instead.</li>
+<li><strong>Don&#8217;t mix vertex data and index data.</strong> By default, Pepper 3D binds buffers
+to a single point. You could create a buffer and bind it to both
+<code>GL_ARRAY_BUFFER</code> and <code>GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER</code>, but that would be
+expensive overhead and it is not recommended.</li>
+<li><strong>Don&#8217;t call ``glGet*`` or ``glCheck*`` during rendering.</strong> This is normal
+advice for OpenGL programs, but is particularly important for 3D on
+Chrome. Calls to any OpenGL ES 2.0 function whose name begins with these
+strings blocks the Native Client thread. This includes <code>glGetError</code>; avoid
+calling it in release builds.</li>
+<li><strong>Don&#8217;t use fixed point (``GL_FIXED``) vertex attributes.</strong> Fixed point
+attributes are not supported in OpenGL ES 2.0, so emulating them in OpenGL ES
+2.0 is slow. By default, <code>GL_FIXED</code> support is turned off in the Pepper 3D
+<li><strong>Don&#8217;t read data from the GPU.</strong> Don&#8217;t call <code>glReadPixels</code>, as it is slow.</li>
+<li><strong>Don&#8217;t update a small portion of a large buffer.</strong> In the current OpenGL ES
+2.0 implementation when you update a portion of a buffer (with
+<code>glSubBufferData</code> for example) the entire buffer must be reprocessed. To
+avoid this problem, keep static and dynamic data in different buffers.</li>
+<li><strong>Don&#8217;t call ``glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D)``.</strong> This is an OpenGL ES 2.0
+error. Each time it is called, an error messages will appear in Chrome&#8217;s
+<code>about:gpu</code> tab.</li>
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+<section id="application-structure">
+<span id="devcycle-application-structure"></span><h1 id="application-structure"><span id="devcycle-application-structure"></span>Application Structure</h1>
+<div class="contents local topic" id="contents">
+<ul class="small-gap">
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#application-components" id="id1">Application components</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#html-file-and-the-embed-element" id="id2">HTML file and the &lt;embed&gt; element</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#manifest-files" id="id3">Manifest Files</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#modules-and-instances" id="id4">Modules and instances</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#native-client-modules-a-closer-look" id="id5">Native Client modules: A closer look</a></li>
+<p>This chapter of the Developer&#8217;s Guide describes the general structure of a
+Native Client application. The chapter assumes you are familiar with the
+material presented in the <a class="reference internal" href="/native-client/overview.html"><em>Technical Overview</em></a>.</p>
+<aside class="note">
+The &#8220;Hello, World&#8221; example is used here to illustrate basic
+Native Client programming techniques. You can find this code in the
+<em>/getting_started/part1</em> directory in the Native Client SDK download.
+<section id="application-components">
+<h2 id="application-components">Application components</h2>
+<p>A Native Client application typically contains the following components:</p>
+<ul class="small-gap">
+<li>an HTML file;</li>
+<li>JavaScript code, which can be included in the HTML file or contained in one or
+more separate .js files;</li>
+<li>CSS styles, which can be included in the HTML file or contained in one or more
+separate .css files;</li>
+<li>a Native Client manifest file (with a .nmf extension) that specifies how to
+load a Native Client module for different processors; and</li>
+<li>a Native Client module, written in C or C++, and compiled into a portable
+executable file (with a .pexe extension) or (if using the Chrome Web Store),
+architecture-specific executable files (with .nexe extensions).</li>
+<p>Applications that are published in the <a class="reference external" href="">Chrome Web Store</a>
+also include a Chrome
+Web Store manifest file <code>(manifest.json)</code> and one or more icon files.</p>
+</section><section id="html-file-and-the-embed-element">
+<span id="html-file"></span><h2 id="html-file-and-the-embed-element"><span id="html-file"></span>HTML file and the &lt;embed&gt; element</h2>
+<p>The <code>&lt;embed&gt;</code> element in an HTML file triggers the loading of a Native Client
+module and specifies the rectangle on the web page that is managed by the
+module. Here is the &lt;embed&gt; element from the &#8220;Hello, World&#8221; application:</p>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+&lt;embed id=&quot;hello_tutorial&quot;
+ width=0 height=0
+ src=&quot;hello_tutorial.nmf&quot;
+ type=&quot;application/x-pnacl&quot; /&gt;
+<p>In the <code>&lt;embed&gt;</code> element:</p>
+<dl class="docutils">
+<dd>is the DOM name attribute for the Native Client module
+(&#8220;nacl_module&#8221; is often used as a convention)</dd>
+<dd>specifies the DOM ID for the Native Client module</dd>
+<dt>width, height</dt>
+<dd>specify the size in pixels of the rectangle on the web page that is
+managed by the Native Client module (if the module does not have a
+visible area, these values can be 0)</dd>
+<dd>refers to the Native Client manifest file that is used to determine
+which version of a module to load based on the architecture of the
+user&#8217;s computer (see the following section for more information)</dd>
+<dd>specifies the MIME type of the embedded content; for Portable Native Client
+modules the type must be &#8220;application/x-pnacl&#8221;. For architecture-specific
+Native Client modules the type must be &#8220;application/x-nacl&#8221;</dd>
+</section><section id="manifest-files">
+<span id="manifest-file"></span><h2 id="manifest-files"><span id="manifest-file"></span>Manifest Files</h2>
+<p>Native Client applications have two types of manifest files: a Chrome Web Store
+manifest file and a Native Client manifest file.</p>
+<p>A <strong>Chrome Web Store manifest file</strong> is a file with information about a web
+application that is published in the Chrome Web Store. This file, named
+<code>manifest.json</code>, is required for applications that are published in the Chrome
+Web Store. For more information about this file see <a class="reference internal" href="/native-client/devguide/distributing.html"><em>Distributing Your
+Application</em></a>. and the <a class="reference external" href="">Chrome Web Store manifest file format</a>.</p>
+<p>A <strong>Native Client manifest file</strong> is a file that specifies which Native Client
+module (executable) to load. For PNaCl it specifies a single portable
+executable; otherwise it specifies one for each of the supported end-user
+computer architectures (for example x86-32, x86-64, or ARM). This file is
+required for all Native Client applications. The extension for this file is
+<p>Manifest files for applications that use PNaCl are simple. Here is the manifest
+for the hello world example:</p>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+ &quot;program&quot;: {
+ &quot;portable&quot;: {
+ &quot;pnacl-translate&quot;: {
+ &quot;url&quot;: &quot;hello_tutorial.pexe&quot;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+<p>For Chrome Web Store applications that do not use PNaCl, a typical manifest file
+contains a <a class="reference external" href="">JSON</a> dictionary with a single top-level
+key/value pair: the &#8220;program&#8221; key and a value consisting of a nested
+dictionary. The nested dictionary contains keys corresponding to the names of
+the supported computer architectures, and values referencing the file to load
+for a given architecture—specifically, the URL of the .nexe file, given by the
+<code>&quot;url&quot;</code> key. URLs are specified relative to the location of the manifest file.
+Here is an example:</p>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+ &quot;program&quot;: {
+ &quot;x86-32&quot;: {
+ &quot;url&quot;: &quot;hello_tutorial_x86_32.nexe&quot;
+ },
+ &quot;x86-64&quot;: {
+ &quot;url&quot;: &quot;hello_tutorial_x86_64.nexe&quot;
+ },
+ &quot;arm&quot;: {
+ &quot;url&quot;: &quot;hello_tutorial_arm.nexe&quot;
+ }
+ }
+<p>For applications that use the <a class="reference internal" href="/native-client/devguide/devcycle/dynamic-loading.html#c-libraries"><em>glibc</em></a>
+library, the manifest file must also contain a &#8220;files&#8221; key that specifies the
+shared libraries that the applications use. This is discussed in detail in
+<a class="reference internal" href="/native-client/devguide/devcycle/dynamic-loading.html"><em>Dynamic Linking and Loading with glibc</em></a>. To
+see some example manifest files, build some of the example applications in the
+SDK (run <code>make</code> in the example subdirectories) and look at the generated
+manifest files.</p>
+<p>In most cases, you can simply use the Python script provided with the SDK,
+<code></code>, to create a manifest file for your application as part of the
+compilation step (see the Makefile in any of the SDK examples for an
+illustration of how to do so). The manifest file format is also
+<a class="reference internal" href="/native-client/reference/nacl-manifest-format.html"><em>documented</em></a>.</p>
+</section><section id="modules-and-instances">
+<h2 id="modules-and-instances">Modules and instances</h2>
+<p>A Native Client <strong>module</strong> is C or C++ code compiled into a PNaCl .pexe file or
+a NaCl .nexe file.</p>
+<p>An <strong>instance</strong> is a rectangle on a web page that is managed by a module. An
+instance may have a dimension of width=0 and height=0, meaning that the instance
+does not have any visible component on the web page. An instance is created by
+including an <code>&lt;embed&gt;</code> element in a web page. The <code>&lt;embed&gt;</code> element
+references a Native Client manifest file that loads the appropriate version of
+the module (either portable, or specific to the end-user&#8217;s architecture). A
+module may be included in a web page multiple times by using multiple
+<code>&lt;embed&gt;</code> elements that refer to the module; in this case the Native Client
+runtime system loads the module once and creates multiple instances that are
+managed by the module.</p>
+</section><section id="native-client-modules-a-closer-look">
+<h2 id="native-client-modules-a-closer-look">Native Client modules: A closer look</h2>
+<p>A Native Client module must include three components:</p>
+<ul class="small-gap">
+<li>a factory function called <code>CreateModule()</code></li>
+<li>a Module class (derived from the <code>pp::Module</code> class)</li>
+<li>an Instance class (derived from the <code>pp:Instance</code> class)</li>
+<p>In the &#8220;Hello tutorial&#8221; example (in the <code>getting_started/part1</code> directory of
+the NaCl SDK), these three components are specified in the file
+<code></code>. Here is the factory function:</p>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+Module* CreateModule() {
+ return new HelloTutorialModule();
+<p>Native Client modules do not have a <code>main()</code> function. The <code>CreateModule()</code>
+factory function is the main binding point between a module and the browser, and
+serves as the entry point into the module. The browser calls <code>CreateModule()</code>
+when a module is first loaded; this function returns a Module object derived
+from the <code>pp::Module</code> class. The browser keeps a singleton of the Module
+<p>Below is the Module class from the &#8220;Hello tutorial&#8221; example:</p>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+class HelloTutorialModule : public pp::Module {
+ public:
+ HelloTutorialModule() : pp::Module() {}
+ virtual ~HelloTutorialModule() {}
+ virtual pp::Instance* CreateInstance(PP_Instance instance) {
+ return new HelloTutorialInstance(instance);
+ }
+<p>The Module class must include a <code>CreateInstance()</code> method. The browser calls
+the <code>CreateInstance()</code> method every time it encounters an <code>&lt;embed&gt;</code> element
+on a web page that references the same module. The <code>CreateInstance()</code> function
+creates and returns an Instance object derived from the <code>pp::Instance</code> class.</p>
+<p>Below is the Instance class from the &#8220;Hello tutorial&#8221; example:</p>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+class HelloTutorialInstance : public pp::Instance {
+ public:
+ explicit HelloTutorialInstance(PP_Instance instance) : pp::Instance(instance) {}
+ virtual ~HelloTutorialInstance() {}
+ virtual void HandleMessage(const pp::Var&amp; var_message) {}
+<p>As in the example above, the Instance class for your module will likely include
+an implementation of the <code>HandleMessage()</code> function. The browser calls an
+instance&#8217;s <code>HandleMessage()</code> function every time the JavaScript code in an
+application calls <code>postMessage()</code> to send a message to the instance. See the
+<a class="reference internal" href="/native-client/devguide/coding/message-system.html"><em>Native Client messaging system</em></a> for more information about
+how to send messages between JavaScript code and Native Client modules.</p>
+<p>The NaCl code is only invoked to handle various browser-issued
+events and callbacks. There is no need to shut down the NaCl instance by
+calling the <code>exit()</code> function. NaCl modules will be shut down when the user
+leaves the web page, or the NaCl module&#8217;s <code>&lt;embed&gt;</code> is otherwise destroyed.
