path: root/mojo/edk/system/
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Diffstat (limited to 'mojo/edk/system/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 604 deletions
diff --git a/mojo/edk/system/ b/mojo/edk/system/
deleted file mode 100644
index 71d7208..0000000
--- a/mojo/edk/system/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,604 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "mojo/edk/system/channel.h"
-#include <algorithm>
-#include "base/bind.h"
-#include "base/logging.h"
-#include "base/macros.h"
-#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
-#include "mojo/edk/embedder/platform_handle_vector.h"
-#include "mojo/edk/system/endpoint_relayer.h"
-#include "mojo/edk/system/transport_data.h"
-namespace mojo {
-namespace system {
-namespace {
-struct SerializedEndpoint {
- // This is the endpoint ID on the receiving side, and should be a "remote ID".
- // (The receiving side should already have had an endpoint attached and been
- // run via the |Channel|s. This endpoint will have both IDs assigned, so this
- // ID is only needed to associate that endpoint with a particular dispatcher.)
- ChannelEndpointId receiver_endpoint_id;
-} // namespace
-Channel::Channel(embedder::PlatformSupport* platform_support)
- : platform_support_(platform_support),
- is_running_(false),
- is_shutting_down_(false),
- channel_manager_(nullptr) {
-void Channel::Init(scoped_ptr<RawChannel> raw_channel) {
- DCHECK(creation_thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- DCHECK(raw_channel);
- // No need to take |lock_|, since this must be called before this object
- // becomes thread-safe.
- DCHECK(!is_running_);
- raw_channel_ = raw_channel.Pass();
- raw_channel_->Init(this);
- is_running_ = true;
-void Channel::SetChannelManager(ChannelManager* channel_manager) {
- DCHECK(channel_manager);
- base::AutoLock locker(lock_);
- DCHECK(!is_shutting_down_);
- DCHECK(!channel_manager_);
- channel_manager_ = channel_manager;
-void Channel::Shutdown() {
- DCHECK(creation_thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- IdToEndpointMap to_destroy;
- {
- base::AutoLock locker(lock_);
- if (!is_running_)
- return;
- // Note: Don't reset |raw_channel_|, in case we're being called from within
- // |OnReadMessage()| or |OnError()|.
- raw_channel_->Shutdown();
- is_running_ = false;
- // We need to deal with it outside the lock.
- std::swap(to_destroy, local_id_to_endpoint_map_);
- }
- size_t num_live = 0;
- size_t num_zombies = 0;
- for (IdToEndpointMap::iterator it = to_destroy.begin();
- it != to_destroy.end(); ++it) {
- if (it->second) {
- num_live++;
- it->second->DetachFromChannel();
- } else {
- num_zombies++;
- }
- }
- DVLOG_IF(2, num_live || num_zombies) << "Shut down Channel with " << num_live
- << " live endpoints and " << num_zombies
- << " zombies";
-void Channel::WillShutdownSoon() {
- base::AutoLock locker(lock_);
- is_shutting_down_ = true;
- channel_manager_ = nullptr;
-void Channel::SetBootstrapEndpoint(scoped_refptr<ChannelEndpoint> endpoint) {
- DCHECK(endpoint);
- // Used for both local and remote IDs.
- ChannelEndpointId bootstrap_id = ChannelEndpointId::GetBootstrap();
- {
- base::AutoLock locker(lock_);
- DLOG_IF(WARNING, is_shutting_down_)
- << "SetBootstrapEndpoint() while shutting down";
- // Bootstrap endpoint should be the first.
- DCHECK(local_id_to_endpoint_map_.empty());
- local_id_to_endpoint_map_[bootstrap_id] = endpoint;
- }
- endpoint->AttachAndRun(this, bootstrap_id, bootstrap_id);
-bool Channel::WriteMessage(scoped_ptr<MessageInTransit> message) {
- base::AutoLock locker(lock_);
- if (!is_running_) {
- // TODO(vtl): I think this is probably not an error condition, but I should
- // think about it (and the shutdown sequence) more carefully.
- LOG(WARNING) << "WriteMessage() after shutdown";
- return false;
- }
- DLOG_IF(WARNING, is_shutting_down_) << "WriteMessage() while shutting down";
- return raw_channel_->WriteMessage(message.Pass());
-bool Channel::IsWriteBufferEmpty() {
- base::AutoLock locker(lock_);
- if (!is_running_)
- return true;
- return raw_channel_->IsWriteBufferEmpty();
-void Channel::DetachEndpoint(ChannelEndpoint* endpoint,
- ChannelEndpointId local_id,
- ChannelEndpointId remote_id) {
- DCHECK(endpoint);
- DCHECK(local_id.is_valid());
- if (!remote_id.is_valid())
- return; // Nothing to do.
- {
- base::AutoLock locker_(lock_);
- if (!is_running_)
- return;
- IdToEndpointMap::iterator it = local_id_to_endpoint_map_.find(local_id);
- // We detach immediately if we receive a remove message, so it's possible
- // that the local ID is no longer in |local_id_to_endpoint_map_|, or even
- // that it's since been reused for another endpoint. In both cases, there's
- // nothing more to do.
- if (it == local_id_to_endpoint_map_.end() || it->second.get() != endpoint)
- return;
- DCHECK(it->second);
- it->second = nullptr;
- // Send a remove message outside the lock.
- }
- if (!SendControlMessage(MessageInTransit::kSubtypeChannelRemoveEndpoint,
- local_id, remote_id)) {
- HandleLocalError(base::StringPrintf(
- "Failed to send message to remove remote endpoint (local ID %u, remote "
- "ID %u)",
- static_cast<unsigned>(local_id.value()),
- static_cast<unsigned>(remote_id.value())));
- }
-size_t Channel::GetSerializedEndpointSize() const {
- return sizeof(SerializedEndpoint);
-void Channel::SerializeEndpointWithClosedPeer(
- void* destination,
- MessageInTransitQueue* message_queue) {
- // We can actually just pass no client to |SerializeEndpointWithLocalPeer()|.
- SerializeEndpointWithLocalPeer(destination, message_queue, nullptr, 0);
-scoped_refptr<ChannelEndpoint> Channel::SerializeEndpointWithLocalPeer(
- void* destination,
- MessageInTransitQueue* message_queue,
- ChannelEndpointClient* endpoint_client,
- unsigned endpoint_client_port) {
- DCHECK(destination);
- // Allow |endpoint_client| to be null, for use by
- // |SerializeEndpointWithClosedPeer()|.
- scoped_refptr<ChannelEndpoint> endpoint(new ChannelEndpoint(
- endpoint_client, endpoint_client_port, message_queue));
- SerializedEndpoint* s = static_cast<SerializedEndpoint*>(destination);
- s->receiver_endpoint_id = AttachAndRunEndpoint(endpoint);
- DVLOG(2) << "Serializing endpoint with local or closed peer (remote ID = "
- << s->receiver_endpoint_id << ")";
- return endpoint;
-void Channel::SerializeEndpointWithRemotePeer(
- void* destination,
- MessageInTransitQueue* message_queue,
- scoped_refptr<ChannelEndpoint> peer_endpoint) {
- DCHECK(destination);
- DCHECK(peer_endpoint);
- DLOG(WARNING) << "Direct message pipe passing across multiple channels not "
- "yet implemented; will proxy";
- // Create and set up an |EndpointRelayer| to proxy.
- // TODO(vtl): If we were to own/track the relayer directly (rather than owning
- // it via its |ChannelEndpoint|s), then we might be able to make
- // |ChannelEndpoint|'s |client_| pointer a raw pointer.
- scoped_refptr<EndpointRelayer> relayer(new EndpointRelayer());
- scoped_refptr<ChannelEndpoint> endpoint(
- new ChannelEndpoint(relayer.get(), 0, message_queue));
- relayer->Init(endpoint.get(), peer_endpoint.get());
- peer_endpoint->ReplaceClient(relayer.get(), 1);
- SerializedEndpoint* s = static_cast<SerializedEndpoint*>(destination);
- s->receiver_endpoint_id = AttachAndRunEndpoint(endpoint);
- DVLOG(2) << "Serializing endpoint with remote peer (remote ID = "
- << s->receiver_endpoint_id << ")";
-scoped_refptr<IncomingEndpoint> Channel::DeserializeEndpoint(
- const void* source) {
- const SerializedEndpoint* s = static_cast<const SerializedEndpoint*>(source);
- ChannelEndpointId local_id = s->receiver_endpoint_id;
- // No need to check the validity of |local_id| -- if it's not valid, it simply
- // won't be in |incoming_endpoints_|.