+If the NaCl module does call the <code>exit()</code> function, the instance will
+issue a <code>crash</code> event
+<a class="reference internal" href="/native-client/devguide/coding/progress-events.html"><em>which can be handled in Javascript</em></a>.</p>
+<p>While the <code>CreateModule()</code> factory function, the <code>Module</code> class, and the
+<code>Instance</code> class are required for a Native Client application, the code
+samples shown above don&#8217;t actually do anything. Subsequent chapters in the
+Developer&#8217;s Guide build on these code samples and add more interesting
diff --git a/native_client_sdk/doc_generated/devguide/coding/audio.html b/native_client_sdk/doc_generated/devguide/coding/audio.html
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+<section id="audio">
+<span id="devguide-coding-audio"></span><h1 id="audio"><span id="devguide-coding-audio"></span>Audio</h1>
+<div class="contents local topic" id="contents">
+<ul class="small-gap">
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#reference-information" id="id1">Reference information</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#about-the-pepper-audio-api" id="id2">About the Pepper audio API</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#digital-audio-concepts" id="id3">Digital audio concepts</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#setting-up-the-module" id="id4">Setting up the module</a></li>
+<li><p class="first"><a class="reference internal" href="#creating-an-audio-configuration-resource" id="id5">Creating an audio configuration resource</a></p>
+<ul class="small-gap">
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#resources" id="id6">Resources</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#sample-frame-count" id="id7">Sample frame count</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#supported-audio-configurations" id="id8">Supported audio configurations</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#creating-an-audio-resource" id="id9">Creating an audio resource</a></li>
+<li><p class="first"><a class="reference internal" href="#implementing-a-callback-function" id="id10">Implementing a callback function</a></p>
+<ul class="small-gap">
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#application-threads-and-real-time-requirements" id="id11">Application threads and real-time requirements</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#starting-and-stopping-playback" id="id12">Starting and stopping playback</a></li>
+<p>This chapter describes how to use the Pepper audio API to play an audio
+stream. The Pepper audio API provides a low-level means of playing a stream of
+audio samples generated by a Native Client module. The API generally works as
+follows: A Native Client module creates an audio resource that represents an
+audio stream, and tells the browser to start or stop playing the audio
+resource. The browser calls a function in the Native Client module to fill a
+buffer with audio samples every time it needs data to play from the audio
+<p>The code examples in this chapter describe a simple Native Client module that
+generates audio samples using a sine wave with a frequency of 440 Hz. The module
+starts playing the audio samples as soon as it is loaded into the browser. For a
+slightly more sophisticated example, see the <code>audio</code> example (source code in
+the SDK directory <code>examples/api/audio</code>), which lets users specify a frequency
+for the sine wave and click buttons to start and stop audio playback.</p>
+<section id="reference-information">
+<h2 id="reference-information">Reference information</h2>
+<p>For reference information related to the Pepper audio API, see the following
+<ul class="small-gap">
+<li><a class="reference external" href="">pp::AudioConfig class</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference external" href="">pp::Audio class</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference external" href="">audio_config.h</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference external" href="">audio.h</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference external" href="">PP_AudioSampleRate</a></li>
+</section><section id="about-the-pepper-audio-api">
+<h2 id="about-the-pepper-audio-api">About the Pepper audio API</h2>
+<p>The Pepper audio API lets Native Client modules play audio streams in a
+browser. To play an audio stream, a module generates audio samples and writes
+them into a buffer. The browser reads the audio samples from the buffer and
+plays them using an audio device on the client computer.</p>
+<img alt="/native-client/images/pepper-audio-buffer.png" src="/native-client/images/pepper-audio-buffer.png" />
+<p>This mechanism is simple but low-level. If you want to play plain sound files in
+a web application, you may want to consider higher-level alternatives such as
+using the HTML <code>&lt;audio&gt;</code> tag, JavaScript, or the new <a class="reference external" href="">Web Audio API</a>.</p>
+<p>The Pepper audio API is a good option for playing audio data if you want to do
+audio processing in your web application. You might use the audio API, for
+example, if you want to apply audio effects to sounds, synthesize your own
+sounds, or do any other type of CPU-intensive processing of audio
+samples. Another likely use case is gaming applications: you might use a gaming
+library to process audio data, and then simply use the audio API to output the
+processed data.</p>
+<p>The Pepper audio API is straightforward to use:</p>
+<ol class="arabic simple">
+<li>Your module creates an audio configuration resource and an audio resource.</li>
+<li>Your module implements a callback function that fills an audio buffer with
+<li>Your module invokes the StartPlayback and StopPlayback methods of the audio
+resource (e.g., when certain events occur).</li>
+<li>The browser invokes your callback function whenever it needs audio data to
+play. Your callback function can generate the audio data in a number of
+ways&#8212;e.g., it can generate new data, or it can copy pre-mixed data into the
+audio buffer.</li>
+<p>This basic interaction is illustrated below, and described in detail in the
+sections that follow.</p>
+<img alt="/native-client/images/pepper-audio-api.png" src="/native-client/images/pepper-audio-api.png" />
+</section><section id="digital-audio-concepts">
+<h2 id="digital-audio-concepts">Digital audio concepts</h2>
+<p>Before you use the Pepper audio API, it&#8217;s helpful to understand a few concepts
+that are fundamental to how digital audio is recorded and played back:</p>
+<dl class="docutils">
+<dt>sample rate</dt>
+<dd>the number of times an input sound source is sampled per second;
+correspondingly, the number of samples that are played back per second</dd>
+<dt>bit depth</dt>
+<dd>the number of bits used to represent a sample</dd>
+<dd>the number of input sources recorded in each sampling interval;
+correspondingly, the number of outputs that are played back simultaneously
+(typically using different speakers)</dd>
+<p>The higher the sample rate and bit depth used to record a sound wave, the more
+accurately the sound wave can be reproduced, since it will have been sampled
+more frequently and stored using a higher level of quantization. Common sampling
+rates include 44,100 Hz (44,100 samples/second, the sample rate used on CDs),
+and 48,000 Hz (the sample rate used on DVDs and Digital Audio Tapes). A common
+bit depth is 16 bits per sample, and a common number of channels is 2 (left and
+right channels for stereo sound).</p>
+<p id="pepper-audio-configurations">The Pepper audio API currently lets Native Client modules play audio streams
+with the following configurations:</p>
+<ul class="small-gap">
+<li><strong>sample rate</strong>: 44,100 Hz or 48,000 Hz</li>
+<li><strong>bit depth</strong>: 16</li>
+<li><strong>channels</strong>: 2 (stereo)</li>
+</section><section id="setting-up-the-module">
+<h2 id="setting-up-the-module">Setting up the module</h2>
+<p>The code examples below describe a simple Native Client module that generates
+audio samples using a sine wave with a frequency of 440 Hz. The module starts
+playing the audio samples as soon as it is loaded into the browser.</p>
+<p>The Native Client module is set up by implementing subclasses of the
+<code>pp::Module</code> and <code>pp::Instance</code> classes, as normal.</p>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+class SineSynthInstance : public pp::Instance {
+ public:
+ explicit SineSynthInstance(PP_Instance instance);
+ virtual ~SineSynthInstance() {}
+ // Called by the browser once the NaCl module is loaded and ready to
+ // initialize. Creates a Pepper audio context and initializes it. Returns
+ // true on success. Returning false causes the NaCl module to be deleted
+ // and no other functions to be called.
+ virtual bool Init(uint32_t argc, const char* argn[], const char* argv[]);
+ private:
+ // Function called by the browser when it needs more audio samples.
+ static void SineWaveCallback(void* samples,
+ uint32_t buffer_size,
+ void* data);
+ // Audio resource.
+ pp::Audio audio_;
+ ...
+class SineSynthModule : public pp::Module {
+ public:
+ SineSynthModule() : pp::Module() {}
+ ~SineSynthModule() {}
+ // Create and return a SineSynthInstance object.
+ virtual pp::Instance* CreateInstance(PP_Instance instance) {
+ return new SineSynthInstance(instance);
+ }
+</section><section id="creating-an-audio-configuration-resource">
+<h2 id="creating-an-audio-configuration-resource">Creating an audio configuration resource</h2>
+<section id="resources">
+<h3 id="resources">Resources</h3>
+<p>Before the module can play an audio stream, it must create two resources: an
+audio configuration resource and an audio resource. Resources are handles to
+objects that the browser provides to module instances. An audio resource is an
+object that represents the state of an audio stream, including whether the
+stream is paused or being played back, and which callback function to invoke
+when the samples in the stream&#8217;s buffer run out. An audio configuration resource
+is an object that stores configuration data for an audio resource, including the
+sampling frequency of the audio samples, and the number of samples that the
+callback function must provide when the browser invokes it.</p>
+</section><section id="sample-frame-count">
+<h3 id="sample-frame-count">Sample frame count</h3>
+<p>Prior to creating an audio configuration resource, the module should call
+<code>RecommendSampleFrameCount</code> to obtain a <em>sample frame count</em> from the
+browser. The sample frame count is the number of samples that the callback
+function must provide per channel each time the browser invokes the callback
+function. For example, if the sample frame count is 4096 for a stereo audio
+stream, the callback function must provide a 8192 samples (4096 for the left
+channel and 4096 for the right channel).</p>
+<p>The module can request a specific sample frame count, but the browser may return
+a different sample frame count depending on the capabilities of the client
+device. At present, <code>RecommendSampleFrameCount</code> simply bound-checks the
+requested sample frame count (see <code>include/ppapi/c/ppb_audio_config.h</code> for the
+minimum and maximum sample frame counts, currently 64 and 32768). In the future,
+<code>RecommendSampleFrameCount</code> may perform a more sophisticated calculation,
+particularly if there is an intrinsic buffer size for the client device.</p>
+<p>Selecting a sample frame count for an audio stream involves a tradeoff between
+latency and CPU usage. If you want your module to have short audio latency so
+that it can rapidly change what&#8217;s playing in the audio stream, you should
+request a small sample frame count. That could be useful in gaming applications,
+for example, where sounds have to change frequently in response to game
+action. However, a small sample frame count results in higher CPU usage, since
+the browser must invoke the callback function frequently to refill the audio
+buffer. Conversely, a large sample frame count results in higher latency but
+lower CPU usage. You should request a large sample frame count if your module
+will play long, uninterrupted audio segments.</p>
+</section><section id="supported-audio-configurations">
+<h3 id="supported-audio-configurations">Supported audio configurations</h3>
+<p>After the module obtains a sample frame count, it can create an audio
+configuration resource. Currently the Pepper audio API supports audio streams
+with the configuration settings shown <a class="reference internal" href="#pepper-audio-configurations"><em>above</em></a>.
+C++ modules can create a configuration resource by instantiating a
+<code>pp::AudioConfig</code> object. Check <code>audio_config.h</code> for the latest
+configurations that are supported.</p>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+bool SineSynthInstance::Init(uint32_t argc,
+ const char* argn[],
+ const char* argv[]) {
+ // Ask the browser/device for an appropriate sample frame count size.
+ sample_frame_count_ =
+ pp::AudioConfig::RecommendSampleFrameCount(PP_AUDIOSAMPLERATE_44100,
+ kSampleFrameCount);
+ // Create an audio configuration resource.
+ pp::AudioConfig audio_config = pp::AudioConfig(this,
+ sample_frame_count_);
+ // Create an audio resource.
+ audio_ = pp::Audio(this,
+ audio_config,
+ SineWaveCallback,
+ this);
+ // Start playback when the module instance is initialized.
+ return audio_.StartPlayback();
+</section></section><section id="creating-an-audio-resource">
+<h2 id="creating-an-audio-resource">Creating an audio resource</h2>
+<p>Once the module has created an audio configuration resource, it can create an
+audio resource. To do so, it instantiates a <code>pp::Audio</code> object, passing in a
+pointer to the module instance, the audio configuration resource, a callback
+function, and a pointer to user data (data that is used in the callback
+function). See the example above.</p>
+</section><section id="implementing-a-callback-function">
+<h2 id="implementing-a-callback-function">Implementing a callback function</h2>
+<p>The browser calls the callback function associated with an audio resource every
+time it needs more samples to play. The callback function can generate new
+samples (e.g., by applying sound effects), or copy pre-mixed samples into the
+audio buffer. The example below generates new samples by computing values of a
+sine wave.</p>
+<p>The last parameter passed to the callback function is generic user data that the
+function can use in processing samples. In the example below, the user data is a
+pointer to the module instance, which includes member variables
+<code>sample_frame_count_</code> (the sample frame count obtained from the browser) and
+<code>theta_</code> (the last angle that was used to compute a sine value in the previous
+callback; this lets the function generate a smooth sine wave by starting at that
+angle plus a small delta).</p>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+class SineSynthInstance : public pp::Instance {
+ public:
+ ...
+ private:
+ static void SineWaveCallback(void* samples,
+ uint32_t buffer_size,
+ void* data) {
+ // The user data in this example is a pointer to the module instance.
+ SineSynthInstance* sine_synth_instance =
+ reinterpret_cast&lt;SineSynthInstance*&gt;(data);
+ // Delta by which to increase theta_ for each sample.
+ const double delta = kTwoPi * kFrequency / PP_AUDIOSAMPLERATE_44100;
+ // Amount by which to scale up the computed sine value.
+ const int16_t max_int16 = std::numeric_limits&lt;int16_t&gt;::max();
+ int16_t* buff = reinterpret_cast&lt;int16_t*&gt;(samples);
+ // Make sure we can't write outside the buffer.
+ assert(buffer_size &gt;= (sizeof(*buff) * kChannels *
+ sine_synth_instance-&gt;sample_frame_count_));
+ for (size_t sample_i = 0;
+ sample_i &lt; sine_synth_instance-&gt;sample_frame_count_;
+ ++sample_i, sine_synth_instance-&gt;theta_ += delta) {
+ // Keep theta_ from going beyond 2*Pi.
+ if (sine_synth_instance-&gt;theta_ &gt; kTwoPi) {
+ sine_synth_instance-&gt;theta_ -= kTwoPi;
+ }
+ // Compute the sine value for the current theta_, scale it up,
+ // and write it into the buffer once for each channel.
+ double sin_value(std::sin(sine_synth_instance-&gt;theta_));
+ int16_t scaled_value = static_cast&lt;int16_t&gt;(sin_value * max_int16);
+ for (size_t channel = 0; channel &lt; kChannels; ++channel) {
+ *buff++ = scaled_value;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ...
+<section id="application-threads-and-real-time-requirements">
+<h3 id="application-threads-and-real-time-requirements">Application threads and real-time requirements</h3>
+<p>The callback function runs in a background application thread. This allows audio
+processing to continue even when the application is busy doing something
+else. If the main application thread and the callback thread access the same
+data, you may be tempted to use a lock to control access to that data. You
+should avoid the use of locks in the callback thread, however, as attempting to
+acquire a lock may cause the thread to get swapped out, resulting in audio
+<p>In general, you must program the callback thread carefully, as the Pepper audio
+API is a very low level API that needs to meet hard real-time requirements. If
+the callback thread spends too much time processing, it can easily miss the
+real-time deadline, resulting in audio dropouts. One way the callback thread can
+miss the deadline is by taking too much time doing computation. Another way the
+callback thread can miss the deadline is by executing a function call that swaps
+out the callback thread. Unfortunately, such function calls include just about
+all C Run-Time (CRT) library calls and Pepper API calls. The callback thread
+should therefore avoid calls to malloc, gettimeofday, mutex, condvars, critical
+sections, and so forth; any such calls could attempt to take a lock and swap out
+the callback thread, which would be disastrous for audio playback. Similarly,
+the callback thread should avoid Pepper API calls. Audio dropouts due to thread
+swapping can be very rare and very hard to track down and debug&#8212;it&#8217;s best to
+avoid making system/Pepper calls in the first place. In short, the audio
+(callback) thread should use &#8220;lock-free&#8221; techniques and avoid making CRT library
+<p>One other issue to be aware of is that the <code>StartPlayback</code> function (discussed
+below) is an asynchronous RPC; i.e., it does not block. That means that the
+callback function may not be called immediately after the call to
+<code>StartPlayback</code>. If it&#8217;s important to synchronize the callback thread with
+another thread so that the audio stream starts playing simultaneously with
+another action in your application, you must handle such synchronization
+</section></section><section id="starting-and-stopping-playback">
+<h2 id="starting-and-stopping-playback">Starting and stopping playback</h2>
+<p>To start and stop audio playback, the module simply reacts to JavaScript
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+const char* const kPlaySoundId = &quot;playSound&quot;;
+const char* const kStopSoundId = &quot;stopSound&quot;;
+void SineSynthInstance::HandleMessage(const pp::Var&amp; var_message) {
+ if (!var_message.is_string()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ std::string message = var_message.AsString();
+ if (message == kPlaySoundId) {
+ audio_.StartPlayback();
+ } else if (message == kStopSoundId) {
+ audio_.StopPlayback();
+ } else if (...) {
+ ...
+ }
diff --git a/native_client_sdk/doc_generated/devguide/coding/file-io.html b/native_client_sdk/doc_generated/devguide/coding/file-io.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46e4d77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/native_client_sdk/doc_generated/devguide/coding/file-io.html
@@ -0,0 +1,498 @@
+<section id="file-i-o">
+<span id="devguide-coding-fileio"></span><h1 id="file-i-o"><span id="devguide-coding-fileio"></span>File I/O</h1>
+<div class="contents local topic" id="contents">
+<ul class="small-gap">
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#introduction" id="id2">Introduction</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#reference-information" id="id3">Reference information</a></li>
+<li><p class="first"><a class="reference internal" href="#local-file-i-o" id="id4">Local file I/O</a></p>
+<ul class="small-gap">
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#enabling-local-file-i-o" id="id5">Enabling local file I/O</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#testing-local-file-i-o" id="id6">Testing local file I/O</a></li>
+<li><p class="first"><a class="reference internal" href="#the-file-io-example" id="id7">The <code>file_io</code> example</a></p>
+<ul class="small-gap">
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#file-i-o-overview" id="id8">File I/O overview</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#creating-and-writing-a-file" id="id9">Creating and writing a file</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#opening-and-reading-a-file" id="id10">Opening and reading a file</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#deleting-a-file" id="id11">Deleting a file</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#making-a-directory" id="id12">Making a directory</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#listing-the-contents-of-a-directory" id="id13">Listing the contents of a directory</a></li>
+<li><p class="first"><a class="reference internal" href="#file-io-deep-dive" id="id14"><code>file_io</code> deep dive</a></p>
+<ul class="small-gap">
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#opening-a-file-system-and-preparing-for-file-i-o" id="id15">Opening a file system and preparing for file I/O</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#handling-messages-from-javascript" id="id16">Handling messages from JavaScript</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#saving-a-file" id="id17">Saving a file</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#loading-a-file" id="id18">Loading a file</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#id1" id="id19">Deleting a file</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#listing-files-in-a-directory" id="id20">Listing files in a directory</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#making-a-new-directory" id="id21">Making a new directory</a></li>
+<section id="introduction">
+<h2 id="introduction">Introduction</h2>
+<p>This chapter describes how to use the <a class="reference external" href="">FileIO API</a>
+to read and write files using a local secure data store.</p>
+<p>You might use the File IO API with the URL Loading APIs to create an overall
+data download and caching solution for your NaCl applications. For example:</p>
+<ol class="arabic simple">
+<li>Use the File IO APIs to check the local disk to see if a file exists that
+your program needs.</li>
+<li>If the file exists locally, load it into memory using the File IO API. If
+the file doesn&#8217;t exist locally, use the URL Loading API to retrieve the
+file from the server.</li>
+<li>Use the File IO API to write the file to disk.</li>
+<li>Load the file into memory using the File IO API when needed by your
+<p>The example discussed in this chapter is included in the SDK in the directory
+</section><section id="reference-information">
+<h2 id="reference-information">Reference information</h2>
+<p>For reference information related to FileIO, see the following documentation:</p>
+<ul class="small-gap">
+<li><a class="reference external" href="">file_io.h</a> - API
+to create a FileIO object</li>
+<li><a class="reference external" href="">file_ref.h</a> - API
+to create a file reference or &#8220;weak pointer&#8221; to a file in a file system</li>
+<li><a class="reference external" href="">file_system.h</a> -
+API to create a file system associated with a file</li>
+</section><section id="local-file-i-o">
+<h2 id="local-file-i-o">Local file I/O</h2>
+<p>Chrome provides an obfuscated, restricted area on disk to which a web app can
+safely <a class="reference external" href="">read and write files</a>. The
+Pepper FileIO, FileRef, and FileSystem APIs (collectively called the File IO
+APIs) allow you to access this sandboxed local disk so you can read and write
+files and manage caching yourself. The data is persistent between launches of
+Chrome, and is not removed unless your application deletes it or the user
+manually deletes it. There is no limit to the amount of local data you can
+use, other than the actual space available on the local drive.</p>
+<section id="enabling-local-file-i-o">
+<span id="enabling-file-access"></span><span id="quota-management"></span><h3 id="enabling-local-file-i-o"><span id="enabling-file-access"></span><span id="quota-management"></span>Enabling local file I/O</h3>
+<p>The easiest way to enable the writing of persistent local data is to include
+the <a class="reference external" href="">unlimitedStorage permission</a>
+in your Chrome Web Store manifest file. With this permission you can use the
+Pepper FileIO API without the need to request disk space at run time. When
+the user installs the app Chrome displays a message announcing that the app
+writes to the local disk.</p>
+<p>If you do not use the <code>unlimitedStorage</code> permission you must include
+JavaScript code that calls the <a class="reference external" href="">HTML5 Quota Management API</a> to
+explicitly request local disk space before using the FileIO API. In this case
+Chrome will prompt the user to accept a requestQuota call every time one is
+</section><section id="testing-local-file-i-o">
+<h3 id="testing-local-file-i-o">Testing local file I/O</h3>
+<p>You should be aware that using the <code>unlimitedStorage</code> manifest permission
+constrains the way you can test your app. Three of the four techniques
+described in <a class="reference internal" href="/native-client/devguide/devcycle/running.html"><em>Running Native Client Applications</em></a>
+read the Chrome Web Store manifest file and enable the <code>unlimitedStorage</code>
+permission when it appears, but the first technique (local server) does not.
+If you want to test the file IO portion of your app with a simple local server,
+you need to include JavaScript code that calls the HTML5 Quota Management API.
+When you deliver your application you can replace this code with the
+<code>unlimitedStorage</code> manifest permission.</p>
+</section></section><section id="the-file-io-example">
+<h2 id="the-file-io-example">The <code>file_io</code> example</h2>
+<p>The Native Client SDK includes an example, <code>file_io</code>, that demonstrates how
+to read and write a local disk file. Since you will probably run the example
+from a local server without a Chrome Web Store manifest file, the example&#8217;s
+index file uses JavaScript to perform the Quota Management setup as described
+above. The example has these primary files:</p>
+<ul class="small-gap">
+<li><code>index.html</code> - The HTML code that launches the Native Client module and
+displays the user interface.</li>
+<li><code>example.js</code> - JavaScript code that requests quota (as described above). It
+also listens for user interaction with the user interface, and forwards the
+requests to the Native Client module.</li>
+<li><code></code> - The code that sets up and provides an entry point to the
+Native Client module.</li>
+<p>The remainder of this section covers the code in the <code></code> file for
+reading and writing files.</p>
+<section id="file-i-o-overview">
+<h3 id="file-i-o-overview">File I/O overview</h3>
+<p>Like many Pepper APIs, the File IO API includes a set of methods that execute
+asynchronously and that invoke callback functions in your Native Client module.
+Unlike most other examples, the <code>file_io</code> example also demonstrates how to
+make Pepper calls synchronously on a worker thread.</p>
+<p>It is illegal to make blocking calls to Pepper on the module&#8217;s main thread.
+This restriction is lifted when running on a worker thread&#8212;this is called
+&#8220;calling Pepper off the main thread&#8221;. This often simplifies the logic of your
+code; multiple asynchronous Pepper functions can be called from one function on
+your worker thread, so you can use the stack and standard control flow
+structures normally.</p>
+<p>The high-level flow for the <code>file_io</code> example is described below. Note that
+methods in the namespace <code>pp</code> are part of the Pepper C++ API.</p>
+</section><section id="creating-and-writing-a-file">
+<h3 id="creating-and-writing-a-file">Creating and writing a file</h3>
+<p>Following are the high-level steps involved in creating and writing to a
+<ol class="arabic simple">
+<li><code>pp::FileIO::Open</code> is called with the <code>PP_FILEOPEN_FLAG_CREATE</code> flag to
+create a file. Because the callback function is <code>pp::BlockUntilComplete</code>,
+this thread is blocked until <code>Open</code> succeeds or fails.</li>
+<li><code>pp::FileIO::Write</code> is called to write the contents. Again, the thread is
+blocked until the call to <code>Write</code> completes. If there is more data to
+write, <code>Write</code> is called again.</li>
+<li>When there is no more data to write, call <code>pp::FileIO::Flush</code>.</li>
+</section><section id="opening-and-reading-a-file">
+<h3 id="opening-and-reading-a-file">Opening and reading a file</h3>
+<p>Following are the high-level steps involved in opening and reading a file:</p>
+<ol class="arabic simple">
+<li><code>pp::FileIO::Open</code> is called to open the file. Because the callback
+function is <code>pp::BlockUntilComplete</code>, this thread is blocked until Open
+succeeds or fails.</li>
+<li><code>pp::FileIO::Query</code> is called to query information about the file, such as
+its file size. The thread is blocked until <code>Query</code> completes.</li>
+<li><code>pp::FileIO::Read</code> is called to read the contents. The thread is blocked
+until <code>Read</code> completes. If there is more data to read, <code>Read</code> is called
+</section><section id="deleting-a-file">
+<h3 id="deleting-a-file">Deleting a file</h3>
+<p>Deleting a file is straightforward: call <code>pp::FileRef::Delete</code>. The thread is
+blocked until <code>Delete</code> completes.</p>
+</section><section id="making-a-directory">
+<h3 id="making-a-directory">Making a directory</h3>
+<p>Making a directory is also straightforward: call <code>pp::File::MakeDirectory</code>.
+The thread is blocked until <code>MakeDirectory</code> completes.</p>
+</section><section id="listing-the-contents-of-a-directory">
+<h3 id="listing-the-contents-of-a-directory">Listing the contents of a directory</h3>
+<p>Following are the high-level steps involved in listing a directory:</p>
+<ol class="arabic simple">
+<li><code>pp::FileRef::ReadDirectoryEntries</code> is called, and given a directory entry
+to list. A callback is given as well; many of the other functions use
+<code>pp::BlockUntilComplete</code>, but <code>ReadDirectoryEntries</code> returns results in
+its callback, so it must be specified.</li>
+<li>When the call to <code>ReadDirectoryEntries</code> completes, it calls
+<code>ListCallback</code> which packages up the results into a string message, and
+sends it to JavaScript.</li>
+</section></section><section id="file-io-deep-dive">
+<h2 id="file-io-deep-dive"><code>file_io</code> deep dive</h2>
+<p>The <code>file_io</code> example displays a user interface with a couple of fields and
+several buttons. Following is a screenshot of the <code>file_io</code> example:</p>
+<img alt="/native-client/images/fileioexample.png" src="/native-client/images/fileioexample.png" />
+<p>Each radio button is a file operation you can perform, with some reasonable
+default values for filenames. Try typing a message in the large input box and
+clicking <code>Save</code>, then switching to the <code>Load File</code> operation, and
+clicking <code>Load</code>.</p>
+<p>Let&#8217;s take a look at what is going on under the hood.</p>
+<section id="opening-a-file-system-and-preparing-for-file-i-o">
+<h3 id="opening-a-file-system-and-preparing-for-file-i-o">Opening a file system and preparing for file I/O</h3>
+<p><code>pp::Instance::Init</code> is called when an instance of a module is created. In
+this example, <code>Init</code> starts a new thread (via the <code>pp::SimpleThread</code>
+class), and tells it to open the filesystem:</p>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+virtual bool Init(uint32_t /*argc*/,
+ const char * /*argn*/ [],
+ const char * /*argv*/ []) {
+ file_thread_.Start();
+ // Open the file system on the file_thread_. Since this is the first
+ // operation we perform there, and because we do everything on the
+ // file_thread_ synchronously, this ensures that the FileSystem is open
+ // before any FileIO operations execute.
+ file_thread_.message_loop().PostWork(
+ callback_factory_.NewCallback(&amp;FileIoInstance::OpenFileSystem));
+ return true;
+<p>When the file thread starts running, it will call <code>OpenFileSystem</code>. This
+calls <code>pp::FileSystem::Open</code> and blocks the file thread until the function
+<aside class="note">
+Note that the call to <code>pp::FileSystem::Open</code> uses
+<code>pp::BlockUntilComplete</code> as its callback. This is only possible because we
+are running off the main thread; if you try to make a blocking call from the
+main thread, the function will return the error
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+void OpenFileSystem(int32_t /*result*/) {
+ int32_t rv = file_system_.Open(1024 * 1024, pp::BlockUntilComplete());
+ if (rv == PP_OK) {
+ file_system_ready_ = true;
+ // Notify the user interface that we're ready
+ PostMessage(&quot;READY|&quot;);
+ } else {
+ ShowErrorMessage(&quot;Failed to open file system&quot;, rv);
+ }
+</section><section id="handling-messages-from-javascript">
+<h3 id="handling-messages-from-javascript">Handling messages from JavaScript</h3>
+<p>When you click the <code>Save</code> button, JavaScript posts a message to the NaCl
+module with the file operation to perform sent as a string (See <a class="reference internal" href="/native-client/devguide/coding/message-system.html"><em>Messaging
+System</em></a> for more details on message passing). The string is
+parsed by <code>HandleMessage</code>, and new work is added to the file thread:</p>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+virtual void HandleMessage(const pp::Var&amp; var_message) {
+ if (!var_message.is_string())
+ return;
+ // Parse message into: instruction file_name_length file_name [file_text]
+ std::string message = var_message.AsString();
+ std::string instruction;
+ std::string file_name;
+ std::stringstream reader(message);
+ int file_name_length;
+ reader &gt;&gt; instruction &gt;&gt; file_name_length;
+ file_name.resize(file_name_length);
+ reader.ignore(1); // Eat the delimiter
+;file_name[0], file_name_length);
+ ...
+ // Dispatch the instruction
+ if (instruction == kLoadPrefix) {
+ file_thread_.message_loop().PostWork(
+ callback_factory_.NewCallback(&amp;FileIoInstance::Load, file_name));
+ } else if (instruction == kSavePrefix) {
+ ...
+ }
+</section><section id="saving-a-file">
+<h3 id="saving-a-file">Saving a file</h3>
+<p><code>FileIoInstance::Save</code> is called when the <code>Save</code> button is pressed. First,
+it checks to see that the FileSystem has been successfully opened:</p>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+if (!file_system_ready_) {
+ ShowErrorMessage(&quot;File system is not open&quot;, PP_ERROR_FAILED);
+ return;
+<p>It then creates a <code>pp::FileRef</code> resource with the name of the file. A
+<code>FileRef</code> resource is a weak reference to a file in the FileSystem; that is,
+a file can still be deleted even if there are outstanding <code>FileRef</code>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+pp::FileRef ref(file_system_, file_name.c_str());
+<p>Next, a <code>pp::FileIO</code> resource is created and opened. The call to
+<code>pp::FileIO::Open</code> passes <code>PP_FILEOPEFLAG_WRITE</code> to open the file for
+writing, <code>PP_FILEOPENFLAG_CREATE</code> to create a new file if it doesn&#8217;t already
+exist and <code>PP_FILEOPENFLAG_TRUNCATE</code> to clear the file of any previous
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+pp::FileIO file(this);
+int32_t open_result =
+ file.Open(ref,
+ pp::BlockUntilComplete());
+if (open_result != PP_OK) {
+ ShowErrorMessage(&quot;File open for write failed&quot;, open_result);
+ return;
+<p>Now that the file is opened, it is written to in chunks. In an asynchronous
+model, this would require writing a separate function, storing the current
+state on the free store and a chain of callbacks. Because this function is
+called off the main thread, <code>pp::FileIO::Write</code> can be called synchronously
+and a conventional do/while loop can be used:</p>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+int64_t offset = 0;
+int32_t bytes_written = 0;
+do {
+ bytes_written = file.Write(offset,
+ + offset,
+ file_contents.length(),
+ pp::BlockUntilComplete());
+ if (bytes_written &gt; 0) {
+ offset += bytes_written;
+ } else {
+ ShowErrorMessage(&quot;File write failed&quot;, bytes_written);
+ return;
+ }
+} while (bytes_written &lt; static_cast&lt;int64_t&gt;(file_contents.length()));
+<p>Finally, the file is flushed to push all changes to disk:</p>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+int32_t flush_result = file.Flush(pp::BlockUntilComplete());
+if (flush_result != PP_OK) {
+ ShowErrorMessage(&quot;File fail to flush&quot;, flush_result);
+ return;
+</section><section id="loading-a-file">
+<h3 id="loading-a-file">Loading a file</h3>
+<p><code>FileIoInstance::Load</code> is called when the <code>Load</code> button is pressed. Like
+the <code>Save</code> function, <code>Load</code> first checks to see if the FileSystem has been
+successfully opened, and creates a new <code>FileRef</code>:</p>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+if (!file_system_ready_) {
+ ShowErrorMessage(&quot;File system is not open&quot;, PP_ERROR_FAILED);
+ return;
+pp::FileRef ref(file_system_, file_name.c_str());
+<p>Next, <code>Load</code> creates and opens a new <code>FileIO</code> resource, passing
+<code>PP_FILEOPENFLAG_READ</code> to open the file for reading. The result is compared
+to <code>PP_ERROR_FILENOTFOUND</code> to give a better error message when the file
+doesn&#8217;t exist:</p>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+int32_t open_result =
+ file.Open(ref, PP_FILEOPENFLAG_READ, pp::BlockUntilComplete());
+if (open_result == PP_ERROR_FILENOTFOUND) {
+ ShowErrorMessage(&quot;File not found&quot;, open_result);
+ return;
+} else if (open_result != PP_OK) {
+ ShowErrorMessage(&quot;File open for read failed&quot;, open_result);
+ return;
+<p>Then <code>Load</code> calls <code>pp::FileIO::Query</code> to get metadata about the file, such
+as its size. This is used to allocate a <code>std::vector</code> buffer that holds the
+data from the file in memory:</p>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+int32_t query_result = file.Query(&amp;info, pp::BlockUntilComplete());
+if (query_result != PP_OK) {
+ ShowErrorMessage(&quot;File query failed&quot;, query_result);
+ return;
+std::vector&lt;char&gt; data(info.size);
+<p>Similar to <code>Save</code>, a conventional while loop is used to read the file into
+the newly allocated buffer:</p>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+int64_t offset = 0;
+int32_t bytes_read = 0;
+int32_t bytes_to_read = info.size;
+while (bytes_to_read &gt; 0) {
+ bytes_read = file.Read(offset,
+ &amp;data[offset],
+ data.size() - offset,
+ pp::BlockUntilComplete());
+ if (bytes_read &gt; 0) {
+ offset += bytes_read;
+ bytes_to_read -= bytes_read;
+ } else if (bytes_read &lt; 0) {
+ // If bytes_read &lt; PP_OK then it indicates the error code.