- DVLOG_IF(2, !local_id.is_valid() || !local_id.is_remote())
- << "Attempt to get incoming endpoint for invalid ID " << local_id;
- base::AutoLock locker(lock_);
- auto it = incoming_endpoints_.find(local_id);
- if (it == incoming_endpoints_.end()) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to deserialize endpoint (ID = " << local_id << ")";
- return nullptr;
- }
- DVLOG(2) << "Deserializing endpoint (new local ID = " << local_id << ")";
- scoped_refptr<IncomingEndpoint> rv;
- rv.swap(it->second);
- incoming_endpoints_.erase(it);
- return rv;
-size_t Channel::GetSerializedPlatformHandleSize() const {
- return raw_channel_->GetSerializedPlatformHandleSize();
-Channel::~Channel() {
- // The channel should have been shut down first.
- DCHECK(!is_running_);
-void Channel::OnReadMessage(
- const MessageInTransit::View& message_view,
- embedder::ScopedPlatformHandleVectorPtr platform_handles) {
- DCHECK(creation_thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- switch (message_view.type()) {
- case MessageInTransit::kTypeEndpoint:
- OnReadMessageForEndpoint(message_view, platform_handles.Pass());
- break;
- case MessageInTransit::kTypeChannel:
- OnReadMessageForChannel(message_view, platform_handles.Pass());
- break;
- default:
- HandleRemoteError(
- base::StringPrintf("Received message of invalid type %u",
- static_cast<unsigned>(message_view.type())));
- break;
- }
-void Channel::OnError(Error error) {
- DCHECK(creation_thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- switch (error) {
- // The other side was cleanly closed, so this isn't actually an error.
- DVLOG(1) << "RawChannel read error (shutdown)";
- break;
- base::AutoLock locker(lock_);
- LOG_IF(ERROR, !is_shutting_down_)
- << "RawChannel read error (connection broken)";
- break;
- }
- // Receiving a bad message means either a bug, data corruption, or
- // malicious attack (probably due to some other bug).
- LOG(ERROR) << "RawChannel read error (received bad message)";
- break;
- LOG(ERROR) << "RawChannel read error (unknown)";
- break;
- // Write errors are slightly notable: they probably shouldn't happen under
- // normal operation (but maybe the other side crashed).
- LOG(WARNING) << "RawChannel write error";
- break;
- }
- Shutdown();
-void Channel::OnReadMessageForEndpoint(
- const MessageInTransit::View& message_view,
- embedder::ScopedPlatformHandleVectorPtr platform_handles) {
- DCHECK(creation_thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- DCHECK(message_view.type() == MessageInTransit::kTypeEndpoint);
- ChannelEndpointId local_id = message_view.destination_id();
- if (!local_id.is_valid()) {
- HandleRemoteError("Received message with no destination ID");
- return;
- }
- scoped_refptr<ChannelEndpoint> endpoint;
- {
- base::AutoLock locker(lock_);
- // Since we own |raw_channel_|, and this method and |Shutdown()| should only
- // be called from the creation thread, |raw_channel_| should never be null
- // here.
- DCHECK(is_running_);
- IdToEndpointMap::const_iterator it =
- local_id_to_endpoint_map_.find(local_id);
- if (it != local_id_to_endpoint_map_.end()) {
- // Ignore messages for zombie endpoints (not an error).
- if (!it->second) {
- DVLOG(2) << "Ignoring downstream message for zombie endpoint (local ID "
- "= " << local_id
- << ", remote ID = " << message_view.source_id() << ")";
- return;
- }
- endpoint = it->second;
- }
- }
- if (!endpoint) {
- HandleRemoteError(base::StringPrintf(
- "Received a message for nonexistent local destination ID %u",
- static_cast<unsigned>(local_id.value())));
- // This is strongly indicative of some problem. However, it's not a fatal
- // error, since it may indicate a buggy (or hostile) remote process. Don't
- // die even for Debug builds, since handling this properly needs to be
- // tested (TODO(vtl)).