+ ShowErrorMessage(&quot;File read failed&quot;, bytes_read);
+ return;
+ }
+<p>Finally, the contents of the file are sent back to JavaScript, to be displayed
+on the page. This example uses &#8220;<code>DISP|</code>&#8221; as a prefix command for display
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+std::string string_data(data.begin(), data.end());
+PostMessage(&quot;DISP|&quot; + string_data);
+ShowStatusMessage(&quot;Load success&quot;);
+</section><section id="id1">
+<h3 id="id1">Deleting a file</h3>
+<p><code>FileIoInstance::Delete</code> is called when the <code>Delete</code> button is pressed.
+First, it checks whether the FileSystem has been opened, and creates a new
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+if (!file_system_ready_) {
+ ShowErrorMessage(&quot;File system is not open&quot;, PP_ERROR_FAILED);
+ return;
+pp::FileRef ref(file_system_, file_name.c_str());
+<p>Unlike <code>Save</code> and <code>Load</code>, <code>Delete</code> is called on the <code>FileRef</code> resource,
+not a <code>FileIO</code> resource. Note that the result is checked for
+<code>PP_ERROR_FILENOTFOUND</code> to give a better error message when trying to delete
+a non-existent file:</p>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+int32_t result = ref.Delete(pp::BlockUntilComplete());
+if (result == PP_ERROR_FILENOTFOUND) {
+ ShowStatusMessage(&quot;File/Directory not found&quot;);
+ return;
+} else if (result != PP_OK) {
+ ShowErrorMessage(&quot;Deletion failed&quot;, result);
+ return;
+</section><section id="listing-files-in-a-directory">
+<h3 id="listing-files-in-a-directory">Listing files in a directory</h3>
+<p><code>FileIoInstance::List</code> is called when the <code>List Directory</code> button is
+pressed. Like all other operations, it checks whether the FileSystem has been
+opened and creates a new <code>FileRef</code>:</p>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+if (!file_system_ready_) {
+ ShowErrorMessage(&quot;File system is not open&quot;, PP_ERROR_FAILED);
+ return;
+pp::FileRef ref(file_system_, dir_name.c_str());
+<p>Unlike the other operations, it does not make a blocking call to
+<code>pp::FileRef::ReadDirectoryEntries</code>. Since <code>ReadDirectoryEntries</code> returns
+the resulting directory entries in its callback, a new callback object is
+created pointing to <code>FileIoInstance::ListCallback</code>.</p>
+<p>The <code>pp::CompletionCallbackFactory</code> template class is used to instantiate a
+new callback. Notice that the <code>FileRef</code> resource is passed as a parameter;
+this will add a reference count to the callback object, to keep the <code>FileRef</code>
+resource from being destroyed when the function finishes.</p>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+// Pass ref along to keep it alive.
+ &amp;FileIoInstance::ListCallback, ref));
+<p><code>FileIoInstance::ListCallback</code> then gets the results passed as a
+<code>std::vector</code> of <code>pp::DirectoryEntry</code> objects, and sends them to
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+void ListCallback(int32_t result,
+ const std::vector&lt;pp::DirectoryEntry&gt;&amp; entries,
+ pp::FileRef /*unused_ref*/) {
+ if (result != PP_OK) {
+ ShowErrorMessage(&quot;List failed&quot;, result);
+ return;
+ }
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss &lt;&lt; &quot;LIST&quot;;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i &lt; entries.size(); ++i) {
+ pp::Var name = entries[i].file_ref().GetName();
+ if (name.is_string()) {
+ ss &lt;&lt; &quot;|&quot; &lt;&lt; name.AsString();
+ }
+ }
+ PostMessage(ss.str());
+ ShowStatusMessage(&quot;List success&quot;);
+</section><section id="making-a-new-directory">
+<h3 id="making-a-new-directory">Making a new directory</h3>
+<p><code>FileIoInstance::MakeDir</code> is called when the <code>Make Directory</code> button is
+pressed. Like all other operations, it checks whether the FileSystem has been
+opened and creates a new <code>FileRef</code>:</p>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+if (!file_system_ready_) {
+ ShowErrorMessage(&quot;File system is not open&quot;, PP_ERROR_FAILED);
+ return;
+pp::FileRef ref(file_system_, dir_name.c_str());
+<p>Then the <code>pp::FileRef::MakeDirectory</code> function is called.</p>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+int32_t result = ref.MakeDirectory(
+ PP_MAKEDIRECTORYFLAG_NONE, pp::BlockUntilComplete());
+if (result != PP_OK) {
+ ShowErrorMessage(&quot;Make directory failed&quot;, result);
+ return;
+ShowStatusMessage(&quot;Make directory success&quot;);
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+<section id="coding-your-application">
+<span id="coding"></span><h1 id="coding-your-application"><span id="coding"></span>Coding Your Application</h1>
+<p>This section of the Developer&#8217;s Guide describes important concepts that would be
+useful to understand in order to code your application&#8212;e.g., how an
+application is structured, and how to use the Pepper APIs.</p>
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+<section id="messaging-system">
+<span id="message-system"></span><h1 id="messaging-system"><span id="message-system"></span>Messaging System</h1>
+<div class="contents local topic" id="contents">
+<ul class="small-gap">
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#reference-information" id="id2">Reference information</a></li>
+<li><p class="first"><a class="reference internal" href="#introduction-to-the-messaging-system" id="id3">Introduction to the messaging system</a></p>
+<ul class="small-gap">
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#design-of-the-messaging-system" id="id4">Design of the messaging system</a></li>
+<li><p class="first"><a class="reference internal" href="#communication-tasks-in-the-hello-world-example" id="id5">Communication tasks in the &#8220;Hello, World&#8221; example</a></p>
+<ul class="small-gap">
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#javascript-code" id="id6">JavaScript code</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#native-client-module" id="id7">Native Client module</a></li>
+<li><p class="first"><a class="reference internal" href="#messaging-in-javascript-code-more-details" id="id8">Messaging in JavaScript code: More details.</a></p>
+<ul class="small-gap">
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#setting-up-an-event-listener-and-handler" id="id9">Setting up an event listener and handler</a></li>
+<li><p class="first"><a class="reference internal" href="#messaging-in-the-native-client-module-more-details" id="id10">Messaging in the Native Client module: More details.</a></p>
+<ul class="small-gap">
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#implementing-handlemessage" id="id11">Implementing HandleMessage()</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#implementing-application-specific-functions" id="id12">Implementing application-specific functions</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#sending-messages-back-to-the-javascript-code" id="id13">Sending messages back to the JavaScript code</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#sending-and-receiving-other-pp-var-types" id="id14">Sending and receiving other <code>pp::Var</code> types</a></li>
+<p>This chapter describes the messaging system used to communicate between the
+JavaScript code and the Native Client module&#8217;s C or C++ code in a
+Native Client application. It introduces the concept of asynchronous
+programming and the basic steps required to set up a Native Client module
+that sends messages to and receive messages from JavaScript. This chapter
+assumes you are familiar with the material presented in the
+<a class="reference internal" href="/native-client/devguide/coding/application-structure.html"><em>Application Structure</em></a> chapter.</p>
+<aside class="note">
+The &#8220;Hello, World&#8221; example for getting started with NaCl is used here to
+illustrate basic programming techniques. You can find this code in
+the <code>/getting_started/part2</code> directory in the Native Client SDK download.
+<section id="reference-information">
+<h2 id="reference-information">Reference information</h2>
+<p>For reference information related to the Pepper messaging API, see the
+following documentation:</p>
+<ul class="small-gap">
+<li><a class="reference external" href="">pp::Instance class</a> HandleMessage(), PostMessage())</li>
+<li><a class="reference external" href="">pp::Module class</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference external" href="">pp::Var class</a></li>
+</section><section id="introduction-to-the-messaging-system">
+<h2 id="introduction-to-the-messaging-system">Introduction to the messaging system</h2>
+<p>Native Client modules and JavaScript communicate by sending messages
+to each other. The most basic form of a message is a string. Messages
+support many JavaScript types, including ints, arrays, array buffers,
+and dictionaries (see <a class="reference external" href="">pp::Var</a>,
+<a class="reference external" href="">pp:VarArrayBuffer</a>,
+and the general <a class="reference external" href="">messaging system documentation</a>).
+It&#8217;s up to you to decide on the type of message and define how to
+process the messages on both the JavaScript and Native Client
+side. For the &#8220;Hello, World&#8221; example, we will work with string-typed
+messages only.</p>
+<p>When JavaScript posts a message to the Native Client module, the
+Pepper <code>HandleMessage()</code> function is invoked on the module
+side. Similarly, the Native Client module can post a message to
+JavaScript, and this message triggers a JavaScript event listener for
+<code>message</code> events in the DOM. (See the W3C specification on
+<a class="reference external" href="">Document Object Model Events</a> for more
+information.) In the &#8220;Hello, World&#8221; example, the JavaScript functions for
+posting and handling messages are named <code>postMessage()</code> and
+<code>handleMessage()</code> (but any names could be used). On the Native Client
+C++ side, the Pepper Library functions for posting and handling
+messages are:</p>
+<ul class="small-gap">
+<li><code>void pp::Instance::PostMessage(const Var &amp;message)</code></li>
+<li><code>virtual void pp::Instance::HandleMessage(const Var &amp;message)</code></li>
+<p>If you want to receive messages from JavaScript, you need to implement the
+<code>pp::Instance::HandleMessage()</code> function in your Native Client module.</p>
+<section id="design-of-the-messaging-system">
+<h3 id="design-of-the-messaging-system">Design of the messaging system</h3>
+<p>The Native Client messaging system is analogous to the system used by
+the browser to allow web workers to communicate (see the <a class="reference external" href="">W3 web
+worker specification</a>). The Native
+Client messaging system is designed to keep the web page responsive while the
+Native Client module is performing potentially heavy processing in the
+background. When JavaScript sends a message to the Native Client
+module, the <code>postMessage()</code> call returns as soon as it sends its message
+to the Native Client module. The JavaScript does not wait for a reply
+from Native Client, thus avoiding bogging down the main JavaScript
+thread. On the JavaScript side, you set up an event listener to
+respond to the message sent by the Native Client module when it has
+finished the requested processing and returns a message.</p>
+<p>This asynchronous processing model keeps the main thread free while
+avoiding the following problems:</p>
+<ul class="small-gap">
+<li>The JavaScript engine hangs while waiting for a synchronous call to return.</li>
+<li>The browser pops up a dialog when a JavaScript entry point takes longer
+than a few moments.</li>
+<li>The application hangs while waiting for an unresponsive Native Client module.</li>
+</section></section><section id="communication-tasks-in-the-hello-world-example">
+<h2 id="communication-tasks-in-the-hello-world-example">Communication tasks in the &#8220;Hello, World&#8221; example</h2>
+<p>The following sections describe how the &#8220;Hello, World&#8221; example posts
+and handles messages on both the JavaScript side and the Native Client
+side of the application.</p>
+<section id="javascript-code">
+<h3 id="javascript-code">JavaScript code</h3>
+<p>The JavaScript code and HTML in the &#8220;Hello, World&#8221; example can be
+found in the <code>example.js</code>, <code>common.js</code>, and <code>index.html</code> files.
+The important steps are:</p>
+<ol class="arabic simple">
+<li>Sets up an event listener to listen for <code>message</code> events from the
+Native Client module.</li>
+<li>Implements an event handler that the event listener invokes to handle
+incoming <code>message</code> events.</li>
+<li>Calls <code>postMessage()</code> to communicate with the NaCl module,
+after the page loads.</li>
+<section id="step-1-from-common-js">
+<h4 id="step-1-from-common-js">Step 1: From common.js</h4>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+function attachDefaultListeners() {
+ // The NaCl module embed is created within the listenerDiv
+ var listenerDiv = document.getElementById('listener');
+ // ...
+ // register the handleMessage function as the message event handler.
+ listenerDiv.addEventListener('message', handleMessage, true);
+ // ...
+</section><section id="step-2-from-example-js">
+<h4 id="step-2-from-example-js">Step 2: From example.js</h4>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+// This function is called by common.js when a message is received from the
+// NaCl module.
+function handleMessage(message) {
+ // In the example, we simply log the data that's received in the message.
+ var logEl = document.getElementById('log');
+ logEl.textContent +=;
+// In the index.html we have set up the appropriate divs:
+&lt;body {attrs}&gt;
+ &lt;!-- ... --&gt;
+ &lt;div id=&quot;listener&quot;&gt;&lt;/div&gt;
+ &lt;div id=&quot;log&quot;&gt;&lt;/div&gt;
+</section><section id="step-3-from-example-js">
+<h4 id="step-3-from-example-js">Step 3: From example.js</h4>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+// From example.js, Step 3:
+function moduleDidLoad() {
+ // After the NaCl module has loaded, common.naclModule is a reference to the
+ // NaCl module's &lt;embed&gt; element.
+ //
+ // postMessage sends a message to it.
+ common.naclModule.postMessage('hello');
+</section></section><section id="native-client-module">
+<h3 id="native-client-module">Native Client module</h3>
+<p>The C++ code in the Native Client module of the &#8220;Hello, World&#8221; example:</p>
+<ol class="arabic simple">
+<li>Implements <code>pp::Instance::HandleMessage()</code> to handle messages sent
+by the JavaScript.</li>
+<li>Processes incoming messages. This example simply checks that JavaScript
+has sent a &#8220;hello&#8221; message and not some other message.</li>
+<li>Calls <code>PostMessage()</code> to send an acknowledgement back to the
+JavaScript code. The acknowledgement is a string in the form of a <code>Var</code>
+that the JavaScript code can process. In general, a <code>pp::Var</code> can be
+several JavaScript types, see the
+<a class="reference external" href="">messaging system documentation</a>.</li>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+class HelloTutorialInstance : public pp::Instance {
+ public:
+ // ...
+ // === Step 1: Implement the HandleMessage function. ===
+ virtual void HandleMessage(const pp::Var&amp; var_message) {
+ // === Step 2: Process the incoming message. ===
+ // Ignore the message if it is not a string.
+ if (!var_message.is_string())
+ return;
+ // Get the string message and compare it to &quot;hello&quot;.
+ std::string message = var_message.AsString();
+ if (message == kHelloString) {
+ // === Step 3: Send the reply. ===
+ // If it matches, send our response back to JavaScript.
+ pp::Var var_reply(kReplyString);
+ PostMessage(var_reply);
+ }
+ }
+</section></section><section id="messaging-in-javascript-code-more-details">
+<h2 id="messaging-in-javascript-code-more-details">Messaging in JavaScript code: More details.</h2>
+<p>This section describes in more detail the messaging system code in the
+JavaScript portion of the &#8220;Hello, World&#8221; example.</p>
+<section id="setting-up-an-event-listener-and-handler">
+<h3 id="setting-up-an-event-listener-and-handler">Setting up an event listener and handler</h3>
+<p>The following JavaScript code sets up an event listener for messages
+posted by the Native Client module. It then defines a message handler
+that simply logs the content of messages received from the module.</p>
+<section id="setting-up-the-message-handler-on-load">
+<h4 id="setting-up-the-message-handler-on-load">Setting up the &#8216;message&#8217; handler on load</h4>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+// From common.js
+// Listen for the DOM content to be loaded. This event is fired when
+// parsing of the page's document has finished.
+document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
+ var body = document.body;
+ // ...
+ var loadFunction = common.domContentLoaded;
+ // ... set up parameters ...
+ loadFunction(...);
+// This function is exported as common.domContentLoaded.
+function domContentLoaded(...) {
+ // ...
+ if (common.naclModule == null) {
+ // ...
+ attachDefaultListeners();
+ // initialize common.naclModule ...
+ } else {
+ // ...
+ }
+function attachDefaultListeners() {
+ var listenerDiv = document.getElementById('listener');
+ // ...
+ listenerDiv.addEventListener('message', handleMessage, true);
+ // ...
+</section><section id="implementing-the-handler">
+<h4 id="implementing-the-handler">Implementing the handler</h4>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+// From example.js
+function handleMessage(message) {
+ var logEl = document.getElementById('log');
+ logEl.textContent +=;
+<p>Note that the <code>handleMessage()</code> function is handed a message_event
+containing <code>data</code> that you can display or manipulate in JavaScript. The
+&#8220;Hello, World&#8221; application simply logs this data to the <code>log</code> div.</p>
+</section></section></section><section id="messaging-in-the-native-client-module-more-details">
+<h2 id="messaging-in-the-native-client-module-more-details">Messaging in the Native Client module: More details.</h2>
+<p>This section describes in more detail the messaging system code in
+the Native Client module portion of the &#8220;Hello, World&#8221; example.</p>
+<section id="implementing-handlemessage">
+<h3 id="implementing-handlemessage">Implementing HandleMessage()</h3>
+<p>If you want the Native Client module to receive and handle messages
+from JavaScript, you need to implement a <code>HandleMessage()</code> function
+for your module&#8217;s <code>pp::Instance</code> class. The
+<code>HelloWorldInstance::HandleMessage()</code> function examines the message
+posted from JavaScript. First it examines that the type of the
+<code>pp::Var</code> is indeed a string (not a double, etc.). It then
+interprets the data as a string with <code>var_message.AsString()</code>, and
+checks that the string matches <code>kHelloString</code>. After examining the
+message received from JavaScript, the code calls <code>PostMessage()</code> to
+send a reply message back to the JavaScript side.</p>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+namespace {
+// The expected string sent by the JavaScript.
+const char* const kHelloString = &quot;hello&quot;;
+// The string sent back to the JavaScript code upon receipt of a message
+// containing &quot;hello&quot;.
+const char* const kReplyString = &quot;hello from NaCl&quot;;
+} // namespace
+class HelloTutorialInstance : public pp::Instance {
+ public:
+ // ...
+ virtual void HandleMessage(const pp::Var&amp; var_message) {
+ // Ignore the message if it is not a string.
+ if (!var_message.is_string())
+ return;
+ // Get the string message and compare it to &quot;hello&quot;.
+ std::string message = var_message.AsString();
+ if (message == kHelloString) {
+ // If it matches, send our response back to JavaScript.
+ pp::Var var_reply(kReplyString);
+ PostMessage(var_reply);
+ }
+ }
+</section><section id="implementing-application-specific-functions">
+<h3 id="implementing-application-specific-functions">Implementing application-specific functions</h3>
+<p>While the &#8220;Hello, World&#8221; example is very simple, your Native Client
+module will likely include application-specific functions to perform
+custom tasks in response to messages. For example the application
+could be a compression and decompression service (two functions
+exported). The application could set up an application-specific
+convention that messages coming from JavaScript are colon-separated
+pairs of the form <code>&lt;command&gt;:&lt;data&gt;</code>. The Native Client module
+message handler can then split the incoming string along the <code>:</code>
+character to determine which command to execute. If the command is
+&#8220;compress&#8221;, then data to process is an uncompressed string. If the
+command is &#8220;uncompress&#8221;, then data to process is an already-compressed
+string. After processing the data asynchronously, the application then
+returns the result to JavaScript.</p>
+</section><section id="sending-messages-back-to-the-javascript-code">
+<h3 id="sending-messages-back-to-the-javascript-code">Sending messages back to the JavaScript code</h3>
+<p>The Native Client module sends messages back to the JavaScript code
+using <code>PostMessage()</code>. The Native Client module always returns
+its values in the form of a <code>pp::Var</code> that can be processed by the
+browser&#8217;s JavaScript. In this example, the message is posted at the
+end of the Native Client module&#8217;s <code>HandleMessage()</code> function:</p>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+</section><section id="sending-and-receiving-other-pp-var-types">
+<h3 id="sending-and-receiving-other-pp-var-types">Sending and receiving other <code>pp::Var</code> types</h3>
+<p>Besides strings, <code>pp::Var</code> can represent other types of JavaScript
+objects. For example, messages can be JavaScript objects. These
+richer types can make it easier to implement an application&#8217;s
+messaging protocol.</p>
+<p>To send a dictionary from the NaCl module to JavaScript simply create
+a <code>pp::VarDictionary</code> and then call <code>PostMessage</code> with the
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+pp::VarDictionary dictionary;
+dictionary.Set(pp::Var(&quot;command&quot;), pp::Var(next_command));
+dictionary.Set(pp::Var(&quot;param_int&quot;), pp::Var(123));
+pp::VarArray an_array;
+an_array.Set(0, pp::Var(&quot;string0&quot;));
+an_array.Set(1, pp::Var(&quot;string1&quot;))
+dictionary.Set(pp::Var(&quot;param_array&quot;), an_array);
+<p>Here is how to create a similar object in JavaScript and send it to
+the NaCl module:</p>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+var dictionary = {
+ command: next_command,
+ param_int: 123,
+ param_array: ['string0', 'string1']
+<p>To receive a dictionary-typed message in the NaCl module, test that
+the message is truly a dictionary type, then convert the message
+with the <code>pp::VarDictionary</code> class.</p>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+virtual void HandleMessage(const pp::Var&amp; var) {
+ if (var.is_dictionary()) {
+ pp::VarDictionary dictionary(var);
+ // Use the dictionary
+ pp::VarArray keys = dictionary.GetKeys();
+ // ...
+ } else {
+ // ...
+ }
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+<section id="the-nacl-io-library">
+<span id="nacl-io"></span><h1 id="the-nacl-io-library"><span id="nacl-io"></span>The nacl_io Library</h1>
+<div class="contents local topic" id="contents">
+<ul class="small-gap">
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#introduction" id="id1">Introduction</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#using-nacl-io" id="id2">Using nacl_io</a></li>
+<li><p class="first"><a class="reference internal" href="#the-nacl-io-demo" id="id3">The nacl_io demo</a></p>
+<ul class="small-gap">
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#building-and-running-the-demo" id="id4">Building and running the demo</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#a-look-at-the-code" id="id5">A look at the code</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#reference-information" id="id6">Reference information</a></li>
+<section id="introduction">
+<h2 id="introduction">Introduction</h2>
+<p><code>nacl_io</code> is a utility library that provides implementations of standard
+C APIs such as POSIX I/O (<code>stdio.h</code>) and BSD sockets (<code>sys/socket.h</code>).
+Its primary function is to allow code that uses these standard APIs to be
+compiled and used in a Native Client module. The library is included as part
+of Native Client SDK and is implemented in on top of Pepper API.</p>
+<p>Since Native Client modules cannot access the host machine&#8217;s file system
+directly, nacl_io provides several alternative filesystem types which
+can be used by the application. For example, the Chrome browser supports the
+<a class="reference external" href="">HTML5 File System API</a> which provides
+access to a protected area of the local file system. This filesystem can
+be accessed by an HTML page using JavaScript commands, and also by a Native
+Client module using the Pepper <a class="reference internal" href="/native-client/devguide/coding/file-io.html"><em>File IO API</em></a>. With nacl_io
+a Native Client application can mount an HTML5 filesystem and access it via
+standard POSIX I/O function such as <code>fopen</code>, <code>fseek</code>, <code>fread</code>,
+<code>fwrite</code>, and <code>fclose</code>, or their low level UNIX counterparts <code>open</code>,
+<code>lseek</code>, <code>read</code>, <code>write</code> and <code>close</code>.</p>
+<p>As well as the HTML5 file system, nacl_io provides several other file system
+types which are described in the table below:</p>
+<table border="1" class="docutils">
+<thead valign="bottom">
+<tr class="row-odd"><th class="head">File System</th>
+<th class="head">Description</th>
+<tbody valign="top">
+<tr class="row-even"><td>memfs</td>
+<td>An in-memory file system</td>
+<tr class="row-odd"><td>html5fs</td>
+<td>An HTML5 local file system, which can be persistent or temporary</td>
+<tr class="row-even"><td>http</td>
+<td>Maps files on a remote webserver into the local filesystem.</td>
+<tr class="row-odd"><td>dev</td>
+<td>A file system containing special files (e.g.: <code>/dev/null</code>)</td>
+</section><section id="using-nacl-io">
+<h2 id="using-nacl-io">Using nacl_io</h2>
+<p>Using nacl_io is mostly just a matter of using the standard POSIX C library
+functions. However, there are some steps required to initialize the library
+and setup the filesystem mounts. In general the following steps will be needed
+to use nacl_io in a NaCl application:</p>
+<ol class="arabic simple">
+<li>Link the application with the nacl_io library (<code>-lnacl_io</code>)</li>
+<li>Initialize nacl_io at startup using the <code>nacl_io_init_ppapi</code> or
+<code>nacl_io_init</code> functions.</li>
+<li>Mount any desired filesystems using the <code>mount</code> function. The arguments
+to <code>mount</code> for the different filesystem types are detailed in
+<li>If you are going to mount an HTML5 file system, be sure to allocate space
+for it. You can either set the <code>unlimitedStorage</code> permission in the app&#8217;s
+Web Store manifest file, or call the HTML5 QuotaManagement API. These
+options are explained in the <a class="reference internal" href="/native-client/devguide/coding/file-io.html#quota-management"><em>File IO documentation</em></a>.</li>
+<li>Make sure that file and socket API calls are all made from the background
+thread. This is because the main Pepper thread does not support the blocking
+behavior needed by the POSIX I/O operations.</li>
+</section><section id="the-nacl-io-demo">
+<h2 id="the-nacl-io-demo">The nacl_io demo</h2>
+<section id="building-and-running-the-demo">
+<h3 id="building-and-running-the-demo">Building and running the demo</h3>
+<p>The demo application launches a Native Client module that mounts three file
+systems and displays a set of controls that let you work with them:</p>
+<img alt="/native-client/images/nacl_io1.png" src="/native-client/images/nacl_io1.png" />
+<p>Follow these steps to build and run the demo:</p>
+<ul class="small-gap">
+<li><p class="first">Open a terminal in the demo directory:</p>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+$ cd $NACL_SDK_ROOT/examples/demo/nacl_io
+<li><p class="first">run the demo:</p>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+$ make run
+<p>Once the demo is running, try these operations:</p>
+<ol class="arabic simple">
+<li>select the fopen command (when you select a command the fields in the line
+below will change according to the command)</li>
+<li>type in the filename <code>/persistent/test</code></li>
+<li>check the write checkbox and press the fopen button</li>
+<li>select the fwrite command and select the file <code>/persistent/test</code> in the
+menu that appears below on the left</li>
+<li>enter some data and press the fwrite button</li>
+<li>select the fclose command, be sure the file <code>/persistent/test</code> is selected
+in the menu, and press the fclose button</li>
+<li>select the fopen command</li>
+<li>type in the filename <code>/persistent/test</code></li>
+<li>check the fread checkbox and press the fopen button</li>
+<li>select the fread command, be sure the file /persistent/test is selected in
+the menu, enter a byte count, and press the fread button</li>
+</section><section id="a-look-at-the-code">
+<h3 id="a-look-at-the-code">A look at the code</h3>
+<p>The demo is written C and comprises three files.</p>
+<section id="nacl-io-demo-c">
+<h4 id="nacl-io-demo-c">nacl_io_demo.c</h4>
+<p>This is the demo&#8217;s main file. The code here creates and initializes the Native
+Client module instance. The Pepper function <code>Instance_DidCreate</code> initializes
+nacl_io and mounts an HTML5 filesystem at <code>/persistent</code>.</p>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+static PP_Bool Instance_DidCreate(PP_Instance instance,
+ uint32_t argc,
+ const char* argn[],
+ const char* argv[]) {
+ g_instance = instance;
+ nacl_io_init_ppapi(instance, get_browser_interface);
+ mount(
+ &quot;&quot;, /* source */
+ &quot;/persistent&quot;, /* target */
+ &quot;html5fs&quot;, /* filesystemtype */
+ 0, /* mountflags */
+ &quot;type=PERSISTENT,expected_size=1048576&quot;); /* data specific to the html5fs type */
+ pthread_create(&amp;g_handle_message_thread, NULL, &amp;HandleMessageThread, NULL);
+ InitializeMessageQueue();
+ return PP_TRUE;
+<p>Space is allocated to the <code>/persistent</code> file system after the module is
+initialized. This is accomplished by the <code>domContentLoaded</code> function in
+the file <code>example.js</code>. This script is included in the module&#8217;s html page (see
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+function domContentLoaded(name, tc, config, width, height) {
+ navigator.webkitPersistentStorage.requestQuota(window.PERSISTENT, 1024 * 1024,
+ function(bytes) {
+ common.updateStatus(
+ 'Allocated ' + bytes + ' bytes of persistant storage.');
+ common.createNaClModule(name, tc, config, width, height);
+ common.attachDefaultListeners();
+ },
+ function(e) { alert('Failed to allocate space') });
+<p>The <code>Instance_DidCreate</code> function also creates a worker thread that receives
+messages sent from the html page and performs the specified file system
+operations. The logic for the worker thread is encoded in the other two files,
+described below.</p>
+</section><section id="queue-c">
+<h4 id="queue-c">queue.c</h4>
+<p>This file implements a circular queue that is used to receive messages from the
+browser UI to the Native Client module. The file system commands in the
+enqueued messages are executed on the worker thread. This keeps blocking calls
+(like fread) off the main Native Client thread, which is a good thing. The
+queue is initialized in nacl_io_demo.c <code>Instance_DidCreate</code>.</p>
+</section><section id="handlers-c">
+<h4 id="handlers-c">handlers.c</h4>
+<p>This file implements the stdio calls associated with the commands sent from the