- DLOG(ERROR) << "This should not happen under normal operation.";
- return;
- }
- scoped_ptr<MessageInTransit> message(new MessageInTransit(message_view));
- if (message_view.transport_data_buffer_size() > 0) {
- DCHECK(message_view.transport_data_buffer());
- message->SetDispatchers(TransportData::DeserializeDispatchers(
- message_view.transport_data_buffer(),
- message_view.transport_data_buffer_size(), platform_handles.Pass(),
- this));
- }
- endpoint->OnReadMessage(message.Pass());
-void Channel::OnReadMessageForChannel(
- const MessageInTransit::View& message_view,
- embedder::ScopedPlatformHandleVectorPtr platform_handles) {
- DCHECK(creation_thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- DCHECK_EQ(message_view.type(), MessageInTransit::kTypeChannel);
- // Currently, no channel messages take platform handles.
- if (platform_handles) {
- HandleRemoteError(
- "Received invalid channel message (has platform handles)");
- return;
- }
- switch (message_view.subtype()) {
- case MessageInTransit::kSubtypeChannelAttachAndRunEndpoint:
- DVLOG(2) << "Handling channel message to attach and run endpoint (local "
- "ID " << message_view.destination_id() << ", remote ID "
- << message_view.source_id() << ")";
- if (!OnAttachAndRunEndpoint(message_view.destination_id(),
- message_view.source_id())) {
- HandleRemoteError(
- "Received invalid channel message to attach and run endpoint");
- }
- break;
- case MessageInTransit::kSubtypeChannelRemoveEndpoint:
- DVLOG(2) << "Handling channel message to remove endpoint (local ID "
- << message_view.destination_id() << ", remote ID "
- << message_view.source_id() << ")";
- if (!OnRemoveEndpoint(message_view.destination_id(),
- message_view.source_id())) {
- HandleRemoteError(
- "Received invalid channel message to remove endpoint");
- }
- break;
- case MessageInTransit::kSubtypeChannelRemoveEndpointAck:
- DVLOG(2) << "Handling channel message to ack remove endpoint (local ID "
- << message_view.destination_id() << ", remote ID "
- << message_view.source_id() << ")";
- if (!OnRemoveEndpointAck(message_view.destination_id())) {
- HandleRemoteError(
- "Received invalid channel message to ack remove endpoint");
- }
- break;
- default:
- HandleRemoteError("Received invalid channel message");
- break;
- }
-bool Channel::OnAttachAndRunEndpoint(ChannelEndpointId local_id,
- ChannelEndpointId remote_id) {
- // We should only get this for remotely-created local endpoints, so our local
- // ID should be "remote".
- if (!local_id.is_valid() || !local_id.is_remote()) {
- DVLOG(2) << "Received attach and run endpoint with invalid local ID";
- return false;
- }
- // Conversely, the remote end should be "local".
- if (!remote_id.is_valid() || remote_id.is_remote()) {
- DVLOG(2) << "Received attach and run endpoint with invalid remote ID";
- return false;
- }
- // Create/initialize an |IncomingEndpoint| and thus an endpoint (outside the
- // lock).
- scoped_refptr<IncomingEndpoint> incoming_endpoint(new IncomingEndpoint());
- scoped_refptr<ChannelEndpoint> endpoint = incoming_endpoint->Init();
- bool success = true;
- {
- base::AutoLock locker(lock_);
- if (local_id_to_endpoint_map_.find(local_id) ==
- local_id_to_endpoint_map_.end()) {
- DCHECK(incoming_endpoints_.find(local_id) == incoming_endpoints_.end());
- // TODO(vtl): Use emplace when we move to C++11 unordered_maps. (It'll
- // avoid some refcount churn.)
- local_id_to_endpoint_map_[local_id] = endpoint;
- incoming_endpoints_[local_id] = incoming_endpoint;
- } else {
- // We need to call |Close()| outside the lock.
- success = false;
- }
- }
- if (!success) {
- DVLOG(2) << "Received attach and run endpoint for existing local ID";
- incoming_endpoint->Close();
- return false;
- }
- endpoint->AttachAndRun(this, local_id, remote_id);
- return true;
-bool Channel::OnRemoveEndpoint(ChannelEndpointId local_id,
- ChannelEndpointId remote_id) {
- DCHECK(creation_thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- scoped_refptr<ChannelEndpoint> endpoint;
- {
- base::AutoLock locker(lock_);
- IdToEndpointMap::iterator it = local_id_to_endpoint_map_.find(local_id);
- if (it == local_id_to_endpoint_map_.end()) {
- DVLOG(2) << "Remove endpoint error: not found";
- return false;
- }
- if (!it->second) {
- // Remove messages "crossed"; we have to wait for the ack.