+browser. There is a separate <code>Handle*</code> function for each command: fopen,
+fclose, fseek, fread, fwrite. The handlers are called from the
+<code>HandleMessage</code> function in nacl_io_demo.c, which runs in the worker
+thread managing the message queue. The code for the <code>fwrite</code> handler appears
+below. Notice that it does not contain any PPAPI calls and looks like
+&#8220;ordinary&#8221; C code.</p>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+int HandleFwrite(int num_params, char** params, char** output) {
+ FILE* file;
+ const char* file_index_string;
+ const char* data;
+ size_t data_len;
+ size_t bytes_written;
+ if (num_params != 2) {
+ *output = PrintfToNewString(&quot;Error: fwrite takes 2 parameters.&quot;);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ file_index_string = params[0];
+ file = GetFileFromIndexString(file_index_string, NULL);
+ data = params[1];
+ data_len = strlen(data);
+ if (!file) {
+ *output = PrintfToNewString(&quot;Error: Unknown file handle %s.&quot;,
+ file_index_string);
+ return 2;
+ }
+ bytes_written = fwrite(data, 1, data_len, file);
+ *output = PrintfToNewString(&quot;fwrite\1%s\1%d&quot;, file_index_string,
+ bytes_written);
+ return 0;
+</section></section></section><section id="reference-information">
+<h2 id="reference-information">Reference information</h2>
+<p>The example discussed here is included in the SDK in the directory
+<p>The nacl_io library is included in the SDK toolchain and is not a part of the
+Pepper API. For reference information related to the nacl_io interface see
+its header file in the SDK directory, located at
+<p>For more about the HTML5 file system read the <a class="reference external" href="">specification</a>.</p>
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/native_client_sdk/doc_generated/devguide/coding/native-client-modules.html
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+<section id="native-client-modules">
+<span id="devcycle-native-client-modules"></span><h1 id="native-client-modules"><span id="devcycle-native-client-modules"></span>Native Client Modules</h1>
+<p>This document describes the classes and functions that you need to implement in
+a Native Client module in order for Chrome to load, initialize, and run it. The
+requirements are the same regardless of whether or not the module uses PNaCl,
+but depend on whether the module is written in C or C++.</p>
+<div class="contents local topic" id="contents">
+<ul class="small-gap">
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#introduction" id="id2">Introduction</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#writing-modules-in-c" id="id3">Writing modules in C</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#id1" id="id4">Writing modules in C++</a></li>
+<section id="introduction">
+<h2 id="introduction">Introduction</h2>
+<p>Native Client modules do not have a <code>main()</code> function. When a module loads,
+the Native Client runtime calls the code in the module to create an instance and
+initialize the interfaces for the APIs the module uses. This initialization
+sequence depends on whether the module is written in C or C++ and requires that
+you implement specific functions in each case.</p>
+</section><section id="writing-modules-in-c">
+<h2 id="writing-modules-in-c">Writing modules in C</h2>
+<p>The C API uses a prefix convention to show whether an interface is implemented
+in the browser or in a module. Interfaces starting with <code>PPB_</code> (which can be
+read as &#8220;Pepper <em>browser</em>&#8221;) are implemented in the browser and they are called
+from your module. Interfaces starting with <code>PPP_</code> (&#8220;Pepper <em>plugin</em>&#8221;) are
+implemented in the module; they are called from the browser and will execute on
+the main thread of the module instance.</p>
+<p>When you implement a Native Client module in C you must include these components:</p>
+<ul class="small-gap">
+<li>The functions <code>PPP_InitializeModule</code> and <code>PPP_GetInterface</code></li>
+<li>Code that implements the interface <code>PPP_Instance</code> and any other C interfaces
+that your module uses</li>
+<p>For each PPP interface, you must implement all of its functions, create the
+struct through which the browser calls the interface, and insure that the
+function <code>PPP_GetInterface</code> returns the appropriate struct for the interface.</p>
+<p>For each PPB interface, you must declare a pointer to the interface and
+initialize the pointer with a call to <code>get_browser</code> inside
+<p>These steps are illustrated in the code excerpt below, which shows the
+implementation and initialization of the required <code>PPP_Instance</code>
+interface. The code excerpt also shows the initialization of three additional
+interfaces which are not required: <code>PPB_Instance</code> (through which the Native
+Client module calls back to the browser) and <code>PPB_InputEvent</code> and
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+#include &lt;stdlib.h&gt;
+#include &lt;string.h&gt;
+#include &quot;ppapi/c/pp_errors.h&quot;
+#include &quot;ppapi/c/ppp.h&quot;
+// Include the interface headers.
+// PPB APIs describe calls from the module to the browser.
+// PPP APIs describe calls from the browser to the functions defined in your module.
+#include &quot;ppapi/c/ppb_instance.h&quot;
+#include &quot;ppapi/c/ppp_instance.h&quot;
+#include &quot;ppapi/c/ppb_input_event.h&quot;
+#include &quot;ppapi/c/ppp_input_event.h&quot;
+// Create pointers for each PPB interface that your module uses.
+static PPB_Instance* ppb_instance_interface = NULL;
+static PPB_InputEvent* ppb_input_event_interface = NULL;
+// Define all the functions for each PPP interface that your module uses.
+// Here is a stub for the first function in PPP_Instance.
+static PP_Bool Instance_DidCreate(PP_Instance instance,
+ uint32_t argc,
+ const char* argn[],
+ const char* argv[]) {
+ return PP_TRUE;
+// ... more API functions ...
+// Define PPP_GetInterface.
+// This function should return a non-NULL value for every interface you are using.
+// The string for the name of the interface is defined in the interface's header file.
+// The browser calls this function to get pointers to the interfaces that your module implements.
+PP_EXPORT const void* PPP_GetInterface(const char* interface_name) {
+ // Create structs for each PPP interface.
+ // Assign the interface functions to the data fields.
+ if (strcmp(interface_name, PPP_INSTANCE_INTERFACE) == 0) {
+ static PPP_Instance instance_interface = {
+ &amp;Instance_DidCreate,
+ // The definitions of these functions are not shown
+ &amp;Instance_DidDestroy,
+ &amp;Instance_DidChangeView,
+ &amp;Instance_DidChangeFocus,
+ &amp;Instance_HandleDocumentLoad
+ };
+ return &amp;instance_interface;
+ }
+ if (strcmp(interface_name, PPP_INPUT_EVENT_INTERFACE) == 0) {
+ static PPP_InputEvent input_interface = {
+ // The definition of this function is not shown.
+ &amp;Instance_HandleInput,
+ };
+ return &amp;input_interface;
+ }
+ // Return NULL for interfaces that you do not implement.
+ return NULL;
+// Define PPP_InitializeModule, the entry point of your module.
+// Retrieve the API for the browser-side (PPB) interfaces you will use.
+PP_EXPORT int32_t PPP_InitializeModule(PP_Module a_module_id, PPB_GetInterface get_browser) {
+ ppb_instance_interface = (PPB_Instance*)(get_browser(PPB_INSTANCE_INTERFACE));
+ ppb_input_event_interface = (PPB_InputEvent*)(get_browser(PPB_INPUT_EVENT_INTERFACE));
+ return PP_OK;
+</section><section id="id1">
+<h2 id="id1">Writing modules in C++</h2>
+<p>When you implement a Native Client module in C++ you must include these components:</p>
+<ul class="small-gap">
+<li>The factory function called <code>CreateModule()</code></li>
+<li>Code that defines your own Module class (derived from the <code>pp::Module</code>
+<li>Code that defines your own Instance class (derived from the <code>pp:Instance</code>
+<p>In the &#8220;Hello tutorial&#8221; example (in the <code>getting_started/part1</code> directory of
+the NaCl SDK), these three components are specified in the file
+<code></code>. Here is the factory function:</p>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+namespace pp {
+Module* CreateModule() {
+ return new HelloTutorialModule();
+<p>The <code>CreateModule()</code> factory function is the main binding point between a
+module and the browser, and serves as the entry point into the module. The
+browser calls <code>CreateModule()</code> when a module is first loaded; this function
+returns a Module object derived from the <code>pp::Module</code> class. The browser keeps
+a singleton of the Module object.</p>
+<p>Below is the Module class from the &#8220;Hello tutorial&#8221; example:</p>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+class HelloTutorialModule : public pp::Module {
+ public:
+ HelloTutorialModule() : pp::Module() {}
+ virtual ~HelloTutorialModule() {}
+ virtual pp::Instance* CreateInstance(PP_Instance instance) {
+ return new HelloTutorialInstance(instance);
+ }
+<p>The Module class must include a <code>CreateInstance()</code> method. The browser calls
+the <code>CreateInstance()</code> method every time it encounters an <code>&lt;embed&gt;</code> element
+on a web page that references the same module. The <code>CreateInstance()</code> function
+creates and returns an Instance object derived from the <code>pp::Instance</code> class.</p>
+<p>Below is the Instance class from the &#8220;Hello tutorial&#8221; example:</p>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+class HelloTutorialInstance : public pp::Instance {
+ public:
+ explicit HelloTutorialInstance(PP_Instance instance) : pp::Instance(instance) {}
+ virtual ~HelloTutorialInstance() {}
+ virtual void HandleMessage(const pp::Var&amp; var_message) {}
+<p>As in the example above, the Instance class for your module will likely include
+an implementation of the <code>HandleMessage()</code> function. The browser calls an
+instance&#8217;s <code>HandleMessage()</code> function every time the JavaScript code in an
+application calls <code>postMessage()</code> to send a message to the instance. See the
+<a class="reference internal" href="/native-client/devguide/coding/message-system.html"><em>Native Client messaging system</em></a> for more information about
+how to send messages between JavaScript code and Native Client modules.</p>
+<p>While the <code>CreateModule()</code> factory function, the <code>Module</code> class, and the
+<code>Instance</code> class are required for a Native Client application, the code
+samples shown above don&#8217;t actually do anything. Subsequent documents in the
+Developer&#8217;s Guide build on these code samples and add more interesting
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/native_client_sdk/doc_generated/devguide/coding/progress-events.html
@@ -0,0 +1,434 @@
+<section id="progress-events">
+<span id="devcycle-progress-events"></span><h1 id="progress-events"><span id="devcycle-progress-events"></span>Progress Events</h1>
+<div class="contents local topic" id="contents">
+<ul class="small-gap">
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#module-loading-and-progress-events" id="id3">Module loading and progress events</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#handling-progress-events" id="id4">Handling progress events</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#displaying-load-status" id="id5">Displaying load status</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#the-lasterror-attribute" id="id6">The <code>lastError</code> attribute</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#the-readystate-attribute" id="id7">The <code>readyState</code> attribute</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#the-exitstatus-attribute" id="id8">The <code>exitStatus</code> attribute</a></li>
+<p>There are five types of events that developers can respond to in Native Client:
+progress, message, view change, focus, and input events (each described in the
+glossary below). This chapter describes how to monitor progress events (events
+that occur during the loading and execution of a Native Client module). This
+chapter assumes you are familiar with the material presented in the
+<a class="reference internal" href="/native-client/overview.html"><em>Technical Overview</em></a>.</p>
+<aside class="note">
+The load_progress example illustrates progress event handling. You can find
+this code in the <code>/examples/tutorial/load_progress/</code> directory in the Native
+Client SDK download.
+<section id="module-loading-and-progress-events">
+<h2 id="module-loading-and-progress-events">Module loading and progress events</h2>
+<p>The Native Client runtime reports a set of state changes during the module
+loading process by means of DOM progress events. This set of events is a direct
+port of the proposed W3C <a class="reference external" href="">Progress Events</a> standard (except for the <code>crash</code>
+event which is an extension of the W3C standard). The following table lists the
+events types reported by the Native Client runtime:</p>
+<table border="1" class="docutils">
+<thead valign="bottom">
+<tr class="row-odd"><th class="head">Event</th>
+<th class="head">Description</th>
+<th class="head">Number of
+<th class="head">When event is
+<th class="head">How you might
+react to
+<tbody valign="top">
+<tr class="row-even"><td><code>loadstart</code></td>
+<td>Native Client has
+started to load a
+Native Client
+<td>This is the
+after the
+Native Client
+module is
+<td>Display a
+message, such
+<tr class="row-odd"><td><code>progress</code></td>
+<td>Part of the module
+has been loaded.</td>
+<td>zero or
+has been
+<td>Display a
+progress bar.</td>
+<tr class="row-even"><td><code>error</code></td>
+<td>The Native Client
+module failed to
+start execution
+(includes any
+error before or
+initialization of
+the module). The
+(mentioned later)
+provides details
+on the error
+failed, sel_ldr
+did not start,
+and so on).</td>
+<td>zero or
+<td>After the
+event has
+or after
+if no
+event was
+<td>Inform user
+that the
+failed to
+<tr class="row-odd"><td><code>abort</code></td>
+<td>Loading of the
+Native Client
+module was
+aborted by the
+<td>zero or
+<td>After the
+event has
+or after
+if no
+event was
+<td>It&#8217;s not
+likely you
+will want to
+respond to
+this event.</td>
+<tr class="row-even"><td><code>load</code></td>
+<td>The Native Client
+module was
+loaded, and
+execution was
+started. (The
+module was
+<td>zero or
+<td>After the
+event has
+or after
+if no
+event was
+<td>Remove the
+progress bar.</td>
+<tr class="row-odd"><td><code>loadend</code></td>
+<td>Loading of the
+Native Client
+module has
+stopped. Load
+(<code>error</code>), or
+was aborted
+<td>After an
+<code>abort</code>, or
+event was
+loading is
+of failure or
+<tr class="row-even"><td><code>crash</code></td>
+<td>The Native Client
+module is not
+responding (died
+on an
+<code>assert()</code> or
+<code>exit()</code>) after
+a successful
+load. This event
+is unique to
+Native Client and
+is not part of
+the W3C Progress
+Events standard.
+The <code>exitStatus</code>
+attribute provides
+the numeric exit
+status value.</td>
+<td>zero or
+<td>After a
+<td>Notify user
+that the
+module did
+<p>The sequence of events for a successful module load is as follows:</p>
+<table border="1" class="docutils">
+<thead valign="bottom">
+<tr class="row-odd"><th class="head">Event is dispatched</th>
+<th class="head">... then this task is attempted</th>
+<tbody valign="top">
+<tr class="row-even"><td><code>loadstart</code></td>
+<td>load the manifest file</td>
+<tr class="row-odd"><td><code>progress</code> (first time)</td>
+<td>load the module</td>
+<tr class="row-even"><td><code>progress</code> (subsequent times)</td>
+<tr class="row-odd"><td><code>load</code></td>
+<td>start executing the module</td>
+<tr class="row-even"><td><code>loadend</code></td>
+<p>Errors that occur during loading are logged to the JavaScript console in Google
+Chrome (select the menu icon <img alt="menu-icon" src="/native-client/images/menu-icon.png" /> &gt; Tools &gt; JavaScript console).</p>
+</section><section id="handling-progress-events">
+<h2 id="handling-progress-events">Handling progress events</h2>
+<p>You should add event listeners in a <code>&lt;script&gt;</code> element to listen for these
+events before the <code>&lt;embed&gt;</code> element is parsed. For example, the following code
+adds a listener for the <code>load</code> event to a parent <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> element that also
+contains the Native Client <code>&lt;embed&gt;</code> element. First, the listener is
+attached. Then, when the listener <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> receives the <code>load</code> event, the
+JavaScript <code>moduleDidLoad()</code> function is called. The following code is
+excerpted from the example in <code>getting_started/part1/</code>:</p>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+Load the published pexe.