- return true;
- }
- endpoint = it->second;
- local_id_to_endpoint_map_.erase(it);
- // Detach and send the remove ack message outside the lock.
- }
- endpoint->DetachFromChannel();
- if (!SendControlMessage(MessageInTransit::kSubtypeChannelRemoveEndpointAck,
- local_id, remote_id)) {
- HandleLocalError(base::StringPrintf(
- "Failed to send message to ack remove remote endpoint (local ID %u, "
- "remote ID %u)",
- static_cast<unsigned>(local_id.value()),
- static_cast<unsigned>(remote_id.value())));
- }
- return true;
-bool Channel::OnRemoveEndpointAck(ChannelEndpointId local_id) {
- DCHECK(creation_thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- base::AutoLock locker(lock_);
- IdToEndpointMap::iterator it = local_id_to_endpoint_map_.find(local_id);
- if (it == local_id_to_endpoint_map_.end()) {
- DVLOG(2) << "Remove endpoint ack error: not found";
- return false;
- }
- if (it->second) {
- DVLOG(2) << "Remove endpoint ack error: wrong state";
- return false;
- }
- local_id_to_endpoint_map_.erase(it);
- return true;
-void Channel::HandleRemoteError(const base::StringPiece& error_message) {
- // TODO(vtl): Is this how we really want to handle this? Probably we want to
- // terminate the connection, since it's spewing invalid stuff.
- LOG(WARNING) << error_message;
-void Channel::HandleLocalError(const base::StringPiece& error_message) {
- // TODO(vtl): Is this how we really want to handle this?
- // Sometimes we'll want to propagate the error back to the message pipe
- // (endpoint), and notify it that the remote is (effectively) closed.
- // Sometimes we'll want to kill the channel (and notify all the endpoints that
- // their remotes are dead.
- LOG(WARNING) << error_message;
-// Note: |endpoint| being a |scoped_refptr| makes this function safe, since it
-// keeps the endpoint alive even after the lock is released. Otherwise, there's
-// the temptation to simply pass the result of |new ChannelEndpoint(...)|
-// directly to this function, which wouldn't be sufficient for safety.
-ChannelEndpointId Channel::AttachAndRunEndpoint(
- scoped_refptr<ChannelEndpoint> endpoint) {
- DCHECK(endpoint);
- ChannelEndpointId local_id;
- ChannelEndpointId remote_id;
- {
- base::AutoLock locker(lock_);
- DLOG_IF(WARNING, is_shutting_down_)
- << "AttachAndRunEndpoint() while shutting down";
- do {
- local_id = local_id_generator_.GetNext();
- } while (local_id_to_endpoint_map_.find(local_id) !=
- local_id_to_endpoint_map_.end());
- // TODO(vtl): We also need to check for collisions of remote IDs here.
- remote_id = remote_id_generator_.GetNext();
- local_id_to_endpoint_map_[local_id] = endpoint;
- }
- if (!SendControlMessage(MessageInTransit::kSubtypeChannelAttachAndRunEndpoint,
- local_id, remote_id)) {
- HandleLocalError(base::StringPrintf(
- "Failed to send message to run remote endpoint (local ID %u, remote ID "
- "%u)",
- static_cast<unsigned>(local_id.value()),
- static_cast<unsigned>(remote_id.value())));
- // TODO(vtl): Should we continue on to |AttachAndRun()|?
- }
- endpoint->AttachAndRun(this, local_id, remote_id);
- return remote_id;
-bool Channel::SendControlMessage(MessageInTransit::Subtype subtype,
- ChannelEndpointId local_id,
- ChannelEndpointId remote_id) {
- DVLOG(2) << "Sending channel control message: subtype " << subtype
- << ", local ID " << local_id << ", remote ID " << remote_id;
- scoped_ptr<MessageInTransit> message(new MessageInTransit(
- MessageInTransit::kTypeChannel, subtype, 0, nullptr));
- message->set_source_id(local_id);
- message->set_destination_id(remote_id);
- return WriteMessage(message.Pass());
-} // namespace system
-} // namespace mojo