+Note: Since this module does not use any real-estate in the browser, its
+width and height are set to 0.
+Note: The &lt;embed&gt; element is wrapped inside a &lt;div&gt;, which has both a 'load'
+and a 'message' event listener attached. This wrapping method is used
+instead of attaching the event listeners directly to the &lt;embed&gt; element to
+ensure that the listeners are active before the NaCl module 'load' event
+fires. This also allows you to use PPB_Messaging.PostMessage() (in C) or
+pp::Instance.PostMessage() (in C++) from within the initialization code in
+your module.
+&lt;div id=&quot;listener&quot;&gt;
+ &lt;script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;&gt;
+ var listener = document.getElementById('listener');
+ listener.addEventListener('load', moduleDidLoad, true);
+ listener.addEventListener('message', handleMessage, true);
+ &lt;/script&gt;
+ &lt;embed id=&quot;hello_tutorial&quot;
+ width=0 height=0
+ src=&quot;hello_tutorial.nmf&quot;
+ type=&quot;application/x-pnacl&quot; /&gt;
+<p>Event listeners can be added to any DOM object. Since listeners set at the
+outermost scope capture events for their contained elements, you can set
+listeners on outer elements (including the <code>&lt;body&gt;</code> element) to handle events
+from inner elements. For more information, see the W3 specifications for <a class="reference external" href="">event
+flow capture</a> and
+<a class="reference external" href="">event listener registration</a>.</p>
+</section><section id="displaying-load-status">
+<h2 id="displaying-load-status">Displaying load status</h2>
+<p>One common response to progress events is to display the percentage of the
+module that has been loaded. In the load_progress example, when the <code>progress</code>
+event is triggered the <code>moduleLoadProgress</code> function is called. This function
+uses the <code>lengthComputable</code>, <code>loaded</code>, and <code>total</code> attributes (described
+in the proposed W3C <a class="reference external" href="">Progress Events</a>
+standard) of the event to calculate the percentage of the module that has
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+function moduleLoadProgress(event) {
+ var loadPercent = 0.0;
+ var loadPercentString;
+ if (event.lengthComputable &amp;&amp; &gt; 0) {
+ loadPercent = event.loaded / * 100.0;
+ loadPercentString = loadPercent + '%';
+ common.logMessage('progress: ' + event.url + ' ' + loadPercentString +
+ ' (' + event.loaded + ' of ' + + ' bytes)');
+ } else {
+ // The total length is not yet known.
+ common.logMessage('progress: Computing...');
+ }
+</section><section id="the-lasterror-attribute">
+<h2 id="the-lasterror-attribute">The <code>lastError</code> attribute</h2>
+<p>The <code>&lt;embed&gt;</code> element has a <code>lastError</code> attribute that is set to an
+informative string whenever a load failure (an <code>error</code> or <code>abort</code> event)
+<p>The following code adds an event listener before the <code>&lt;embed&gt;</code> element to
+capture and handle an error in loading the Native Client module. The
+<code>handleError()</code> function listens for an <code>error</code> event. When an error occurs,
+this function prints the contents of the <code>lastError</code> attribute
+(<code>embed_element.lastError</code>) as an alert.</p>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+function domContentLoaded(name, tc, config, width, height) {
+ var listener = document.getElementById('listener');
+ ...
+ listener.addEventListener('error', moduleLoadError, true);
+ ...
+ common.createNaClModule(name, tc, config, width, height);
+function moduleLoadError() {
+ common.logMessage('error: ' + common.naclModule.lastError);
+</section><section id="the-readystate-attribute">
+<h2 id="the-readystate-attribute">The <code>readyState</code> attribute</h2>
+<p>You can use the <code>readyState</code> attribute to monitor the loading process. This
+attribute is particularly useful if you don&#8217;t care about the details of
+individual progress events or when you want to poll for current load state
+without registering listeners. The value of <code>readyState</code> progresses as follows
+for a successful load:</p>
+<table border="1" class="docutils">
+<thead valign="bottom">
+<tr class="row-odd"><th class="head">Event</th>
+<th class="head"><code>readyState</code> value</th>
+<tbody valign="top">
+<tr class="row-even"><td>(before any events)</td>
+<tr class="row-odd"><td><code>loadstart</code></td>
+<tr class="row-even"><td><code>progress</code></td>
+<tr class="row-odd"><td><code>load</code></td>
+<tr class="row-even"><td><code>loadend</code></td>
+<p>The following code demonstrates how to monitor the loading process using the
+<code>readyState</code> attribute. As before, the script that adds the event listeners
+precedes the <code>&lt;embed&gt;</code> element so that the event listeners are in place before
+the progress events are generated.</p>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+ &lt;body id=&quot;body&quot;&gt;
+ &lt;div id=&quot;status_div&quot;&gt;
+ &lt;/div&gt;
+ &lt;div id=&quot;listener_div&quot;&gt;
+ &lt;script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;&gt;
+ var stat = document.getElementById('status_div');
+ function handleEvent(e) {
+ var embed_element = document.getElementById('my_embed');
+ stat.innerHTML +=
+ '&lt;br&gt;' + e.type + ': readyState = ' + embed_element.readyState;
+ }
+ var listener_element = document.getElementById('listener_div');
+ listener_element.addEventListener('loadstart', handleEvent, true);
+ listener_element.addEventListener('progress', handleEvent, true);
+ listener_element.addEventListener('load', handleEvent, true);
+ listener_element.addEventListener('loadend', handleEvent, true);
+ &lt;/script&gt;
+ &lt;embed
+ name=&quot;naclModule&quot;
+ id=&quot;my_embed&quot;
+ width=0 height=0
+ src=&quot;my_example.nmf&quot;
+ type=&quot;application/x-pnacl&quot; /&gt;
+ &lt;/div&gt;
+ &lt;/body&gt;
+</section><section id="the-exitstatus-attribute">
+<h2 id="the-exitstatus-attribute">The <code>exitStatus</code> attribute</h2>
+<p>This read-only attribute is set if the application calls <code>exit(n)</code>,
+<code>abort()</code>, or crashes. Since NaCl modules are event handlers, there is no
+need to call <code>exit(n)</code> in normal execution. If the module does exit or
+crash, the <code>crash</code> progress event is issued and the <code>exitStatus</code> attribute
+will contain the numeric value of the exit status:</p>
+<ul class="small-gap">
+<li>In the case of explicit calls to <code>exit(n)</code>, the numeric value will be
+<code>n</code> (between 0 and 255).</li>
+<li>In the case of crashes and calls to <code>abort()</code>, the numeric value will
+be non-zero, but the exact value will depend on the chosen libc and the
+target architecture, and may change in the future. Applications should not
+rely on the <code>exitStatus</code> value being stable in these cases, but the value
+may nevertheless be useful for temporary debugging.</li>
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/native_client_sdk/doc_generated/devguide/coding/url-loading.html
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+<section id="url-loading">
+<span id="devguide-coding-url-loading"></span><h1 id="url-loading"><span id="devguide-coding-url-loading"></span>URL Loading</h1>
+<div class="contents local topic" id="contents">
+<ul class="small-gap">
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#introduction" id="id1">Introduction</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#reference-information" id="id2">Reference information</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#background" id="id3">Background</a></li>
+<li><p class="first"><a class="reference internal" href="#the-url-loader-example" id="id4">The <code>url_loader</code> example</a></p>
+<ul class="small-gap">
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#url-loading-overview" id="id5">URL loading overview</a></li>
+<li><p class="first"><a class="reference internal" href="#url-loader-deep-dive" id="id6"><code>url_loader</code> deep dive</a></p>
+<ul class="small-gap">
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#setting-up-the-request" id="id7">Setting up the request</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#downloading-the-data" id="id8">Downloading the data</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#displaying-a-result" id="id9">Displaying a result</a></li>
+<section id="introduction">
+<h2 id="introduction">Introduction</h2>
+<p>This chapter describes how to use the <a class="reference external" href="">URLLoader API</a>
+to load resources such as images and sound files from a server into your
+<p>The example discussed in this chapter is included in the SDK in the directory
+</section><section id="reference-information">
+<h2 id="reference-information">Reference information</h2>
+<p>For reference information related to loading data from URLs, see the
+following documentation:</p>
+<ul class="small-gap">
+<li><a class="reference external" href="">url_loader.h</a> -
+Contains <code>URLLoader</code> class for loading data from URLs</li>
+<li><a class="reference external" href="">url_request_info.h</a>
+- Contains <code>URLRequest</code> class for creating and manipulating URL requests</li>
+<li><a class="reference external" href="">url_response_info.h</a>
+- Contains <code>URLResponse</code> class for examaning URL responses</li>
+</section><section id="background">
+<h2 id="background">Background</h2>
+<p>When a user launches your Native Client web application, Chrome downloads and
+caches your application&#8217;s HTML file, manifest file (.nmf), and Native Client
+module (.pexe or .nexe). If your application needs additional assets, such as
+images and sound files, it must explicitly load those assets. You can use the
+Pepper APIs described in this chapter to load assets from a URL into your
+<p>After you&#8217;ve loaded assets into your application, Chrome will cache those
+assets. To avoid being at the whim of the Chrome cache, however, you may want
+to use the <a class="reference external" href="">Pepper FileIO API</a>
+to write those assets to a persistent, sandboxed location on the user&#8217;s file
+</section><section id="the-url-loader-example">
+<h2 id="the-url-loader-example">The <code>url_loader</code> example</h2>
+<p>The SDK includes an example called <code>url_loader</code> demonstrating downloading
+files from a server. This example has these primary files:</p>
+<ul class="small-gap">
+<li><code>index.html</code> - The HTML code that launches the Native Client module.</li>
+<li><code>example.js</code> - The JavaScript file for index.html. It has code that sends
+a PostMessage request to the Native Client module when the &#8220;Get URL&#8221; button
+is clicked.</li>
+<li><code>url_loader_success.html</code> - An HTML file on the server whose contents are
+being retrieved using the <code>URLLoader</code> API.</li>
+<li><code></code> - The code that sets up and provides and entry point into
+the Native client module.</li>
+<li><code></code> - The code that retrieves the contents of the
+url_loader_success.html file and returns the results (this is where the
+bulk of the work is done).</li>
+<p>The remainder of this document covers the code in the <code></code> and
+<code></code> files.</p>
+<section id="url-loading-overview">
+<h3 id="url-loading-overview">URL loading overview</h3>
+<p>Like many Pepper APIs, the <code>URLLoader</code> API includes a set of methods that
+execute asynchronously and that invoke callback functions in your Native Client
+module. The high-level flow for the <code>url_loader</code> example is described below.
+Note that methods in the namespace <code>pp::URLLoader</code> are part of the Pepper
+<code>URLLoader</code> API, while the rest of the functions are part of the code in the
+Native Client module (specifically in the file <code></code>). The
+following image shows the flow of the <code>url_loader_handler</code> code:</p>
+<img alt="/native-client/images/pepper-urlloader-api.png" src="/native-client/images/pepper-urlloader-api.png" />
+<p>Following are the high-level steps involved in URL loading.</p>
+<ol class="arabic simple">
+<li>The Native Client module calls <code>pp::URLLoader::Open</code> to begin opening the
+<li>When <code>Open</code> completes, it invokes a callback function in the Native Client
+module (in this case, <code>OnOpen</code>).</li>
+<li>The Native Client module calls the Pepper function
+<code>URLLoader::ReadResponseBody</code> to begin reading the response body with the
+data. <code>ReadResponseBody</code> is passed an optional callback function in the
+Native Client module (in this case, On <code>Read</code>). The callback function is
+an optional callback because <code>ReadResponseBody</code> may read data and return
+synchronously if data is available (this improves performance for large
+files and fast connections).</li>
+<p>The remainder of this document demonstrates how the previous steps are
+implemented in the <code>url_loader</code> example.</p>
+</section></section><section id="url-loader-deep-dive">
+<h2 id="url-loader-deep-dive"><code>url_loader</code> deep dive</h2>
+<section id="setting-up-the-request">
+<h3 id="setting-up-the-request">Setting up the request</h3>
+<p><code>HandleMessage</code> in <code></code> creates a <code>URLLoaderHandler</code> instance
+and passes it the URL of the asset to be retrieved. Then <code>HandleMessage</code>
+calls <code>Start</code> to start retrieving the asset from the server:</p>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+void URLLoaderInstance::HandleMessage(const pp::Var&amp; var_message) {
+ if (!var_message.is_string()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ std::string message = var_message.AsString();
+ if (message.find(kLoadUrlMethodId) == 0) {
+ // The argument to getUrl is everything after the first ':'.
+ size_t sep_pos = message.find_first_of(kMessageArgumentSeparator);
+ if (sep_pos != std::string::npos) {
+ std::string url = message.substr(sep_pos + 1);
+ printf(&quot;URLLoaderInstance::HandleMessage('%s', '%s')\n&quot;,
+ message.c_str(),
+ url.c_str());
+ fflush(stdout);
+ URLLoaderHandler* handler = URLLoaderHandler::Create(this, url);
+ if (handler != NULL) {
+ // Starts asynchronous download. When download is finished or when an
+ // error occurs, |handler| posts the results back to the browser
+ // vis PostMessage and self-destroys.
+ handler-&gt;Start();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+<p>Notice that the constructor for <code>URLLoaderHandler</code> in
+<code></code> sets up the parameters of the URL request (using
+<code>SetURL,</code> <code>SetMethod</code>, and <code>SetRecordDownloadProgress</code>):</p>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+URLLoaderHandler::URLLoaderHandler(pp::Instance* instance,
+ const std::string&amp; url)
+ : instance_(instance),
+ url_(url),
+ url_request_(instance),
+ url_loader_(instance),
+ buffer_(new char[READ_BUFFER_SIZE]),
+ cc_factory_(this) {
+ url_request_.SetURL(url);
+ url_request_.SetMethod(&quot;GET&quot;);
+ url_request_.SetRecordDownloadProgress(true);
+</section><section id="downloading-the-data">
+<h3 id="downloading-the-data">Downloading the data</h3>
+<p><code>Start</code> in <code></code> creates a callback (<code>cc</code>) using a
+<code>CompletionCallbackFactory</code>. The callback is passed to <code>Open</code> to be called
+upon its completion. <code>Open</code> begins loading the <code>URLRequestInfo</code>.</p>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+void URLLoaderHandler::Start() {
+ pp::CompletionCallback cc =
+ cc_factory_.NewCallback(&amp;URLLoaderHandler::OnOpen);
+ url_loader_.Open(url_request_, cc);
+<p><code>OnOpen</code> ensures that the Open call was successful and, if so, calls
+<code>GetDownloadProgress</code> to determine the amount of data to be downloaded so it
+can allocate memory for the response body.</p>
+<p>Note that the amount of data to be downloaded may be unknown, in which case
+<code>GetDownloadProgress</code> sets <code>total_bytes_to_be_received</code> to -1. It is not a
+problem if <code>total_bytes_to_be_received</code> is set to -1 or if
+<code>GetDownloadProgress</code> fails; in these scenarios memory for the read buffer
+can&#8217;t be allocated in advance and must be allocated as data is received.</p>
+<p>Finally, <code>OnOpen</code> calls <code>ReadBody.</code></p>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+void URLLoaderHandler::OnOpen(int32_t result) {
+ if (result != PP_OK) {
+ ReportResultAndDie(url_, &quot;pp::URLLoader::Open() failed&quot;, false);
+ return;
+ }
+ int64_t bytes_received = 0;
+ int64_t total_bytes_to_be_received = 0;
+ if (url_loader_.GetDownloadProgress(&amp;bytes_received,
+ &amp;total_bytes_to_be_received)) {
+ if (total_bytes_to_be_received &gt; 0) {
+ url_response_body_.reserve(total_bytes_to_be_received);
+ }
+ }
+ url_request_.SetRecordDownloadProgress(false);
+ ReadBody();
+<p><code>ReadBody</code> creates another <code>CompletionCallback</code> (a <code>NewOptionalCallback</code>)
+and passes it to <code>ReadResponseBody,</code> which reads the response body, and
+<code>AppendDataBytes,</code> which appends the resulting data to the previously read
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+void URLLoaderHandler::ReadBody() {
+ pp::CompletionCallback cc =
+ cc_factory_.NewOptionalCallback(&amp;URLLoaderHandler::OnRead);
+ int32_t result = PP_OK;
+ do {
+ result = url_loader_.ReadResponseBody(buffer_, READ_BUFFER_SIZE, cc);
+ if (result &gt; 0) {
+ AppendDataBytes(buffer_, result);
+ }
+ } while (result &gt; 0);
+ if (result != PP_OK_COMPLETIONPENDING) {
+ cc.Run(result);
+ }
+void URLLoaderHandler::AppendDataBytes(const char* buffer, int32_t num_bytes) {
+ if (num_bytes &lt;= 0)
+ return;
+ num_bytes = std::min(READ_BUFFER_SIZE, num_bytes);
+ url_response_body_.insert(
+ url_response_body_.end(), buffer, buffer + num_bytes);
+<p>Eventually either all the bytes have been read for the entire file (resulting
+in <code>PP_OK</code> or 0), all the bytes have been read for what has been
+downloaded, but more is to be downloaded (<code>PP_OK_COMPLETIONPENDING</code> or -1),
+or there is an error (less than -1). <code>OnRead</code> is called in the event of an
+error or <code>PP_OK</code>.</p>
+</section><section id="displaying-a-result">
+<h3 id="displaying-a-result">Displaying a result</h3>
+<p>OnRead calls <code>ReportResultAndDie</code> when either an error or <code>PP_OK</code> is
+returned to indicate streaming of file is complete. <code>ReportResultAndDie</code> then
+calls <code>ReportResult,</code> which calls <code>PostMessage</code> to send the result back to
+the HTML page.</p>
diff --git a/native_client_sdk/doc_generated/devguide/coding/view-focus-input-events.html b/native_client_sdk/doc_generated/devguide/coding/view-focus-input-events.html
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index 0000000..9c23179
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+++ b/native_client_sdk/doc_generated/devguide/coding/view-focus-input-events.html
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+<section id="view-change-focus-and-input-events">
+<span id="view-focus-input-events"></span><h1 id="view-change-focus-and-input-events"><span id="view-focus-input-events"></span>View Change, Focus, and Input Events</h1>
+<div class="contents local topic" id="contents">
+<ul class="small-gap">
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#overview" id="id2">Overview</a></li>
+<li><p class="first"><a class="reference internal" href="#handling-browser-events" id="id3">Handling browser events</a></p>
+<ul class="small-gap">
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#didchangeview" id="id4">DidChangeView()</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#didchangefocus" id="id5">DidChangeFocus()</a></li>
+<li><p class="first"><a class="reference internal" href="#handling-input-events" id="id6">Handling input events</a></p>
+<ul class="small-gap">
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#registering-a-module-to-accept-input-events" id="id7">Registering a module to accept input events</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#determining-and-branching-on-event-types" id="id8">Determining and branching on event types</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#threading-and-blocking" id="id9">Threading and blocking</a></li>
+<p>This chapter describes view change, focus, and input event handling for a
+Native Client module. The chapter assumes you are familiar with the
+material presented in the <a class="reference internal" href="/native-client/overview.html"><em>Technical Overview</em></a>.</p>
+<p>There are two examples used in this chapter to illustrate basic
+programming techniques. The <code>input_events</code> example is used to
+illustrate how your module can react to keyboard and mouse input
+event. The <code>mouse_lock</code> example is used to illustrate how your module
+can react to view change events. You can find these examples in the
+<code>/examples/api/input_events</code> and <code>/examples/api/mouse_lock</code>
+directories in the Native Client SDK. There is also the
+ppapi_simple library that can be used to to implement most of the
+boiler plate. The <code>pi_generator</code> example in
+<code>/examples/demo/pi_generator</code> uses ppapi_simple to manage view
+change events and 2D graphics.</p>
+<section id="overview">
+<h2 id="overview">Overview</h2>
+<p>When a user interacts with the web page using a keyboard, mouse or
+some other input device, the browser generates input events.
+In a traditional web application, these input events are
+passed to and handled in JavaScript, typically through event listeners
+and event handlers. In a Native Client application, user interaction
+with an instance of a module (e.g., clicking inside the rectangle
+managed by a module) also generates input events, which are passed to
+the module. The browser also passes view change and focus events that
+affect a module&#8217;s instance to the module. Native Client modules can
+override certain functions in the <a class="reference external" href="">pp::Instance</a>
+class to handle input and browser events. These functions are listed in
+the table below:</p>
+<table border="1" class="docutils">
+<thead valign="bottom">
+<tr class="row-odd"><th class="head">Function</th>
+<th class="head">Event</th>
+<th class="head">Use</th>
+<tbody valign="top">
+<tr class="row-even"><td><code>DidChangeView</code></td>
+<td>Called when the position,
+size, or clip rectangle
+of the module&#8217;s instance in
+the browser has changed.
+This event also occurs
+when browser window is
+resized or mouse wheel
+is scrolled.</td>
+<td>An implementation
+of this function
+might check the size
+of the module
+instance&#8217;s rectangle
+has changed and
+reallocate the
+graphics context
+when a different
+size is received.</td>
+<tr class="row-odd"><td><code>DidChangeFocus</code></td>
+<td>Called when the module&#8217;s
+instance in the browser
+has gone in or out of
+focus (usually by
+clicking inside or
+outside the module
+instance). Having focus
+means that keyboard
+events will be sent to
+the module instance.
+An instance&#8217;s default
+condition is that it
+does not have focus.</td>
+<td>An implementation
+of this function
+might start or stop
+an animation or a
+blinking cursor.</td>
+<tr class="row-even"><td><code>HandleDocumentLoad</code></td>
+<td>Called after
+for a full-frame module
+instance that was
+instantiated based on
+the MIME type of a
+DOMWindow navigation.
+This situation only
+applies to modules that
+are pre-registered to
+handle certain MIME
+types. If you haven&#8217;t
+specifically registered
+to handle a MIME type or
+aren&#8217;t positive this
+applies to you, your
+implementation of this
+function can just return
+<td>This API is only
+applicable when you
+are writing an
+extension to enhance
+the abilities of
+the Chrome web
+browser. For
+example, a PDF
+viewer might
+implement this
+function to download
+and display a PDF
+<tr class="row-odd"><td><code>HandleInputEvent</code></td>
+<td>Called when a user
+interacts with the
+module&#8217;s instance in the
+browser using an input
+device such as a mouse
+or keyboard. You must
+register your module to
+accept input events
+for mouse events and
+for keyboard events
+prior to overriding this
+<td>An implementation of
+this function
+examines the input
+event type and
+branches accordingly.</td>
+<p>These interfaces are found in the <a class="reference external" href="">pp::Instance class</a>.
+The sections below provide examples of how to handle these events.</p>
+</section><section id="handling-browser-events">
+<h2 id="handling-browser-events">Handling browser events</h2>
+<section id="didchangeview">
+<h3 id="didchangeview">DidChangeView()</h3>
+<p>In the <code>mouse_lock</code> example, <code>DidChangeView()</code> checks the previous size
+of instance&#8217;s rectangle versus the new size. It also compares
+other state such as whether or not the app is running in full screen mode.
+If none of the state has actually changed, no action is needed.
+However, if the size of the view or other state has changed, it frees the
+old graphics context and allocates a new one.</p>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+void MouseLockInstance::DidChangeView(const pp::View&amp; view) {
+ // DidChangeView can get called for many reasons, so we only want to
+ // rebuild the device context if we really need to.
+ if ((size_ == view.GetRect().size()) &amp;&amp;
+ (was_fullscreen_ == view.IsFullscreen()) &amp;&amp; is_context_bound_) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // ...
+ // Reallocate the graphics context.
+ size_ = view.GetRect().size();
+ device_context_ = pp::Graphics2D(this, size_, false);
+ waiting_for_flush_completion_ = false;
+ is_context_bound_ = BindGraphics(device_context_);
+ // ...
+ // Remember if we are fullscreen or not
+ was_fullscreen_ = view.IsFullscreen();
+ // ...
+<p>For more information about graphics contexts and how to manipulate images, see:</p>
+<ul class="small-gap">
+<li><a class="reference external" href="">pp::ImageData class</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference external" href="">pp::Graphics2D class</a></li>
+</section><section id="didchangefocus">
+<h3 id="didchangefocus">DidChangeFocus()</h3>
+<p><code>DidChangeFocus()</code> is called when you click inside or outside of a
+module&#8217;s instance in the web page. When the instance goes out
+of focus (click outside of the instance), you might do something
+like stop an animation. When the instance regains focus, you can
+restart the animation.</p>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+void DidChangeFocus(bool focus) {
+ // Do something like stopping animation or a blinking cursor in
+ // the instance.
+</section></section><section id="handling-input-events">
+<h2 id="handling-input-events">Handling input events</h2>
+<p>Input events are events that occur when the user interacts with a
+module instance using the mouse, keyboard, or other input device
+(e.g., touch screen). This section describes how the <code>input_events</code>
+example handles input events.</p>
+<section id="registering-a-module-to-accept-input-events">
+<h3 id="registering-a-module-to-accept-input-events">Registering a module to accept input events</h3>
+<p>Before your module can handle these events, you must register your
+module to accept input events using <code>RequestInputEvents()</code> for mouse
+events and <code>RequestFilteringInputEvents()</code> for keyboard events. For the
+<code>input_events</code> example, this is done in the constructor of the
+<code>InputEventInstance</code> class:</p>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+class InputEventInstance : public pp::Instance {
+ public:
+ explicit InputEventInstance(PP_Instance instance)
+ : pp::Instance(instance), event_thread_(NULL), callback_factory_(this) {
+ RequestFilteringInputEvents(PP_INPUTEVENT_CLASS_KEYBOARD);
+ }
+ // ...
+<p><code>RequestInputEvents()</code> and <code>RequestFilteringInputEvents()</code> accept a
+combination of flags that identify the class of events that the
+instance is requesting to receive. Input event classes are defined in
+the <a class="reference external" href="">PP_InputEvent_Class</a>
+enumeration in <a class="reference external" href="">ppb_input_event.h</a>.</p>
+</section><section id="determining-and-branching-on-event-types">
+<h3 id="determining-and-branching-on-event-types">Determining and branching on event types</h3>
+<p>In a typical implementation, the <code>HandleInputEvent()</code> function
+determines the type of each event using the <code>GetType()</code> function found
+in the <code>InputEvent</code> class. The <code>HandleInputEvent()</code> function then uses a
+switch statement to branch on the type of input event. Input events
+are defined in the <a class="reference external" href="">PP_InputEvent_Type</a>
+enumeration in <a class="reference external" href="">ppb_input_event.h</a>.</p>
+<pre class="prettyprint">
+virtual bool HandleInputEvent(const pp::InputEvent&amp; event) {
+ Event* event_ptr = NULL;
+ switch (event.GetType()) {
+ break;
+ pp::MouseInputEvent mouse_event(event);
+ PP_InputEvent_MouseButton pp_button = mouse_event.GetButton();
+ MouseEvent::MouseButton mouse_button = MouseEvent::kNone;
+ switch (pp_button) {
+ mouse_button = MouseEvent::kNone;
+ break;
+ mouse_button = MouseEvent::kLeft;
+ break;
+ mouse_button = MouseEvent::kMiddle;
+ break;
+ mouse_button = MouseEvent::kRight;
+ break;
+ }
+ event_ptr =
+ new MouseEvent(ConvertEventModifier(mouse_event.GetModifiers()),
+ mouse_button,
+ mouse_event.GetPosition().x(),
+ mouse_event.GetPosition().y(),
+ mouse_event.GetClickCount(),
+ mouse_event.GetTimeStamp(),
+ } break;
+ pp::WheelInputEvent wheel_event(event);
+ event_ptr =
+ new WheelEvent(ConvertEventModifier(wheel_event.GetModifiers()),
+ wheel_event.GetDelta().x(),
+ wheel_event.GetDelta().y(),
+ wheel_event.GetTicks().x(),
+ wheel_event.GetTicks().y(),
+ wheel_event.GetScrollByPage(),
+ wheel_event.GetTimeStamp());
+ } break;
+ pp::KeyboardInputEvent key_event(event);
+ event_ptr = new KeyEvent(ConvertEventModifier(key_event.GetModifiers()),
+ key_event.GetKeyCode(),
+ key_event.GetTimeStamp(),
+ key_event.GetCharacterText().DebugString());
+ } break;
+ default: {
+ // For any unhandled events, send a message to the browser
+ // so that the user is aware of these and can investigate.
+ std::stringstream oss;
+ oss &lt;&lt; &quot;Default (unhandled) event, type=&quot; &lt;&lt; event.GetType();
+ PostMessage(oss.str());
+ } break;
+ }
+ event_queue_.Push(event_ptr);
+ return true;
+<p>Notice that the generic <code>InputEvent</code> received by <code>HandleInputEvent()</code> is
+converted into a specific type after the event type is
+determined. The event types handled in the example code are
+<code>MouseInputEvent</code>, <code>WheelInputEvent</code>, and <code>KeyboardInputEvent</code>.
+There are also <code>TouchInputEvents</code>. For the latest list of event types,
+see the <a class="reference external" href="">InputEvent documentation</a>.
+For reference information related to the these event classes, see the
+following documentation:</p>
+<ul class="small-gap">
+<li><a class="reference external" href="">pp::MouseInputEvent class</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference external" href="">pp::WheelInputEvent class</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference external" href="">pp::KeyboardInputEvent class</a></li>
+</section><section id="threading-and-blocking">
+<h3 id="threading-and-blocking">Threading and blocking</h3>
+<p><code>HandleInputEvent()</code> in this example runs on the main module thread.
+However, the bulk of the work happens on a separate worker thread (see
+<code>ProcessEventOnWorkerThread</code>). <code>HandleInputEvent()</code> puts events in
+the <code>event_queue_</code> and the worker thread takes events from the
+<code>event_queue_</code>. This processing happens independently of the main
+thread, so as not to slow down the browser.</p>